Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 64: Li Xiaoyao's despair

"Go, Jiang Ming!"

The sword light was dazzling and dazzling, as if overwhelming! Chu Tian controlled Li Xiaoyao and launched a terrifying move!

Of course, Jiang Ming wouldn't be able to catch his hand.

"Xianfengyun body step!"

One figure turned into three figures, and dozens of sword qi flew towards Li Xiaoyao's body. Jian Qi collided violently in the air and burst into a strong roar!

Li Xiaoyao's sword energy is of average strength. After all, it is borrowed from Li Xiaoyao's aura. But that sword of mind is so powerful that it seems to destroy everything! Jiang Ming felt a devastating force from above, as if the soul had touched a trace of it, it would be wiped out immediately.

One after another, Jian Qi burst out of Jiang Ming's hands, but Li Xiaoyao ignored it!

In other words, Chu Tian, ​​no matter what!

Anyway, it ’s not Chu Tian ’s body, as long as the other party hit, Li Xiaoyao suffered multiple injuries, but it has nothing to do with Chu Tian! A little sword energy, mixed with undoubtedly the sword intention, broke out between the two. Chu Tian controlled Li Xiaoyao's body, and did not hide from it, withstood Jiang Ming Jianqi's attack!

However, that little sword spirit finally crossed the heavy blockade and rushed to Jiang Ming. Jiang Ming's soul, just touched by a small sword qi, trembles violently. The sword qi is like cutting tofu, cutting Jiang Ming's body in half ...

Jiang Ming's soul dissipated like smoke.



Jiang Waner cried bitterly. Chu Tian held Jiang Waner, comforting.

"Wan'er, rest assured! Although your father has gone, I will use supreme mana to overpower him, and in my next life, I will be reborn and become a rich man."

Jiang Wan'er threw himself in Chu Tian's arms, sobbing.

"Dad, Daddy has always been miserable, living in guilt, but Daddy has always been very good to me, very good."

"Relax, Waner, I will avenge your father!"

"Brother Chu! Brother Chu, thank you, you are so kind to me!"


Li Xiaoyao on the other side also regained consciousness at this time.

Chu Tian ’s control is more overbearing than the swordmaster, thorough! When Li Xiaoyao was under the control of Chu Tian, ​​he was in an unconscious state and did not know what happened.

Even Wang Xiaohu's death was unaware of it!

Looking at the empty space in front of me, there is Jiang Waner who is crying on the side, and ... Chu Tian who has had several connections. Li Xiaoyao is still confused.

"Cough, me, why am I hurt?"

Li Xiaoyao clutched his chest, still unknown.

There is a little blood on the sword, and there is a pool of blood on the ground in the distance, there is also Wang Xiaohu's body, and two arms ...

Li Xiaoyao was stunned in an instant.

Looking blankly at everything in front of him, Li Xiaoyao couldn't even speak.

"This this--"

Was it made by Shushan? Did Jiang Ming do it? still is--

Li Xiaoyao's brain was in a mess and he could no longer think. Sword qi with a lot of holes in the body told Li Xiaoyao that he experienced a fierce battle not long ago.

But there is clearly no memory.

"In the end, what the **** is going on." Li Xiaoyao murmured.

"Boy, don't pretend. Killing people to pay their lives, righteousness. Let me Chu Tian, ​​give you a ride!" Chu Tian patted Wan Er's shoulder and walked out slowly.

A long sword condensed with aura suddenly appeared. Chu Tian has never used weapons, because no one in this world deserves to use weapons. Reiki changes a lot, but it is the best choice.

Looking at Li Xiaoyao, Chu Tian's eyes moved to Li Xiaoyao's waist. A gourd hung around Li Xiaoyao's waist, Chu Tiannian looked at it, and understood everything.

The monsters in the lock demon tower have all been installed into this gourd by Li Xiaoyao.

"Okay, Li Xiaoyao, go die!"

The lightsaber in Chu Tian's hand suddenly left!

Like the arrow from the string, it flew to Li Xiaoyao quickly. Without any Taoist skills, Chu Tian threw this sword with the power of pure flesh. The long sword is flying fast, Li Xiaoyao hastily raised his sword and blocked it!


The sound oscillated in the lock demon tower, Li Xiaoyao's sword was folded into two parts from the middle, and the long sword with condensed aura rushed up, slammed into Li Xiaoyao's chest!


Chu Tian shouted, the sword suddenly exploded, and a strange energy spread in Li Xiaoyao ’s wound, just like the first attack to hurt the moon, this energy was destroyed all the time, Li Xiaoyao, need no Stop healing.

"Asshole !! What the **** is going on, who can tell me!"

Li Xiaoyao shouted and retreated quickly. Suddenly, Li Xiaoyao is still confused. The left hand tightly grasped the gourd around the waist. If there was no way, I could only use this gourd.

The big hole in the chest was terrifying and blood flowed momentarily. Li Xiaoyao finally knows that the pain he suffers every day during the moon worship. However, in order to fulfill Nu Wa's entrustment, Li Xiaoyao still gritted his teeth to prevent himself from fainting.

"I want to send this gourd to the Nuwa Temple!"

"The power of the earth, the power of the earth."

"I can't fail--"


Chu Tian looked at Li Xiaoyao and said, "The power of the earth? Does Nu Wa need that thing?"

Li Xiaoyao was shocked and looked at Chu Tian with vigilance: "How do you, you know what I think?"

He pulled out the second sword behind him and protected it in front of his chest. Li Xiaoyao looked at Chu Tian, ​​the fear in his heart increased as never before. With his left hand holding the gourd around his waist, it seems that there is still a hidden trick.

"Useless, this" killing trick "is just a child playing house." Chu Tian laughed.

"You, how can you see through people's minds, how can you—"

Li Xiaoyao waved his sword frantically, anger and fear broke out! Wang Xiaohu's cold body is not far away, Li Xiaoyao is now in a madness, but he is doing his best to wave his sword towards Chu Tian!

Sword spirit, chaotic and complicated.

Unfortunately, more than ten meters away from Chu Tian, ​​he was blocked by Chu Tian's thought barrier. Chu Tian, ​​don't move.

"Damn ————!"

Li Xiaoyao was holding the gourd around his waist, and was about to use his last trick. Under the crisis, I can't take care of that much!

But suddenly, Li Xiaoyao found that Chu Tian's eyes had moved away from him. The huge mental pressure suddenly dissipated into the invisible, Li Xiaoyao as a whole, as if instantly relieved dozens of pounds.

Chu Tian's attention was placed on another person. Looking towards Li Xiaoyao, Chu Tian smiled and said: "Almost forgot, you also came in."

A person also has a gourd hanging around his waist, but unfortunately it is just a gourd filled with wine. Dress casually, the smell of alcohol can be smelled 100 meters away.

"I can't think of you. In order to get rid of you, I was drunk especially drunk!" Jiu Jianxian shook and came forward.

Jiu Jianxian and Li Xiaoyao stood side by side, watching Chu Tian.

War intentions, strong!

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