Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 27: Daughter heart

Under Yu Tian's palm, Yu Canghai fell into a turbulent flow of space, with no bones. Before death, I never thought that there would be such a powerful person in the world ...

"Sister! It's really boring. It's just so little internal force, too little."

Chu Tian said to himself. However, although he said little, Chu Tian still politely used the star-sucking method across the sky to **** up a scattered Qingcheng faction and completely dry it ...

Solved the Qingcheng faction, it is a short entertainment program. Chu Tian picked up a jade piece from Yu Canghai's body as a proof of killing him. Then, walk towards the place where the young boy Lin Ping is forced ...

After half an hour.

Lin Pingzhi fell to his knees, worshipped Chu Tian again and again, and palmed his face, scolding himself confused! Lin Pingzhi, who hated Chu Tian before, was judged to be two!

Lin Pingzhi finally knew that everything Chu Tian did was to avenge him! Who can imagine that Chu Tian, ​​who refused his own request, would go back and kill Yu Canghai? Worthy of being a big man, I think the question is so thoughtful!

The worship of Chu Tian in Lin Ping's heart became more fanatical after this restraint!

Right now, Chu Tian is repeating a scam:

"... This is my Huashan Mountain's strongest internal skill," Gentleman Hunyuan Gong "! The strongest swordsmanship," Gentleman Sword "! Ping Zhi, practice well, with your qualifications, as long as you are willing to work hard, over time, it will become a master! "

"Thank you, Mr. Chu! Mr. Chu is so kind and unforgettable!" Lin Pingzhi said first.

"Well, your parents are in the Qingcheng school. If I shoot, I will definitely arouse suspicion. Pingzhi, study hard and rescue your parents!" Chu Tian said, turning his tone into a serious and serious voice. Said, "I have passed on these two exceptions to you. It is already illegal. Remember, don't let it leak! Otherwise, I will definitely scrap you by hand, I heard no!"

Lin Ping wailed and wept bitterly, only feeling that he had met the greatest person ever!

"Pingzhi, Pingzhi carefully follow the teaching!"

"Okay, Sao Nian, use my supreme skill to rescue your parents ..."

It was another boy who was pitted.

Chu Tian looked at Lin Pingzhi's hiding these two cheats as a treasure, and fart and fart ran away, and the fun of pitting people emerged again.

Why are these people so easily deceived? Sure enough, I was too smart! Chu Tianyang was complacent.

Back at the Huashan school, Chu Tian and everyone continued to play in Hengyang City for a while, and they were almost tired of playing, so they left to regret it.

Vast, returning to Huashan School again ...

When we arrived at Huashan School, it was already afternoon.

Chu Tianzheng is lying in a luxurious sedan behind the carriage, embracing a pure beautiful girl. The girl's half-body is covered under the bedding, and the other half is exquisite and exquisite, white as jade, which makes people unbearable.

Chu Tian wandered the big hand on it, picking and teasing. The girl's crystal clear eyes looked at Chu Tian from time to time, innocent and pure.

"Brother Chu, this is not good," Yilin whispered after listening to Chu Tian's whisper.

"Your sister did the same thing in the past. Yilin, you have to learn gradually and enrich yourself. The ancients also said that there is no limit to learning. You can ask your sisters and sisters a lot about this knowledge of…"

Yi Lin's little head melon lightly tapped, and then quickly got into the bedding, shook up and down as Chu Tian said ...

After half an hour, Chu Tian got off with a comfortable face.

Huashan School, it didn't take long to leave, it was still the same as before.

Yi Lin had just been taken care of by Chu Tian not long after, and her body was weak. Under Ning Zhong's care, she took a good rest. Chu Tian and his good daughter got off the bus and walked up the mountain.

After Hua Tian was recast by Chu Tian with 10 million or two silvers, he was more powerful than before. Every time Chu Tian sees the huge gate in front of Huashan, he always likes to compare with the puppet emperor in Beijing. The final conclusion is that his Huashan School is more domineering than the Royal Palace!

Lingshan circled Chu Tian's arm, the bird leaned against Chu Tian like a person, and the two slowly walked towards the mountain. The little girl seems to have become very gentle lately. Since the little beauty Yilin joined, perhaps, she started to follow the example of a lady.

"Shan'er, you seem to have something to worry about recently?" Chu Tian hugged her good daughter, and there was no one on the mountain, so Chu Tian would be arrogant.

Chu Lingshan nodded and said, "Dad, how long have you and Yi Lin known each other? That's it. I, I haven't yet ..."

Chu Lingshan pursed her mouth. She said very eagerly.

Chu Tiangan coughed twice, his old face flushed.

It is really rare to be teased by your own daughter. The dignity of myself as a father is greatly reduced in front of my daughter. Chu Tian hugged Lingshan's slender waist and slowly became unreliable: "That, Shan'er, this matter, you have to discuss with your mother ..."

Chu Lingshan snorted, and suddenly approached Chu Tian's ear, breathing like Lan said: "Daddy, otherwise, we will come back with our mother, mother will not find ..." The little girl is full of temptation. The sound can almost arouse people, and the flaming clothes Chu Lingshan is wearing at the moment add even more fascination.

Chu Tian's big hands shook gently and couldn't help it, just preparing to act, the little girl giggled and quickly avoided.

"Ser. Wolf Daddy! You're lying! You are a big sex. Wolf! Shameless!"

"Little girl! Find a fight!"

Chu Lingshan smiled charmingly, but when Chu Tian threw his big hand up again, he was so soft that he could not escape. Blushing, Chu Lingshan collapsed into Chu Tian's arms, thumping repeatedly: "Se. Wolf Daddy! Se. Wolf Daddy! Se. Wolf Daddy! Shan'er was taken away by you from an early age. you!"

Chu Tian's big hands wandered wildly, grinning badly, and finally completely occupied his daughter's two peaks. Mocking yourself? Have your good fruit!

"Ah! Dad! Rao Dad!"

"Little girl, make you mess up!"

"Dad! Me, I'm wrong, don't be here, tonight, tonight ..." Chu Lingshan's blushing face whispered in Chu Tian's ear.

The blushing cheeks and the charming eyes make people imagine ...

Chu Tian was very happy, and immediately said: "Girl, you will not pit father? But there have been precedents before."

"Dad, is my daughter so unbearable? Even the pit is also the pit's own family. And, these are the things you taught me by the father. There are thirty-six schemes for shame, eight shameless tips, and ...

In the beautiful voice of her daughter, Chu Tian made up her mind that if there is a daughter in the future, you can't bother to cultivate it, otherwise you are the one who pits yourself!

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