Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 4: Little Loli Dugu Ningke (4/7)

The sky is clear and the sun is bright.

On the martial arts court in the palace, Chu Tian was sitting cross-legged, and he practiced hard.

Heaven and Earth Aura penetrated into Chu Tian's body at a terrifying speed, and Chu Tian's power was growing rapidly. A scorching breath like fire spread on Chu Tian's body.

After a year of cultivation, Chu Tian's simple Taoist practice now has almost caught up with Yang Su, and has become one of the top masters in the human world.

The powerful soul after the concentrated breakthrough, coupled with undoubtedly comparable physical potential.

This is the effect brought about by this soul body nine refining.

Spell repair is by leaps and bounds, mental power, so needless to say.

The spiritual strength of this world is spiritual consciousness, with which to probe everything. Soul is the foundation of all spiritual energy. Chutian became a super master in a blink of an eye after a little understanding of the spiritual training in this world.

One piece of spiritual consciousness goes up through Jiuxiao and reaches down into the deep sea. The entire world of Gods, Men and Demons cannot escape Chu Tian's observation. Creating illusions and realizing them all can be done easily. Even if the power of law is not used, Chutian's spiritual consciousness can already run the world.

No one knows that this emperor who eats and drinks all the time is actually a terrifying master.



Chu Tian shouted, and the fire-like breath Peng rushed out into the sky, and the clouds above the entire palace were retreating. The clear blue sky appeared above Chu Tian's head.

"Lao Tzu's Shenhuo Dao Tactics is finally complete! Damn!"

Scolding a few words, Chu Tian got up from the ground, very excited.

Soul Body Jiulian continuously improves his potential, and eventually leads to faster and faster self-cultivation. Chu Tian now ca n’t find a second adjective except Pan admiration! The practice of constantly increasing potential is too great!

Chu Tian's current fire law is almost complete, and vaguely, he actually touched the barrier of the fire law. Chu Tian, ​​who has inherently understood the laws of several worlds, is more sensitive to the laws than ordinary people.

His fingers flicked gently, and a flame was created out of thin air. Chu Tian threw it gently into the distant pond. Suddenly, a rolling white mist appeared in the whole pond. All the water disappeared in an instant!

"Well! It's basically different from Taoism in other worlds, but there are some similarities."

Chu Tian muttered to himself, and stretched out his hand again.

A hurried flame swept forward, as if to break the space. Under the burning temperature, even the air has a burning state!

Just then, there was a horrified cry in front of him: "Ah ---!"

A cute little girl with pink carvings and jaws looked at the fire in front of her panic and was at a loss.

The little girl wears pink clothes, her skin is fair and tender, her eyes are bright and shiny, like gems. Little Loli stood blankly in front of the flames and seemed silly.

"Ning Ke! Be careful!"

Chu Tian's body suddenly turned into a blazing flame and disappeared in place.

At the next moment, Chu Tian arrived at Ning Ke and quickly picked up Little Loli, and moved his body to the side, dangerously and dangerously avoiding the rushing flame.

Chu Tian held Xiao Loli and said, "Ning Ke, haven't you heard the ladies say that you can't come here casually? This is the place where I practice, it is very dangerous.

Chu Tian flicked the small loli powder. The tender face smiled.

Chu Tian, ​​who has explored Yang Guang's memory, recognized the identity of this little loli at a glance: Du Gu Ning Ke, the king of the county. Including her identity as the devil's daughter, Chu Tian also knew.

Little Loli recovered from the shock, although she came over intentionally, but when Chu Tian's flame rushed towards her, Ning Ke was still surprised.

The power of that flame is by no means an ordinary person can be present. Even her, it takes some effort.

This emperor, Daoxing is so high?

Little Lori twisted her lovely body in Chu Tian ’s arms, pretending to be unaware, sweetly said: "Your Majesty, you are so good! Ning Ke, Ning Ke, thank you, Your Majesty!"

Chu Tiandao: "Don't interrupt me! This time I almost killed you! Ning Ke, anyway, you are also my niece, can't you be a bit royal like me? Running around all day, what does it look like! "

With the help of the emperor's identity, Chu Tian was very powerful.

Little girl, dare to lie to yourself, see me to deceive you. Nothing to do! Chu Tian thought proudly.

Ning Ke was silent in Chu Tian's arms for a while, and said, "Your Majesty, Ning Ke, Ning Ke did not come on purpose. Ning Ke could not stay at home."

"Can't stay? Why?"

"There are ghosts at home, at home!"

"How can it be!"

Ning Ke pretended to be afraid: "It's true, Ning Ke has nightmares every day these days, and I dreamed of my father, my mother, and, and ..."

Little Loli's eyes were already red.

Tears, a little afraid of sadness. Chu Tian had to admire that Ning Ke's acting skills are not weak.

Ning Ke ’s parents died a few years ago, presumably to prevent them from being exposed and killed by the devil. Although Ning Ke ’s house had hundreds of servants and subordinates, none of his relatives. If Chu Tian didn't know the plot, I was really cheated by the sad look of Little Loli!

Chu Tian patted Xiao Loli gently, comforting: "Okay, Ning Ke, don't be sad. Your parents will be sad if they know you are like this. Come, laugh!"

Chu Tian twisted Xiao Loli's pretty nose and said.


Wang Yang ’s tears were still brewing in his eyes, and Ning Ke still looked at Chu Tian pitifully.

"Your Majesty, Ning Ke and Ning Ke have a request, can Ning Ke and Ning Ke move to the palace to live. There are ghosts in the palace, Ning Ke, Ning Ke dare not stay." Little Loli said timidly. Finally, the last request was exposed.

Her purpose is to be close to Chu Tian. Living in the palace, she will naturally have the opportunity to slowly gain Chu Tian's trust.

Chu Tian nodded and said, "Well! This is the case, then you move in, anyway, the palace is very big!"

Ning Ke was very happy. When he was just about to say "His Majesty", Chu Tian continued: "But Ning Ke, will you be bored if you live alone in the palace? Otherwise, you will arrive at night In my room, I will sleep with you! "

"One, sleep together!" Ning Ke opened his eyes wide.

"Well! After all, the Dugu brother is just like your daughter. I have to take care of him. Ning Ke, do n’t worry, I wo n’t let you bully you. You will live here in the future. Tell you, I have fun here. More. BMW with sweat, there are ... "

Ning Ke's heart burst into trouble.

She just wanted to live in the palace, close to Chu Tian. Now, actually sleep together?

Although it is a little girl's body, Ning Ke's soul has long been an adult. Ning Ke really can't stand it if he is hugged to bed by such a big man at night! But the father emperor's mission is still waiting for her to complete. Ning Ke gritted his teeth and said, cheaper, you dog emperor!

"Your Majesty, Ning Ke, Ning Ke wants to live at home for a few days and pack things up--"

"No! There is everything in the palace! Ning Ke, come to my bedroom tonight. I haven't seen you in a long time, I miss it."


Ning Ke didn't know why, suddenly there was a feeling of ... falling into the pit?

Note: Generally, daughters such as princes and lords can be called masters.

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