Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 6: Start


Above the main hall, the gold is magnificent, spacious and translucent.

Chu Tian was sitting on the dragon chair, and his lazy face rarely showed a trace of seriousness. The two figures below are waiting cautiously for Chu Tian's order.

An old man with gorgeous clothes and gray hair, but his face is still rosy and bright. This man is the present Situ Gong, Yang Su. Because of too much work, the old man's age looks larger than it really is.

The other person, with a gold mask on his face, was wearing a gold armor and a golden sword in his hand. It's a magnificent sight, it's a field-tested generation. ——Yu Wentuo, nicknamed “Golden Magic General”, and the people privately called it “The No. 2 Running Dog of the Faint King”.

Yang Su and Yu Wentuo are now Chu Tian's best assistants. With the help of these two men alone, Chu Tian, ​​a faint monarch, can sit back and relax. Two people, one inside and one outside, are Chu Tian's left and right arms.

Yang Su first said: "Your Majesty! Weichen got the news, West King Lv Chengzhi ①, formed a private party, conspiracy, Weichen suspected that he had a rebellious heart, and urged His Majesty to give orders, arrest Lu Chengzhi, and exterminate the Nine!"

"Furthermore, the Tribes outside the Cypriots have also recently moved. The patriarch Zhang Lie ②, who is rumored to be talented by the heavens and the earth. The rumor of 'who helped Zhang Lie and get the world' is even more clamoring! As an official, if you do n’t want to, then punish its Nine Clan! "

After talking, Yang Su waited quietly for Chu Tian's response.

After all, on major matters, he only provided a plan, and the final decision was always the "faint king" in the eyes of the world. Faint Jun, in fact, is not faint, and even has the talent that he can hardly look at him. This was known to Yang Su for many years.

Chu Tian's fingers were tapping on the dragon chair, thinking for a moment, he quickly decided:

"You don't need to kill, you don't need to kill any of them! If they rebel, then let them do what they want. I want to see how many people will participate in this matter, wait slowly, and wait for everyone to surface. Huh! Disobey me, all executed! "

The following Yu Wentuo and Yang Su looked respectfully.

There are other things you can do to catch a big fish by putting a long line, but I am afraid that only the one in front of you can do it. If other emperors knew that someone was going to rebel, I am afraid that they would send an army to encircle and suppress them as soon as possible. But Chu Tian is still unhurried. This magnanimity is unique!

How terrifying the emperor is in front of me, I am afraid that the two of them will understand a little. Not to mention the horrible talent, the occasional Jingtianwei strategy-even Taoism, Chu Tian has already reached the point where they look up. The whole world is invincible!

The two are loyal to Chu Tian, ​​and they also respect Chu Tian.

"Okay, Yu Wentuo, where are you? How is the Grand Canal thing going?"

Yu Wentuo first said: "Your Majesty! The excavation of the Grand Canal is about to be completed. The mobilization of a million troops, the day and night, plus the people recruited from everywhere, the speed is faster than expected. There are at most three It ’ll be finished in three years! "

"What about my super luxury yacht?" Chu Tian then asked.

In fact, this matter is what Chu Tian is more concerned about.

Yuwen Tuo paused, trying to persuade this emperor to converge, not to be too extravagant. However, seeing Chu Tian's expectant look, he quickly suppressed this thought and said, "Your Majesty Qi Jun, 'Chu Emperor's Ship', has now been completed. According to His Majesty, it is 10 miles long and 1 width wide. At present, the final test has been carried out at the pier five hundred miles outside of Chang'an City. If there is no applause, your majesty can already board the ship. "

Chu Tian nodded with satisfaction.

This super luxury wheel, but it cost a lot of money! The most important thing is that the depth and width of the canal have been greatly increased in order to allow this large ship to run normally in the Grand Canal. Compared with the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in history, this canal dug by Chu Tian is even more ...

"However, the speed of construction of this canal is a bit slow. I think about it, is there any other way."

Chu Tian touched his chin and thought on the dragon chair.

Thinking about it, Chu Tian suddenly raised his head and looked directly at the sky through the roof of the hall.

A red star is constantly approaching the earth. Unknown and scary is the best description of this star, even if it is daytime, you can still see it clearly!

This is, Chi Guan Yao Xing!

It is rumored that every time the Chiguan Yaoxing comes to the world, the world will be in chaos!

After thinking about it, Chu Tian said: "The day when the five artifacts are born, it's almost time."

The hall was suddenly inexplicably silent.

"You said, if I let gluttons dig over the Grand Canal, will it be faster?" Chu Tian said to himself again.

The following Yu Wentuo and Yang Su were shocked.

Gluttonous? That's an ancient beast!

Moreover, such fierce beasts are violent by nature, and even if they can defeat it, it is impossible to conquer, let alone let them dig the Grand Canal.

The two were silent for a long while without saying a word.

"Okay! Then it's decided that way. General Yuwen dismissed all the people who dig the Grand Canal, and gluttonously came to open the river. It should be much faster!"

Yu Wentuo respectfully said: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Okay, then the two Aiqing, plan to hold it as scheduled! My game, start now!"

With Chu Tian's words falling, it was the crazy operation of the entire imperial institution.

The deaths of all parties, the mobilization of the army, the mobilization of the troops, and a large number of officials are always waiting for Chu Tian's dispatch. This game is Chu Tian's game!

Of course, not only games ...

Chu Tian tilted the handle of the dragon chair and slowly murmured, with a longing in his eyes!

"Five Artifacts ..."

Ten days later.

Chu Tian was lightly obedient and left the palace of the Great Sui.

Carrying a long sword behind him, it is luxurious and exquisite and domineering. This is a sword that Chu Tian specially found to support the scene. It is said to be one of the ten famous swords. But Chu Tian also forgot what the specific name was. Anyway, it's just to support the scene, almost not used. Chu Tian wouldn't pull his sword without moving. That would be too shameless.

The spiritual consciousness expanded, and all the surrounding miles entered Chu Tian's exploration range. Chu Tian walked slowly towards a deserted mountain range in the distance.

There is Chu Tian's destination.

The location of Chen Guoyu's rebellion is also the detention place of the gluttonous assistant Chutian's canal excavation.


① Lu Chengzhi's prototype is Li Shimin, everyone knows this. In the TV series, he is the four generals of Xuanyuan Huangdi, Kongtong reincarnated.

② The prototype of Zhang Lie (brother-in-law Yu'er) is a bearded guest. Shennong reincarnated.

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