Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 16: It's time to express yourself

After Chen Jingqiu went down the mountain, Chu Tian and his two daughters also set off.

Bailong Xiangche ran forward at his own speed, and Chu Tian and the two daughters sat in the car to discuss what happened afterwards.

Taking out the Kunlun Mirror from his arms, Chu Tian handed it to Yuba. Xia Ba Yuer said: "Brother Chu! Really have you, worthy of the sword emperor!"

Take the Kunlun mirror and keep looking up and down.

"Kunlun Mirror has the ability to know the past and predict the future. Among the five artifacts, the combat power is not the strongest, but it is definitely the most mysterious." Chu Tian looked at Kunlun Mirror in the hands of Yuba Yuer.

Xia Ba Yu'er turned Kunlun's mirror over and over and looked carefully. The white jade hands are like sheep fat, touching and ecstasy. There is also a unique charm when thinking.

After watching it for a long time, he said: "There is nothing unique about this Kunlun mirror.-In other words, Brother Tian, ​​we just cheated Chen Jingqiu like this, wouldn't it be great?"

Tsai Ba Yuer lowered her voice in the second half of the sentence, as if afraid of being heard.

Chu Tian said with integrity and without guilt: "This is not a lie! You think, Jing Qiu's martial arts are so low, this Kunlun mirror is in his hands, and if he does it, he will be robbed immediately! If he is really the earth emperor It ’s not too late for us to give him Kunlun Mirror! "

"makes sense."

Chu Tian continued: "And this time it seems that the people who annihilated Guigu Village were the people of the court. We have to pay attention, maybe they also came for the Kunlun mirror, and we must not let the wind leak."

The two women nodded one after another.

Yuer looked at the Kunlun mirror for a while, but could not figure out anything. Putting the Kunlun mirror down, Yu'er took out the Heluo stone carving from his body, his face slightly agitated.

After all, Nuwa Stone is about to be obtained, and Yu Er's wish is to be able to heal her sister's legs. Kunlun mirror is not important, Nu Washi is her real goal.

The Heluo stone carving was placed on the table, and the slender jade fingers of the **** jade were gently moved, passing through the ancient traces on the stone carving.

This is the language of ancient times, ordinary people know nothing. When you get the Heluo stone inscription, you must first understand the text, and secondly, you must have a certain amount of cultivation. Of course, there are many mysteries hidden in the Heluo stone inscription, which are not simple to see.

As the traces passed by, Heluo stone was carved and finally showed the information needed by Yu'er ...

"This is, Moon River City."

Xia Bayuer looked at the display of the Heluo stone carving, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"There is a Nuwa Palace in Yuehe City, and Nuwa Stone should be real there!"

Honghong also said.

Seeing that the two women were extremely happy, Chu Tian said: "Since this is the case, I will show off my ugliness and find out more information for the two beauties!"

Chu Tian's hands twisted, the ray of light entered the Kunlun mirror.

The power of the law is presented one by one, and Chu Tian, ​​who has realized some of the laws in the Kunlun mirror, can be said to use Kunlun mirror more than anyone in this world. The ancient mirror surface of Kunlun Mirror suddenly became shiny. Clear picture after picture, one by one.

"This is the situation outside the Moon River City."

Chu Tian manipulated and said.

Shown in the mirror, there are large forests, many people, and ... countless monsters!

Chu Tian's fingers flicked, Kunlun mirror regeneration changes!

"This is the situation in Moon River City!"

Inside the Moon River City, the enchantment is pervasive, and the streets are desolate, which is very different from the rumored Moon River City. To say that the only thing consistent with the legend is the dream bloom that is always open in the four seasons in Yuehe City, beautiful, bright and dreamlike.

"Well, let me show you the history of Yuehe City again!"

Chu Tian changed his handprint again, the image in the Kunlun mirror was playing ...

Xia Bayuer and Honghong, while seizing the time to watch the scene in Kunlun's mirror, held back the shock in their hearts.

Kunlun Mirror is an ancient artifact, even the simplest use, ordinary people can not do it. But Chu Tian-to explore the situation and review history. Laws and tricks continued one after another, as if Kunlun Mirror recognized him as the Lord!

It took a long time for the video to finish playing, and the light on Kunlun's mirror also gathered.

Yu'er and Honghong, especially the former. After all, Honghong knows the identity of Emperor Chutian, and by contrast, these methods are not too amazing. But Tiao Ba Yu'er looked at Chu Tian with a freakish look.

Even if her father tried his best, he only used Shennong Ding slightly. But the people in front of him are so easy!

"Er, Yu'er, is there a flower on my face? Staring at me like this?" Chu Tianming knew what the other person was thinking and still pretended not to know.

Tart Ba Yuer picked up the tea on the table and took a big sip. I shot it on Chu Tian's body and said, "Brother Tian Tian! I just found out today that your name is really true! Your strength, even compared to the 'golden demon' Yu Wentuo, It's bad. "

"Haha! Average, average in the world!"

Xia Ba Yu'er also laughed out loudly, and her face looked like a blooming begonia, a beautiful fan. People: "Ba Tian Brother! I thought you were a swordsman with a blind eye.

"I'm not a rigid person! Being a man is like practicing a sword, combining speed with speed, it's too late!"

"... you talked about swords again."

"In fact, if you are a sword, Yuer, it is definitely the most beautiful one."

"Ah? Brother Tian, ​​look, Honghong is jealous!"

"Second Princess, I don't have it!"


The three ridiculed for a while and finally got to the point.

The relationship between the three people has been brought closer.

Tsai Ba Yuer's estimation of Chu Tian's strength once again raised a grade. I am more confident about obtaining Nuwa Stone this time. The whole person has a lot more smiles than before. It is also particularly favored for the hero Chu Chutian who helped the crisis.

"Ba Tian, ​​actually I have another question. You said that Kunlun Mirror can understand the past and predict the future, then ... will you predict the future?" Tsai Ba Yuer suddenly asked.

"Of course it can be! It's just that this takes a lot of time and energy. Yuer, if you want to predict something, tell me in advance, I will help you to see."

"Oh, no! For now, don't use it for now."

Xia Ba Yu'er's face was inexplicably red, said. The girl family, when they know what can predict the future, can't help but think curiously ...

The fact is, Chu Tian is simply talking nonsense.

Foreseeing the future, even if someone can predict success, it is a meaningless future. With him as an outsider, the destiny of the entire world may change at any time. In the future, because of the arrival of Chu Tian, ​​it has long become unpredictable!

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