Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 6 Chapter 25: Go ahead, Ghost King Zong!

After three months.

The new headquarters of Ghost King Zong, Huqi Mountain.

A huge python hovered over the top of the mountain, and its huge body was intimidating, even its eyes were as big as a human head. Thick scale armor, terrifying breath.

This is the ancient fierce beast, Blackwater Black Snake!

Under the mountains, more than a thousand people stood majesticly. The four leaders were the Four Dragon Envoys of the Dragon King, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu of Ghost King Zong.

After that, it was the senior elder of Guiwangzong.

Then there are elite disciples, ordinary disciples.

Even the disciples who run errands, do miscellaneous things, and are responsible for information delivery have come. All the disciples of Ghost King Sect are gathered here!

As the wind cried, a majestic and domineering man in a black robe suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain. The man's black robe is greeted by the wind, full of domineering domination. The black water black snake lowered his head in front of him, as if he were a pet. Chu Tian stepped on the head of the black water black snake and stood on top of the black water black snake.

The snake's body circled upwards, and in the ascending spiral, Chu Tian was above all mountains. All the disciples of the Ghost King Sect have looked at the Sect Master with respectful and fearful eyes!

"See Sect Master!"

"See Sect Master!"


The sound was endless, and the valley was almost violently shattered. All the disciples, after screaming loudly, died. This great Sovereign who can conquer the Blackwater Profound Snake is the idol in their hearts!


Chu Tian said softly.

The whole valley was silent for a moment.

On Chu Tian's body, the laws surging and all the people were swept into it. The sound was loud, like thunder passing through the valley: "You faithful to the Holy Church, this seat knows. You long to become stronger, and this seat knows. In this case, today, I will send you each one a chance!"

Chu Tian finally started a long-conceived huge plan!

The power of the law changes rapidly, dangling through the valley. In a flash, Chu Tian will control everyone except You Ji! Laws penetrate into the brain and control everyone's thinking!

"Loyal to Chutian!"

"Be the best weapon!"

Tamper with everyone's thinking!

The control of the law is unconscious, and it is natural. Everyone felt that Chu Tian was very great in no time, and felt nothing wrong. Respect and loyalty to Chu Tian is extremely strong!

After tampering with thinking, Chu Tian continued:

"I will give you the second volume of the book of heaven, and have a good understanding! Within ten years, if you arrive at the supernatant, you will give the first volume of the book of heaven!"

"This technique, even if you bite your tongue and commit suicide, you will still have to reveal it, have you heard it!"

As Chu Tian's voice fell, the power of the law has passed the contents of the second volume of the Heavenly Book into the minds of every ghost king Zong disciple!

All the disciples of the ghost king Zong suddenly fell to the ground!

What Chu Tian did was to loyal to himself and make a weapon in his mind! However, they did not deprive them of their thoughts. Every sacred disciple knows what the heavenly book is. Seeing Chu Tian actually imparting such powerful exercises to the Grand Duke selflessly, everyone is grateful!

Even You Ji felt at this time that Chu Tian really had the mind of the suzerain.

No matter how this position is obtained, Ghost King Zong will develop very well!

"Sectarian Bo Yuntian!"

"Sovereignty is unmatched!"

"Long live the Sovereign !!!"


Chu Tian listened to the cry of everyone below, and his heart was also very happy.

Chu Tian doesn't dare to teach on such a large scale cheats, but since it has been taught, then you have to ensure that all people are under their control and are faithful!

Moreover, thinking of the top masters of the Four Saints who have reached the realm of the Qing Dynasty, Chu Tian will teach another volume of heavenly books. When the story begins in a hundred years, the strength is probably unimaginable!

Chu Tian's dominance game has begun!

"Good! Everyone, next, I'm going to announce the content of this meeting." Chu Tianju was condescending, looking at the disciples of these ghost kings, they would crush the invincible army of Zhengmo and Dadao. I was very excited.

Fighting the right way, Chu Tian has much experience. Just one or two, you can grow the ghost king Zong N times!

"First of all, after Ghost King Sect, there will be six divisions! The six chiefs are directly assigned to me, and the rest are under the leadership of the six divisions!"

"The six departments are: the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Propaganda, the Ministry of Arms, the Ministry of Logistics, and, directly under the seat, the Special Department!"

"Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, each in charge of one. The other two, respectively, Elder Wang and Elder Li."

"The specific work will be divided according to this ..."


For the previous distribution of Ghost King Zong, Chu Tian really didn't want to vomit. Of course, don't blame them, that is the limitation of the times.

A martial art wants to develop well, and fame, money, etc., can't be less. Those who blindly pursue armed forces may not be powerful.

Chu Tian did not intend to annex the rest of the Demon Sect, so with a little strength, Chu Tian could not look down.

The people, power, things, etc. hidden among the people are endless, and they are the greatest wealth.

Within five years, the strength of the ghost king Zong can sweep the world!

"By the way, there is one more thing to announce to everyone," Chu Tian said suddenly, "This seat and the idiot girl of Huqishan will be married after half a month. Ghost Wangzong will go up and down and celebrate ten days!"




The news that Chu Tian ascended to the throne of the ghost king was quickly spread among the factions.

Such a person who seems to pop out of the crack of the stone makes everyone feel strange. The patriarchs of several schools originally thought that it would be the successor named Wan Wanxiang. Unexpectedly, it was actually a little-known figure.

And ... some people with a savage eye can see that the Ghost King Sect Master died so soon, and Wan Wanxiang seems to have disappeared, a little bit strange. This person's succession, it seems, is not that simple.

This is a ruthless character!


Dao Xuanzheng's brow furrowed as he read the information about Chu Tian, ​​the new king of Zongwang.

Daoxuan is now the head of Qingyun Gate.

Tian Chengzi suffered a backlash from Zhu Xianjian and was killed by Daoxuan and Wan Jian together. However, Wan Jianyi was offended by Master Mengshan, and Daoxuan took the position of the head.

Although he couldn't bear it, Daoxuan didn't stand up at the time and didn't say much.

He is confident to do better! Carrying forward Qingyunmen! Wan Jianyi's talent Daoxuan admires, but if it comes to interpersonal communication and sect management, Daoxuan thinks he has done better than everyone!

Therefore, he chose the head position!

But now, seeing this information about Chu Tian, ​​in Daoxuan's heart, that hesitation became stronger and stronger. As for Chu Tian, ​​Dao Xuan has never forgotten that the crushing strength, Xiao Zhufeng easily defeated the entire Qingyunmen's strength, Dao Xuan has always been afraid.

"No! My Daoxuan, I will definitely advance to Taiqing! For the Qingyun Gate, Demon Guard Road!"

Daoxuan crushed the paper in his hand, turned around, and walked towards the direction of Huanyuedong ...

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