Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 6 Chapter 42: Guiwangzong Armed Forces Department

The game came to an end, and everyone once again saw Chu Tian's super popularity in Xiaozhufeng. At the same time, I also sympathized with the famous Dazhufeng disciple ...

Chu Tianfei quickly jumped off the ring. In the envy of many disciples, he once again got into the crowd of Xiaozhufeng. Around the square, there is a constant mourning ...

Surrounded by all the girls, Chu Tian came to the ring at the rest of the female disciples of Xiaozhufeng and continued to watch cheering ...

And at this time, above the platform.

Daoxuan Zhenren smiled and was watching the contest off the field.

Although Chu Tian's competition is a bit strange, it is still a high-tech showdown. Especially the kung fu that wins the white blade empty-handed, very well grasped!

In addition to the wonderful performances of the disciples on the rest of the ring, such as Chu Ling'er, Qi Hao, Lu Xueqi, etc., a talented disciple made Dao Xuan's face almost burst into laugh. As if I saw the lintel of the Qingyun Gate, the immortal scene of all ages!

How can Daoxuan be upset!

"I have a successor to Qingyunmen!" Daoxuan said happily.

The first few of them also nodded to each other and smiled.

To see the prosperity of Qingyunmen is also the greatest wish of everyone. When several people were talking about the disciples' cultivation practices below, a hurried footstep came.

"Da Da Da Da--"

"Da Da Da Da--"

The sound of footsteps was fast, and along with the disciple's heavy breathing, a disciple of Qingyunmen hurried to Daoxuan with sweat, apparently exhausted.

Several first seats, turned their heads together.

There was a little caution in his eyes.

At this time, it is an important juncture for the Seven Vessels to marry. What will happen? It is worth panicking. Moreover, looking at the appearance of this disciple, it should have come from Yujian, a long distance from Qingyun Mountain, exhausting physical strength. Otherwise, how could the person who cultivated immortals run a few steps so tired?

Several first seats were silent, waiting for the approaching person.

The disciple ran to Dao Xuan quickly, and even the first greetings were too late to reach out. He reached out and took out an envelope with the words "Master Rev. Qi" written on it. A bit majestic.

After the envelope was handed over to Daoxuan, the visitor took a long breath and stood aside while waiting for Daoxuan's speech.

"This is ... Yi Cai's letter?" Daoxuan asked.

"Yes! This is Brother Yicai ... let me, let me give it to the head!" The disciple's eyes suddenly turned red, as if something sad happened to him.

Daoxuan suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart. The envelope was torn open in a hurry, trembling, trembling, flipping quickly. One by one, the paper passed by in the hand.

Daoxuan's expression also gradually dignified, even angry! An oppressive atmosphere enveloped everyone.

Raising his head, Dao Xuan stared at the disciple, Shen said: "How is Yi Cai's injury?"

The disciple said: "Brother Xiao and Brother Xiao have temporarily saved their lives and are still convalescing. The road is far away, and Brother Brother can only let me give the letter to the head."

Daoxuan's hand was caught on the handle of the chair, and the green bars were exposed.


With a sound, the metal handle was pulled down violently! Daoxuan's body was released with anger. Several first seats were shocked!

What made Daoxuan so distraught? !

Daoxuan's face was sullen for a long time, and then he looked towards several first seats. The serious look seems to haven't appeared in a long time.

Tian was not silent for a moment, and said, "Brother Daoxuan, what happened?"

Dao Xuan took a deep breath, which suppressed the anger in his heart, and said to several people: "Yi Cai probed the enemy's situation seriously and was found to be nearly killed!"


"how come!"

Several first seats were shocked.

Xiao Yicai, everyone is familiar.

The winner of the last seven-pulse meeting martial arts won the Dao Xuanzhen biography, and his cultivation practice has reached the supernatant. This time, I went deeper into the inside of the magic church to explore the situation. All kinds of information about Dripping Blood Cave came from Xiao Yi. It is for this reason that all the talents decided what happened to the top four after going down to the mountains.

Being brave and pragmatic, and with great talent, is everyone's biggest view of Xiao Yicai!

The only person who can hurt him, even on the verge of death, is the veteran level of the demon. After all, there is a big difference between defeating one person and seriously injuring one person. As long as he can escape in time, who can stop Xiao Yicai, who is a servant of the Qing Dynasty?

However, what Dao Xuan said next was no less than a thunder!

Dao Xuan said heavily: "The one who hurt Yi Cai is just an ordinary disciple of the demons! The status is in the demons, not high!"

Several heads have been dull.

Shang Zhengliang thought for a while, and said, "Brother Master, will it be disguised by the demon master?"

Dao Xuan shook his head and said: "Not sure! Yi Cai said in the letter, and found that he had eight people, but only this one caught up and was not using his full strength in the fight. The strength is unfathomable!"

"The other party didn't take Yi Cai's eyes from the very beginning! Only one person was sent without any warning. If it wasn't for the enemy's carelessness, Yi Cai would use my life-saving tricks, I'm afraid it's already ..."

Everyone swallowed hard.

Xiao Yicai, almost died?

Dao Xuan clenched the stationery in his hand and said, "It is even more incredible that the person who hit Yicai hard is part of the Armed Forces Department of Ghost Wangzong."

Several first seats, instantly glared eyes!

Ghost King Zong armed department!

No one knows this name!

This is one of the six books that Ghost King Zong reformed a hundred years ago? However, it has been silent and unknown, and is not valued!

It is said that when the suzerain named Chu Tian took the throne and reformed drastically, the ghost king Zong was divided into six departments: the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Information, the Propaganda Department, the Armed Forces Department, the Logistics Department, and the Special Department.

The name of the Six Departments is so known to everyone because the Ministry of Finance of Ghost Wangzong has almost taken over the world's business. Rich in money, rich world. Many righteous people even joked that Ghost King Zong changed his career as a merchant, and later the four major schools of the Demon Religion became three major schools! At that time, many righteous people secretly rejoiced.

Everyone only knows that Ghost King Zong is rich in financial strength and average in strength. It is estimated that the other five departments will have a name. Otherwise, how could the three major factions still be condoned with such financial support?

But now ...

Daoxuan continued to say in a deep voice: "Yi Cai suspects that the six parts of the Ghost King Zong are probably not simple! The strength should be based on the Ministry of Finance's influence on business! Even if it is poor, it will not be much worse! This time the armed forces will emerge On the surface of the water, I am afraid that there will be a big move! In the battle a hundred years ago, the Demon Church has gradually recovered its vitality, and this world will not be peaceful again! "

Daoxuan's face was very serious.

Everyone was silent ...

In fact, there is one more thing, Daoxuan has not told everyone. That is, the lord of the ghost king sect was the one who defeated the former head and all the first ones on the small bamboo peak at that time!

The strength is unfathomable!

This is what Daoxuan is most worried about!

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