Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 6 Chapter 50: Luxurious Shanhaiyuan

Flying in the night is still quite painful.

Especially in the dark clouds, the stars and the moon can not see the shadow.

Although the fairy sword can emit a little light, but in the dark, the speed must have dropped a lot. Chu Tian ignored the gloomy eyes of the three people and said, "Well! Since that's the case, let's take a break in Heyang City first! Rest assured, I don't need you to pay for it, I am familiar with the bosses of restaurants in Heyang City!"

Chu Tian has a wealthy appearance.

When Zeng Shushu heard this, his eyes suddenly lighted up and said, "Brother Chu, then, that Shanhai Garden, are you familiar?"

Chu Tianyangyang said complacently: "I'm not bragging, I don't give money when I go there for dinner!"

Zeng Shushu opened his mouth wide.

Don't give money?

There was a time when Zeng Shushu secretly went down to Shanhaiyuan to eat a meal. It was the simplest dish and soup, and then ... he spent all his savings from small to large!

Zeng Shushu's original silver used to buy **** pictures has been used up!

It was also the most tragic experience in Zeng Shushu's life. Since then, before each meal, Zeng Shushu learned to ask about the price, and he never dared to be smart. And the high-end atmosphere of Shanhaiyuan can only stand outside and stare at it ...

However, now Chu Tian actually has acquaintances, free to eat? Zeng Shushu's saliva had already run down uncontrollably. The deliciousness of Shanhaiyuan is still in my heart!

He coughed twice, and Zeng Shushu said: "Otherwise, Brother Chu, let's stay here for a few more days. I and I will give you a three-legged peacock!"

Chu Tian also had this thought. He just wanted to say "Okay". He glanced at Lu Xueqi's anger and quickly changed his mouth: "Well, forget it, Demon Guardian Road, Demon Guardian Road, huh ..."

Zeng Shushu also felt the coldness behind his back and kept his mouth shut.

The four men flew off the sword, very fast.

Soon, he reached his destination.

Shanhaiyuan is located in a city a hundred miles below Qingyun Mountain.

The city is called Heyang City, and it is one of the most prosperous cities on mainland China. Restaurants, youth houses, pawnshops, and human traffickers can't be seen without you, only you can't think of them! As long as you can take out what you sell, there are all here!

The Shanhaiyuan is the largest restaurant in Heyang City! The geographical location of Heyang City extends in all directions, and business is already booming. The Shanhaiyuan is located on the two main roads crossing the Heyang City, with rich financial resources and prosperous business.

Chu Tian and his four men fell outside the city and walked into the city on foot.

Shanhaiyuan, 16 stories high, is the tallest building in Heyang City.

It is 100 meters high and covers an area of ​​20 acres. It is like a small castle standing in the middle of Heyang City! Chu Tian saw them from a distance.


Chu Tian took the lead and walked forward. Qi Hao, Zeng Shushu and Lu Xueqi followed closely.

At the entrance of Shanhaiyuan, stood two young ladies who greeted guests. Although the appearance is average, the beautiful clothes and the homely smile make people feel warm.



Chu Tian and the two had just walked to the door of the restaurant, and the two spoke. Even Lu Xueqi, who was cold on one side, had a much milder complexion.

When entering Shanhaiyuan, several people were refreshed!

In the Shanhai Garden, the decoration is luxurious and atmospheric, even the ceiling on the roof is carved with dragons and phoenixes, and the auspicious and gentle. On a pillar, painted with golden gold, and various ornaments carved with white jade, as well as those tables and chairs, just take one out, and you can buy a restaurant down.

Zeng Shushu swallowed and said, "It's more luxurious than it was a few years ago."

Chu Tian smiled, seemed familiar, and continued to walk forward. The three of Zeng Shushu followed Chu Tian. After bypassing a roundabout promenade, finally, I found a remote place, a few people seated.

A little two came over and smiled and said: "Several objective, what do you want to do?"

Zeng Shushu looked at Chu Tian nervously.

Even Lu Xueqi and Qi Hao held their breaths, waiting for Chu Tian's answer.

Although Chu Tian said, he is familiar with this restaurant, but such a luxurious place has already shocked several people to dullness. If something happens, they ca n’t afford to be swept out of the house, and Qingyunmen ’s face can be lost. Now!

Chu Tian reached into his arms, took out a black card, and shook it in front of Xiao Er. Xiao Er's eyes suddenly widened, trembling: "Top, top, top VIP card !!!"

Chu Tiandao said: "Just know! Give me the best dishes, remember, I want the best!"

Xiao Er said in a hurry: "Yes! Yes! Yes! Sir, oh no, sir, no, objective, what else do you and you have to say? We have a newly developed game project bowling, a tennis court, and ... "

Xiao Er's stiff expression made Zeng Shushu's eyes widen.

Chu Tian waved his hand and said: "Okay, nothing, go on."

Suddenly, Xiao Er hurried away in a hurry.

Zeng Shushu looked at Chu Tian and said, "Good, great! Brother Chu, your card is really amazing!"

Chu Tian smiled and said: "It's nothing. I have a few friends in my spare time. This card is also given by the boss and is free."

Zeng Shushu looked forward with a look:

"Well, Brother Chu, if we discuss it, you can help me get a card. I will give you all three-legged peacocks and turtles without shells, plus a set of exquisite books! Brother Chu ... "

Soon after the three of them were seated, the dishes came up.

The dishes are full of color and flavor, even if a few people are monks, they still can't help wanting to gobble up. The chefs of Shanhaiyuan, but from all over Shenzhou, are among the pinnacles of this industry.

After the dishes were finished, a gentle-faced man who looked like an old grandpa came over.

The old man asked: "Several objective, below is the boss of Shanhaiyuan, I don't know, which one just showed the top precious soldier card?"

Chu Tianzheng turned his back to him, turned his head, and still had this soup crab bag in his mouth, saying, "It's me!"

The old man's complexion changed instantly!

The whole person even shuddered, shivered and stuttered: "Zong, Zong, Zong--"

After seeing Chu Tian's fierce eyes for a long time, the boss hurriedly covered up and said, "I finally saw you! Brother! I really miss you in recent years !!!"

Chu Tian gave him a satisfied look and said, "I miss my brother too!"

On one side, Zeng Shushu said: "Brother Chu, you still have such a rich business man! It's amazing!"

Chu Tian smiled and said: "We haven't made friends for years! Iron buddies!"

The boss said to Zeng Shushu: "Several, my brother and I haven't seen each other for many years. Let's talk about it, but don't you mind."

"Don't mind! Don't mind! Woo, some food is enough!" Zeng Shushu whispered while saying.

Chu Tianchao looked at his boss, and the two left slowly ...

Entering a remote room, Chu Tian had just brought the door, and the old man suddenly changed his momentum suddenly. Where is he like an old man, clearly a master of peerless power!

The old man suddenly fell to his knees, his forehead hit the floor loudly, and shouted:

"Ghost King Sect Information Department, the fifth-point rudder master is not dead, see Sect Master!"

"See Sect Master!"

"See Sect Master!"


A group of staff from Shanhaiyuan fell behind.

Chu Tian didn't answer, he waved his hand, and the spirits changed staggered, forming a crystal chair. It is natural and unbreakable.

Chu Tian lay down lazily, and after a long time, he spoke:

"What have I done?"

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