Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 6 Chapter 61: Encounter Mon Sin

The breeze blows and the sun falls.

Chu Tian and Lu Meimei just hooked up.

There is no need for too many words. Although Lu Meimei is simple, sometimes, simple people see it deeply. At least, in the thousands of years of Chu Tian, ​​she was the first to see through herself ...

On the green stone road, the two walked slowly.

Chu Tian tells a joke and squeezes Lu Meimei's jade hand from time to time. Lu Meimei just walks lightly, his look unchanged. Chu Tianzhen doubts whether this beauty has any legendary apathy ...

However, this feeling of being speechless seems to be good ...

"Grandpa! Grandpa, hurry up!"

"If you don't hurry, you can't catch up!"

"hurry up!"


A clear, silvery voice suddenly came from the front.

It seems to be refreshing in the hot summer, which makes people feel comfortable. Hearing the innocent and lovely voice, even Lu Xueqi's face showed a smile.

A little girl about eight or nine years old, with sharp eyes and delicate skin, tied two cute pigtails and jumped out of the bend.

The little girl wore a pale cyan long dress and acted like a little angel. Pink. Tender little hands are a string of red and colorful candied gourds. After a few steps, I gently sucked a bite. The beautiful expression seemed to be very enjoyable.

Soon after the little girl came out, an old man appeared from the corner.

The old man had white hair, kind eyes, good eyes, and a gray robe. Although simple, but neat, the whole person looked a bit like a fairy.

In the old man's hand, he held a signboard. Although the signboard is simple, a bamboo pole is a rag. But the four characters on the signboard are deep and floating, as if they contain infinite wisdom, and it is not a mortal hand at a glance: the fairy guides the way.

The four big characters are clear and clear, and the identity of the old man is clear to Chu Tian.

Monday fairy.

It seems crazy, pretending to be a ghost, but actually the most mysterious person in the world of Zhuxian. Seeing is very broad, almost omniscient, and all behaviors are unfathomable, as if omnipotent.

The old man shook his head and said towards the little girl in front: "Xiaohuan, you slow down, grandpa's old bone, can't stand you toss!"

Slowly approached Chu Tian several people.

Footsteps are vain, and it seems to be a lowly person.

However, when I saw Chu Tian, ​​Monday Xian suddenly looked startled!

As if to see something incredible. Chu Tian couldn't help but startle, this old man, can't help but see what fame is coming?

After all, Chu Tian didn't change his appearance. If the old man saw what he saw, it was really possible! After all, this thing Chu Tian does not like to cover up.

On Monday, Xian Xian screamed, three steps and two steps, and ran in front of Chu Tian. His eyes were wide, and he quickly said: "This brother! I see you covered in dark clouds, and his face is black, and it is a sign of great evil ! Take the old man count for you-"

Chu Tian was anxious!

Sister! I thought that the old man saw it, and it really was a trick to master the middle school, this look was so similar!

Chu Tian reluctantly waved his hand: "Forget it, you old man fortune telling, I don't believe it! No one can count my life."

Immortal on Monday, he had never encountered such a situation, saying: "No one can count?"

"Yes, no one can do it. However, I think—"

Chu Tian stared at Monday Fairy Road.

Chu Tian suddenly launched a sneak attack!

Nianli flows and tumbles as if it is flowing water and cannot be explored. Chu Tian's thoughts quickly rushed towards the immortal on Monday, probing the old **** stick pretending to be a ghost.

A barrier suddenly appeared in front of Monday Immortal.

The same is the mind!

And there seems to be something different!

Chu Tian was immediately pleased that this old man did not disappoint himself, not an ordinary person. Nian Li one by one, like a gang of waves, rushed towards the immortal Monday.

It has been a long time since I met a good opponent.

Monday Immortal also took countermeasures in an instant, and his thoughts were like a solid wall. The atmosphere of Monday Immortal's whole person suddenly changed, as if connected with the whole earth.

What stood in front of Chu Tian was not Monday's thoughts, but the whole land!

"Boy, cover up with water, haven't you heard it!" Xian Nianli said on Monday, complacent.

"Lao Tzu, I'll make waves all over the world!"

Chu Tian's thoughts also changed suddenly, and the momentum was even greater. Like a wave of waves, it was rolling, even though Monday Immortal borrowed the "potential" of the entire earth, but in front of Chu Tian's attack, it was still crumbling.

Chu Tian ’s thoughts, but beyond the cultivation of this world!




Thunder in the spiritual world. Not only the waves, but also volcanoes, boulders, entangled trees, biting ice ... Chu Tian launched hundreds of attacks in an instant, and a powerful force erupted in an instant!


Monday's mind barrier was destroyed instantly!

Chu Tiannian retracted violently, and Nianli preached: "Old man, have you served?"

On Monday, Xian Xian stared at Chu Tian, ​​spit out two words: "Freak!"

The turmoil of thoughts subsided in an instant, and all the confrontations only occurred in less than a second. Lu Xueqi and Xiaohuan didn't even know that the two peerless masters had already played shallowly.

"Boy, why haven't you probed?" Zhou Xian said again with a strong mind.

"What I want to check is your strength, there are probably a few now, that's all. So, if you have time, I will ask you to fight."


Monday immortal is really speechless.

It has been a long time since I went down, but today I encountered such a ruthless character as Chu Tian. He didn't like fighting.

In reality, Chu Tian opened his mouth and continued to say just now: "I think that I am very close to this young aunt. Xiaohuan, give it to you!"

Chu Tian took out a shiny night pearl, and Xiaohuan's eyes lit up in an instant and grabbed it. The shining and exquisite beads kept playing in the hands, and I was very happy.

Xiaohuan looked up and said: "Big Brother, thank you!"

Chu Tian said: "It should be. Well, old man, little girl, goodbye!"

Chu Tian's body was staggered, and the yin and yang tactics became more manly. Xiaohuan looked at it and suddenly became a little curious about this big brother ...

Monday cents were speechless.

Isn't such a great person in love with his granddaughter? Oh my god, I'll be bored in the future ...

Chu Tian walked out for a long time, Lu Xueqi suddenly said: "Just now, Tianya ... it seems a bit wrong."

Chu Tiandao said: "Of course I met the former master, and of course I am glad!"

Lu Xueqi said in surprise: "Master?"

Chu Tiandao said: "Well, my guess. Tianya just fluctuated and cheered, and I also felt it. This old man is also cruel enough, and a nine-day **** soldier was thrown like this."


"Cough, of course! What kind of **** does not seem to pop up from the ground. The old man with the black heart was definitely killed by the old man. However, the good deeds are not named, but they are in line with his **** stick character ..."

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