
Two days after the Liuboshan incident.

Ghost King Zongliu Mountain stronghold.

After busy working for a while, Chu Tian is also ready to rest for a few days to relax.

Screens stood upright, painted with exquisite patterns. Tables, chairs and benches are made of wood, and even tea sets are all kinds of treasures handed down from generation to generation. At first glance, the decoration in the hut is not wealthy at first glance, but when you take a closer look, there is a sense of elegance that goes deep into the bones.

The value is enough to buy a big city!

This is a real wealthy home.

The richest man in the world, Chu Tian!

Chu Tian slept on a recliner, a lonely and lonely look of a hero who rivals the world, Tao Tao kept talking about the scene on the day of Liubo Mountain.

A lovely and flexible woman, lying in Chu Tian ’s arms, listened to Chu Tian telling these exaggerated stories: “... Yaoer! You ca n’t imagine how dad and my image were unbeatable! The tall and majestic! Between heaven and earth, only me! Those righteous people looked at me and wished to kneel down immediately to worship me as a teacher! The demons have already prepared to turn to the ghost king sect. I think we have already There is no need to kill. Kill them, wait for them to surrender! Under the awe of Dad, everything is possible ... "

Blowing cowhide without making drafts has always been Chu Tian's strength.

Especially in front of women, bragging is an important factor that cannot be missed!

Baguio smiled saucyly, with a delicate and lovely face against Chu Tian's chest, and two arms wrapped around it. Chu Tian was surrounded by thick sweetness.

It was still a green dress, Baguio dressed up carefully today, as beautiful as a little angel. The moisturized skin seems to blow away, revealing a deep luster. Baguio's haunted wrist is even whiter than pearls, and he hugs Chu Tian's body softly and softly, which makes his heart beat faster.

"Dad, when will you return to Qingyun Gate?" Baguio moved in Chu Tian's arms and asked.

"Well, it's coming soon! Yao'er, this time it's a big show! I'm thinking, do you want to record it and make it into a movie show? If you make it, you can make a fortune!" Chu Tian suddenly said.

"Movie? Daddy, what is that?"

"Well, it's a bit complicated to explain ..."


Chu Tiangao talked about his works and displayed his profound knowledge. Starting from electromagnetic induction, it eloquently reproduces the history of human civilization. In Baguio's pair of water eyes, silver stars gleamed.

The pride in Chu Tian's heart is also strong and strong!

The little girl twisted a few times in Chu Tian's arms from time to time, her soft and soft body twisted in Chu Tian's arms, and Chu Tian shouted out quickly!

Baguio finally changed his face-up posture and lay in Chu Tian's arms. Chu Tian's two bracelets were slowly moving around the little girl's waist.

"Dad, Daddy!" Baguio's face suddenly flushed for a while, and whispered.

"Uh, um! Um!" Chu Tian pretended to cough twice.

Jian Baguio didn't respond, and Chu Tian's hands finally came to the top. With a light grasp of both hands, he finally pinched two groups of Xuefeng. On Baguio's face, Hongxia flew.

"Dad, you, light, light!" Baguio said quietly.

Chutianjian Baguio allowed it, and finally let it go.

The little girl's Xuefeng is bulging, already quite large. Round and arrogant, full of strength, full of youthful vitality.

Chu Tian held it one by one, holding it gently. Sharp and arrogant shape like bamboo shoots, it feels good to hold in your hand. Soft, soft, like water, but elastic.

Baguio closed his eyes shyly and dared not look at himself.

After a while, Chu Tian didn't seem to feel too addicted, and slowly put the sloppy big hand on Baguio's neckline and gently penetrated into it.

"Daddy, you,"

Baguio grabbed Chu Tian's hand and stopped.

"Yaoer, just once, once!" Chu Tian said, his big hand swam forward quickly. Under the sense of numbness, Baguio's arms were soft for a while, unable to lift up.

"Well! Just once!" Baguio said softly with a blush, unable to resist.

Jade's hand was gently released, and Chu Tian's big hand finally drove straight in, occupying two groups of Xuefeng! Baguio's Jiao shuddered, his weak waist stood up, and a soft moan. Yin came out ...


"Sovereign, Mrs. Sanmiao of the Hehuan Party waited outside the hall and said that they had important matters to discuss in detail."

A soft voice came in, accompanied by a light scent, floating like a night scent in the dusk.

You Ji's detailed steps, the black moving skirt swaying, the exquisite body under the black gauze, full of endless temptation. Opening the door, Yu Ji stepped in.

Because the relationship with Baguio is relatively close, and the idiot is also a good girlfriend, plus the privileges given to You Ji by Chu Tian, ​​You Ji goes straight to any place in Guiwangzong, and does not need to be notified.

But this time ...

Youji opened the door and froze for a moment.

On the chair in front, those two people, actually,


You Ji stood and observed for a long time, and it seemed that she reacted, and screamed, and ran out of the room quickly. A pair of show blushes quickly became a ripe apple, and her breathing was very fast.

"Dad! Blame you! Blame you!"

"Yao'er, it's okay! After your dad succeeds, let you see the beauty of You Ji once!"

"Daddy, you still come! Um ~~ Sanmiao and Madam Sanmiao are looking for you ~~"

"Let her wait!"

After comforting Baguio, Chu Tian was well-dressed and finally went out.

You Ji and Chu Tian glanced at each other, blushing, and quickly walked away.

"You Ji beauty! Please take care of Yao'er."

"Observe, obey!"

You Ji breathing accelerated, ashamed. But at the same time, there was a slight vinegar in my heart; I took a quick step and walked towards Baguio's room ...

In the harem, it was inevitable that it was a bit embarrassing, and Chu Tian experienced much more. A faceless, well-honed knife and gun will not enter the water and fire!

Without a trace of blush, Chu Tian walked toward the main hall calmly.

In the main hall, a woman dressed in white gauze and graceful posture is waiting for Chu Tian to come. The face is beautiful, the skin is like snow, with a charming atmosphere.

The familiar figure like a wife, and the charming and charming posture, here is the beauty of the acacia. Although, under the investigation of Chu Tian, ​​this woman is still a complete body-after all, how many men can get her eyes?

"Are you ... Mrs. San Miu?"

Chu Tianfei quickly entered the hall, sitting in a chair and asked.

The woman was slightly surprised when she saw Chu Tian. This was also the first time she saw the ghost king. However, the blinking kung fu responded, and quickly smiled and said: "Hehuan sent three wonderful, have seen the ghost king."

The voice is beautiful and touching, and the tone of Madam Sanmiao has a taste of being a subordinate ...

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