Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 7 Chapter 78: Tree branch against broom

The branches danced softly, softly, softly, seemingly without attack. But Wan Jianyi, who was across from Chu Tian, ​​looked pale in an instant!

The shaking branches seemed to be a fluttering cloud, unpredictable.

Suddenly left, suddenly right, suddenly become strangely fast, and suddenly stand still in front of you, rhythm, direction, everything, can't grasp!

Wan Jianyi even had the illusion that even if the branch moved in the next instant, he could not predict its trajectory! And if this is not a branch, but a sword—

As soon as Wan Jian picked up the broom in his hand, he was surrounded by auras, and he had to take it seriously. At this time, Chu Tian was somewhat lucky that Chu Tian did not show up with a sword.

Aura gradually surging, Wan Jian's momentum of silence for many years, gradually recovered with the broom raised high. A fierce sword will be raised from Wan Jianyi's body!

Chu Tian's eyes showed a bit of satisfaction, saying: "Very well. As a matter of fairness, I will suppress the cultivation base to half of your realm. I gave up the previous fight and came to you for a showdown. Don't let me down."

Chu Tian's branches shook gently, and aura of spirits lingered. Slowly, attacked Wan Jian——

Wan Jian didn't wait for Chu Tian to finish his preparations and attacked quickly!

Get ahead first!

After all, Chu Tian's strange swordsmanship, he is really unpredictable, the best way to crack is to attack!

Always attack! ! !

An inconspicuous broom, in the hands of Wan Jianyi, suddenly seemed to become a giant dragon. Aura of spirits waved, Wan Jianyi's momentum was also rising, climbing, and finally, reached the apex!

In an instant, burst!

Holding the broom in both hands, there is a dragon chant on the broom of Wan Jianyi!

"Chop! Ghost! God!"

The movement of Wan Jianyi's whole person suddenly increased seven or eight times, as if the arrow of Li Xian shot towards Chu Tian quickly. Above the broom, there was an imposing momentum like Mount Tai!

The use of the Dragon Sword to cut ghosts and spirits is fierce and breaks everything!

When using a broom, it is majestic and thick!

Chu Tian couldn't help but be more satisfied. Wan Jianyi apparently had already walked out of his swordsmanship, chopping ghosts and spirits, and it was just an appearance. The meaning is the true essence!

Chu Tian shook gently at the foot of the tree, infused aura into the branch, and suddenly the whole branch became extremely flexible, as if it were a long whip: "There is more stiffness and insufficient flexibility."

Chu Tian gently, Wan Jianyi's broom came out, and there were signs of a miss in an instant. Wan Jianyi had just grasped tightly, and on Chu Tian's branch, there was another lateral force.


With a bang, the broom was scraped off a third of the fork. Wan Jianyi fell quickly to the side under a very flexible force, and his body was under a strong rotating force , There is a tendency to fall!


Wan Jian took a sip and ignored the note that Chu Tian attacked again, and the broom waved the attack again.

The trend that goes forward is unstoppable!

Above the broom, a powerful aura rushed toward Chu Tian, ​​rushing towards Chu Tian, ​​rolling up the messy leaves on the ground, like a roaring giant dragon flying to Chu Tian!

The branch in Chu Tian's hand lightly picked.

The strength was not too small, just right to resist the fierce blow for a while, Chu Tian quickly found an entry point, the branches waved like a long whip!


The long and narrow aura seemed to be connected with the branches, and it was thrown towards Wan Jianyi, and a deep trace was thrown on Wan Jianyi's chest. The dripping blood spewed out, and Wan Jianyi's body stumbled back ten steps!

But Wan Jian didn't seem to see his injury. The broom turned upside down, the handle toward Chu Tian. Wan Jianyi's blood-stained robe, with strong momentum: "Cut! Ghost--"


Chu Tian didn't give Wan Jianyi a chance to show off. With a whip, Wan Jian flew out again and fell to the ground, covering his chest, but Wan Jianyi didn't say a word, and looked at Chu Tian with awe.

Chu Tian shook his head and said, "It's really boring! The Taoist logo Tai Chi map tells you to be yin and yang together, and it is still so reckless. Compared to those days, your sharpness is a little less, and it is no longer suitable for you. Now. "

Chu Tian walked towards Wan Jianyi step by step.

The paper in his hand oscillates gently, interweaving a brilliant brilliance.

Obviously it was just a piece of paper, but the scene in it made Wan Jian lose his mind. High mountains, running water, birdsong, breeze, Wan Jian saw many, many in a flash.

A branch actually exhibits such a complex artistic conception!

"You, you, you are--!"

Wan Jian stared at Chu Tian for a while, and seemed to finally recognize it!

I have met with him, there are such unfathomable people, except for the one who took the battle of Xiaozhufeng a hundred years ago! Wan Jianyi stared at Chu Tian's face and looked closely, and found that the two people's figures actually merged without any difference!

The reason why Chu Tian was not seen was only because of Chu Tian's temperament. The temperament of the whole person is very different!

"You, you are still so young." Wan Jian said breathlessly as he supported the floor.

Chu Tian shook his head: "I am not young, but you are old."

The branch in his hand was raised high, Chu Tian said: "It is said that you were very arrogant, and directly killed the sacred shrine of the Holy Church. I only watched the opening of the General Assembly of the Ghost King Zong. ——Today, let ’s calculate the new and old accounts together. ”

An aura waved gently from the branch, and Chu Tian made the final blow.

Wan Jian grabbed the broom in his hand one by one and forcibly transported the whole body's aura!

Even if he died, he would have to get rid of this scourge for Qingyunmen before he died!

"Sword leads Canglong !!!"

Wan Jian suddenly broke out!

Chu Tian threw out a spirit, and pierced his body like a meteor. Wan Jianyi still held the broom tightly and rushed towards Chu Tian. The violent aura on the broom seemed to be even stronger than before!


In an instant, the two great swordsmanship of the Qingyun Gate cut off ghosts and spirits, and the sword led the Canglong, which was combined into one by Wan Jian. Perhaps at the time of dying, the potential broke out, creating such a terrifying move!

The combination of rigidity and softness makes it perfect!

Chu Tian's eyes soared, and applauded: "Okay! This is worth my shot!"

Shoot with a palm!

A piece of spirit aura turned into endless sword qi in the hand, tens of thousands of sporadic sword qi; as Chu Tian's palm moved forward gently, the endless sword qi swept like a dense raindrop.


The sword led the Canglong to cut.

There is also Wan Jianyi's body!

Everything is destroyed. Under this fierce sword spirit, no dust remained.

The entire ancestral ancestral hall was restored to tranquility again. Where Wan Jianyi is, only the empty breeze is blowing ...

Chu Tian inserted a small wooden stick towards the location of Wan Jianyi, for the time being as a simple graveyard. After all, how to say is also a hero.

However, even heroes have to retreat in front of themselves.

Chu Tian looked to the location of the Hall of Magic Moon Cave, where there was a faint anger rising ...

Note: Wan Jianyi's Dao Xing is indeed not as good as Dao Xuan. This is undoubtedly obvious in the book.

But in the realm of Dao, Wan Jian is indeed far superior to Dao Xuan.

Generally speaking, it means that the power is not enough, and the skill is better (sentiment determines the skill), so Chu Tian will find him to show off.

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