Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 7 Chapter 82: Zhu Xianjian burst

The greatest feature of Zhuxian Jianzhen is that the sword energy is endless, and it is attacked indiscriminately on a large area, which can't resist it! But now, Jian Qi cannot be generated!

There is an ancient sword Zhuxian, how much strength can be enhanced?

"How is it possible! How is it possible!"

"This is the nearly invincible Zhuxian sword formation improved by Aoba Patriarch, how could it be useless! How could it be cracked!"

"Impossible! Impossible !!"


Daoxuan in the air seemed to be crazy.

The scene that happened in front of him is beyond his cognition. Qingyunmen's most proud Zhuxian sword array was actually restrained!

Daoxuan's body staggered, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. The whole person was crumbling, as if to fall.

The disciples of Qingyun Gate also looked pale!

Zhuxian Jianzhen was restrained!

Qingyun Gate ... finished?

Everyone has completely lost hope. The feeling of falling from the peak to the bottom completely wiped out all confidence ...

As if to puzzle Daoxuan, the following Qinglong suddenly raised his head to look at Daoxuan, and said: "The Sect Master said that this formation, in a strict sense, is not a formation, but-a seal!"

Daoxuan's complexion changed, and then he slowly recovered, saying, "Seal?"

"Yes, it's the seal! Sealing the hostility of Qingyun Mountain and sealing the source of Zhuxian Sword Array! The lord said that Zhuxian Sword Array can be cracked, but it seems a bit cumbersome for us, so the simplest method is adopted , Directly trace the source and seal the energy of Zhuxian Sword Formation! "

Qinglong's explanation, everyone finally understood.


Actually sealed the energy source of Zhuxian sword array!


Desolate in Daoxuan's eyes, he looked down at the green dragon below and said, "Where is your patriarch? Why didn't he come!"

"The Sovereign said that the Zhuxian Sword Formation is not worth his shot, so he will not come. This little thing, we as the subordinates can already do it. The Sect Master also said, Daoxuan your strength is low, as it was then. , It ’s so vulnerable, there ’s no need to shoot. ”

Daoxuan held Zhuxianjian tightly.

Ghost King Sect Master, Chu Tian!

How could he not remember this name!

In the battle of Xiaozhufeng, Daoxuan remembered it. Even in order to cope with Chu Tian, ​​dive into Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao day and night, Zhu Xian Jian Zhen also studied a lot, but did not expect that in the end, he would still be thrown away from a distance ...

With a miserable smile, Dao Xuan also knew that Qingyunmen was probably in danger this time. Even if you win, your strength is almost completely destroyed ...

Take out the ancient sword Zhuxian, absorb all the remaining sword spirit in the sky above the sword body of Zhuxian ancient sword, and shine a dazzling light.

"Yes, you have sealed the energy source of Zhuxian Sword Array, but you can't seal the energy that has already appeared!" Dao Xuan's eyes looked like electricity, and he looked down at everyone.

The light on the Zhuxian sword in Daoxuan's hands was dazzling. The colorful light circulates endlessly, filled with endless majesty. All the tens of thousands of tiny sword qi that stayed in the air were all sucked into Daoxuan's sword body by Zhu Xianjian. Zhu Xianjian's momentum is getting stronger and stronger! The strength that unites together exceeds all people's imagination!

"Even if I die, I will pull a few people back today!" Dao Xuan hissed.

"Not good! Dao Xuan is desperate!"

"Quick back!"



Everyone was shocked.

A peerless master who has spared his life, the power burst out is unimaginable! What's more, no one can know how powerful it is to concentrate all energy on Zhuxianjian.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

"Everyone comes apart! Don't concentrate on one place!"

"Dangerous here!"


However, it is clearly too late.

Dao Xuan's gaze drifted away from the crowd below for a while, aimed at the place where the poison **** and Yu Yangzi were, and slammed with a sword!

The huge seven-color swordmans descended from the sky.

Poison God and Yu Yangzi suddenly mentioned his throat!

"Damn, I knew it was separated! Dao Xuan's last sword will definitely take the most benefit! Poison God, you old and immortal, stood so close to me!"

"Go to your mother's bastard! Now what is the use of these!"

At the dying moment, the two couldn't take care of their identities, and swearing came out.

The two quickly moved!

The yin and yang mirrors are constantly changing, and the yin and yang are constantly flipping. Yu Yangzi condenses the strength of the whole body and is ready to resist the blow of Zhu Xianjian!

Poison God also held Acacia in both hands, condensed all the aura, and spewed out in an instant, rushing towards the seven-color sword qi in the sky!


The whole earth shook!

The attack of the two was in front of the unstoppable Zhuxianjian, which had no effect at all. Qi Shi Jian Qi didn't even stay for a moment, so he landed quickly and burst into a loud bang. A dazzling light illuminates the whole square.

Everyone stared blankly at the scene ahead.

Dust and smoke dispersed.

A huge pit appeared on the ground.

A mirror, with a few cracks faintly on the mirror surface, and a knife, is the poisonous lovesickness.

Except for the two's weapons, there was nothing. Poison God and Yu Yangzi, under the attack of Zhu Xianjian's main sword, the bones are not saved ...

The disciples of Changshengtang and Wandumen panicked!


Just die like this?

This is how to do!

The two factions lost their backbone and suddenly became panicked. The form above the square is extremely grim ...

"Cough cough cough!"

Several coughing sounds suddenly came from above.

Dao Xuan was staggered, falling from high altitude, blood spewed out, and covered the robe on his chest. Several Qingyunmen disciples quickly caught up and supported Daoxuan's body.

After such a consumption, Dao Xuan's injury deteriorated again ...

Qinglong's eyes showed a smile, and said: "All of you! Poison God and Yuyangzi, have exhausted the final energy of Zhuxianjian. Dao Xuan'er didn't have much power, everyone slammed and captured Qingyun Mountain! Revenge for Senior Poison God and Brother Yuyangzi! "

Everyone realized that the deadly Zhuxian Jianqi above his head was gone!

The danger has been lifted!

"Fuck! What are you afraid of!"

"Everybody go together!"



After breaking the Zhuxian sword formation, the demons immediately recovered their confidence and rushed to the opposite Qingyunmen crowd.

This is, really fierce fighting ...

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