Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 7 Chapter 84: rumor

With the fall of Chu Tian's voice, all the noise stopped abruptly.

The screaming demon crowds all over the square stopped their voices one after another.

It was not frightened, nor was it the sound of running away or thinking of countermeasures in silence. But because of the moment Chu Tian wielded this sword, all the demons all died!

None survived.

Millions of small swords were shot down from the sky, and the people in the whole square, even the corpse, dissipated in an instant. The fierce Jianqi pierced everything and wiped out everything for a short while, and there was nothing.

Even the many dead bodies that had died before and fell to the ground were dissipated in Chu Tian's successive waves.

No scum ...

The breeze blows.

After a long battle, the opponent was destroyed in a flash.

If it were not for the **** smell, it reminded everyone that there had been a fight in the square just now, and no one could believe that it had won, already, won!

"This, this, this is too strong!" A disciple of Qingyun Gate couldn't help but exit, breaking the silence.

It's so powerful, so fast.

Even the people did not react, and the remnants of the Demon Church dissipated. Dead, and even the corpses were destroyed by Chu Tian ’s unmatched attack!

"Brother Chu Tian, ​​it seems ... more powerful than the head of Dao Xuan!" Said another disciple.

"Brother Chu Tian is the reincarnation of Patriarch Aoba!"

"No! Brother Chu Tian is a fairy reincarnation!"


"Long live the Qingyunmen!"


With cheers, Chu Tian slowly fell from the sky.

What greeted Chu Tian was the applause of all the people in Qingyun Gate—although, only the disciples of Qingyun who were out of the crowd were present.

"Chu Tiandao friends, really opened my eyes!" Pu Hong, the host of Tianyin Temple, came to Chu Tiandao. Although the senior on the bright side is bigger than Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian's strength is worth calling for a friend!

"The master is polite." Chu Tian said.

Turning around, the crowd surrounded Chu Tian and walked back to the Yuqing Hall.

In the Yuqing Hall, Zhang Xiaofan and Qi Hao and others also came back, looking at the scene where Chu Tian was embraced by everyone, and some were ignorant.

Several monks in Tianyin Temple, covered in blood, came in.

At this moment, the survivor of Caomiao Village standing in the Yuqing Hall, Uncle Wang, suddenly roared!

"Ghost! Ghost! Ghost !!!"

"Haunted! Haunted !!"



This crazy uncle Wang Er, pointing at the blood-bearing Tianyin Temple monk in horror, shouted sternly! Endless panic between looks.

Suddenly, everyone in the whole hall looked at the monks of Tianyin Temple.

Especially Zhang Xiaofan, holding the burning stick tightly, with a red in his eyes, said one word: "Say! Why do he recognize! Know! You!"

On the burning stick, a cold atmosphere struck Zhang Xiaofan. Zhang Xiaofan's whole person seemed to have fallen into the darkness, and the horrible bloodthirsty breath emanated from Zhang Xiaofan's body.

Lin Jingyu also held the Dragon Sword tightly, and there was a tendency to do it immediately: "Say! Why know you !!!"

Chu Tian did not care, turned his head to look at the bald donkey. Although the truth is known, Chu Tian still has a bad impression of Tianyin Temple!

Dare to attack Huqi Mountain? It's so boring!

Chu Tiandao: "Master, we Qingyunmen, need an explanation."

Everyone's eyes focused on Pu Hong. Pu Hong closed his eyes, folded his hands together, and said aloud: "Amitabha. The old days, today's fruit. Yes, the Cao Miao Village massacre was indeed done by the people of our temple."



"how come!"

There was an uproar above the hall!

No one can think of it, and the massacre of the Tucun village was made. It would be a monk in Tianyin Temple!

Pu Hong's face seemed to be decades old at the moment. This secret has been kept, but now, finally, the paper can't catch the fire. Pu Hong slowly came together with the events of the year: "It was my brother, Pu Zhi, who was responsible for the massacre in Caomiao Village."

Everyone was startled again, especially Zhang Xiaofan, who had no blood on his face! The man he has always been a mentor was actually the murderer who killed dozens of lives in Caomiao Village!

Pu Hong continued: "This little donor's Brahma Prajna was also taught by my teacher Pu Zhi. At that time, in order to explore the mystery of longevity, Pu Zhi came to Qingyun Gate ..."

An unbearable past came from Pu Hong's mouth. The truth of the year was also revealed one by one ... (I will not write more, to prevent the suspected number of words, cough, cough)

The moment when the truth was revealed one by one on Qingyun Mountain. Under the mountain, the wind is also surging.

One of the most rumored departments affiliated with Ghost King Zong fully exerted his power.

Ghost King Zong, Propaganda Department!

Mobilize all forces to publicize the incident of Caomiao Village!

Tianzhi Temple's Puzhi killed 72 people in Caomiao Village!

Tianyin Temple killed 72 people in Caomiao Village!

Tianyin Temple massacred hundreds of people in Caomiao Village!

The whole temple of Tianyin Temple was dispatched, killing thousands of villages!

Tianyin Temple monks like to kill people!


In this way, the more exaggerated the more exaggerated, the worse the taste.

All the people in Tianyin Temple have become unscrupulous villains! In addition, there are examples to be tested, which can't be ignored!

The influence of the Guiwangzong Propaganda Department is unquestionable. Soon, the entire mainland of China, everyone knew about the evil of Tianyin Temple! The name of Tianyin Temple's righteous school is as stinking as Incense Valley!

And Qingyunmen, is dependent on evil.

On the one hand, when the Propaganda Department of Ghost King Zong vigorously publicized Dao Xuan's foundation, everyone immediately despised Qingyunmen. Especially those male disciples who are dedicated to cultivating immortals, no longer dare to yearn for the Qingyun Gate, otherwise the chrysanthemum is hard to guarantee!

On the other hand, the Propaganda Department of Ghost Wangzong is also preaching the story of Chu Tian, ​​a rookie in Qingyunmen. At a young age, he has become the first person in the right path. Hold Zhu Xian, wave the enemy, heroic spirit, no one can stop!

In this way, everything is developing in the direction of Chu Tian's satisfaction ...

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