Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 7 Chapter 86: Dispatch

The huge tree grew towards the sky quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it reached a height that no one could see. As if inserted into the blue sky.

The trunk is thick and beyond imagination.

A leaf is as big as a house.

Qi Hao and his party were as small as ants under this huge tree. Fragile and vulnerable.

"What, what is this!" Qi Hao looked at the huge tree and said to himself in shock.

In front of that huge power of heaven and earth, everyone was eclipsed. The huge earthquake that has just spread across the entire southern Xinjiang is not human. The towering tree in front of me is not simple!

However, this tree, actually ... was artificially summoned!

Qi Hao snapped, and the ice burst. Chills spread in front of him, staring at the vague figure in the hazy mist. Although the man didn't make a shot, the chilly coldness that made people shudder is definitely a demon! Absolutely top-notch master!

"Your Excellency just said that you need to kill. Kill? You want to use this thing as a bait to attract the two people of the devil to come and fight with each other? What do you do in this way, what do you do in the end!"

Qi Hao said firmly.

Although Qi Hao has such a little misconduct in his conduct; but Devil Guardian Dao, from the childhood to the education that soaked into his bones, Qi Hao is still very serious.

"Brother Qi, I will help you!" Zeng Shushu Xuanyuan pulled out the sheath and stood side by side with Qi Hao.

"I will come too!"

"Demon, die!"

There were dozens of people behind him, all coming up one after another!

Without him, the people in front are too powerful, and the people have no confidence in victory!

In the dark, the dim and vague shadow seemed to be gradually coming.

Every step, as if the earth was shaking, there was an overwhelming killing, madness, and Qi Hao's breathlessness! It seems that as soon as you shoot, the situation will change, and the mountain will shake!

"Young man, with a good mind and good guts." A low voice came from the darkness.

Although it was very low and heavy, it was a little weak, as if it was seriously injured. But the arrogant air that stomped the world, still echoed in the ears of the people, struck in the hearts of the people. As if invincible!

Black Shadow approached step by step and said slowly: "However, it is wrong to say this way of doing things. Now I am just an empty shell. Otherwise, why do you have to work so hard to summon this 'Treasure of the Emperor'?" What about? "




The sound of footsteps slowly approached, and the depression in the hearts of the people grew larger and larger. This horrible shadow seems to tear everyone apart in the next moment!

"Asshole !!!!!!" Lin Jingyu was young and vigorous, and finally couldn't bear the pressure. She slashed the dragon sword quickly and slashed towards the front shadow.

A magnificent ray of light bloomed from the Dragon Sword, and the fierce sword gas surged forward, splitting into the shadow.

"Humph! Little trick!"

Black Shadow hummed softly!

A strange wave suddenly left everyone's brain blank!

It is a bit similar to the scary Taoism of the acacia!

I couldn't even see how the man acted, a strong wind suddenly swept across. Dozens of the most outstanding disciples at Qingyunmen flew out.

Lin Jingyu, who bears the brunt, was even scarred, holding the Dragon Sword and moaning.

"You, are you a ghost?" Lin Jingyu struggling shouted.

Even if he didn't even see his appearance, he knocked down a few people. With such a momentum, in addition to the mysterious ghost king of Liubo Mountain, I can no longer find a second person to contend with!

And, the person in front of him, that bloodthirsty breath, is more powerful than the ghost king!

The ghost king is evil, this person is bloodshed, murderous!

Black Shadow smiled and said: "I am a man or a ghost? Haha! What is a person? What is a ghost? You foolish mortals! If it were not my reason, where would you come from? People? ! "

The roaring sound actually caused a dramatic change in the sky.

The entire Western Daze is shaking!

Everyone even has a ridiculous illusion that the person in front of him is not a person, not a ghost, but ... God! ! !

Black Shadow raised his right hand high, as if preparing to take a picture. Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he seemed to see something, the palm that was about to fall, slowed down.


With endless doubts in his voice, the black-robed person preached towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan was ashamed, like an enemy. That kind of terrifying breath is simply not what he can resist now! Zhang Xiaofan thought of Chutian in Liubo Mountain.

Moreover, God? Who is this?

Zhang Xiaofan looked puzzled.

"Unexpectedly, you would actually be reduced to this," the black robe said softly, as if thinking about something, after a while, said, "It's so boring to kill you ... It's boring to wait for you to fix it in the future, I will try again End it with your own hands. Together, this decaying world! "

A cloud of blood mist suddenly rose.

Around the shadow, a ray of light shone, and then suddenly, it disappeared like this.

Everyone, walked in the ghost gate!

"Huh? Why did you leave suddenly?"

"what happened?"

"Hoo! Who the **** is this, it's horrible!"


Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, I don't understand why.

Only Zhang Xiaofan looked puzzled.

Thinking of the seventh volume of the Heavenly Book passed to him by Jade Bird, and the strange title of Heavenly Emperor, Zhang Xiaofan's forehead actually hurt.

The towering ancient tree in front of me seems to be very familiar ...


A piece of sunshine falls, bright spring and light.

Chu Tian stood on the lawn in front of Xiaozhu Peak and smiled with Wen Min.

Wearing a white shirt, Wen Min was like a demure wife, held by Chu Tian in his arms, the two whispered on the grass under the shade of Xiaozhufeng.

Chu Tian ate a few tofu from time to time, making Wen Min Jiao laugh again and again.

"You! Why are you angry with Xueqi again?" Wen Min said with an uneasy look.

"Can this blame me? It's just that I touched a few, this girl is too conservative!" Chu Tian pouted.

"Humph!" Wen Min gave Chu Tian a glance.

"Well, well, I'm honest, I sneaked in front of Ling'er. But it was obviously not found, Xue Qi's face was too thin."

"... you are too thick!"


The two chatted and talked, and suddenly, a glorious glow came from the west. The whole sky was shrouded by this glow, majestic and vast.

It seems that there is something strange to be born!

"This is--" Chu Tian frowned, a little displeased in his heart, "No, isn't this the emperor's treasure house? Which king and eight lambs actually made this thing out! Lao Tzu is also going to take a plot house It's been ten years! By the way! The plan has been disrupted! "

Chu Tian scolded at the West.

The fact is that to get all the acacia school maids of Xiaozhufeng and Huqishan together, ten years is just right. But now, it seems that something is wrong.

"What's wrong, younger brother?" Wen Min raised his head and moved in Chu Tian's arms, somewhat puzzled.

Chu Tian thought for a while and said, "Sister Wen Min, I have to go out for a while. I was going to take a break for ten years. I didn't expect these people to be too uneasy, so I could just kill them all at once!"

Wen Min nodded gently.

Several strands of hair fluttered in the wind, passing the corners of the eyes, elegant and beautiful. Wen Min looked at Chu Tian's eyes and was always full of trust and tenderness.

"Relax, I will go early and go back early. At that time, I will stay with you every day!"

Chu Tian hugged Wen Min and sucked heavily on Wen Min's cherry lips. The two kissed fiercely, and after a long time, this separated. Looking at Wen Min's gasping breath at the moment, Chu Tian's salted pig hands couldn't help but grabbed a hard hand on Wen Min's Feng chest.

Bounce. Full of sex, round and soft. Soft!

In this way, Chu Tian had overwhelmed his addiction to the hands and feet, and then Chu Tian let go of Wen Min, his figure gradually faded and disappeared in Qingyun Mountain ...

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