Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 7 Chapter 99: Mon Xian Zhan Ming Ming

On Monday, Xian Xian confronted the old man with black heart for a long time, shook his head, and looked down at the small ring around him.

"Xiaohuan, what about the night pearl that your brother gave you?"

"Oh! Here!" Xiaohuan took out the Pearl of Night with a look of joy.

"Remember, Xiaohuan, if something happened, you dropped the bead, did you hear that?"

"But Grandpa, this was given to me by Chu Tian's brother--" Xiaohuan pouted, very reluctant. However, seeing the serious expression on Monday, Xiaohuan nodded.


"Well! This is a good boy."

In the hands of Monday Immortals, the spirits were intertwined, and Xiaohuan suddenly stopped and stood on the spot. Holding a night pearl, his eyes did not blink.

It seems that time is frozen.

On Monday, Xian shook his head, sighed, and disappeared ...

In the empty valley, two figures confronted each other.

"This is the 100th time you and I have fought." The old man with black heart looked at the opposite Monday, said.


"I think it's time to make a break this time."

"Haha! I feel the same way about the old man."

"It seems we are surprisingly consistent."


The two were talking, not as enemies, but as intimate friends, talking about each other's various experiences over the past ten million years. From time to time, a hearty laugh burst out, echoing between the empty mountains.

The same is among the existence of the world's top experts.

The same is the existence of the true meaning of struggling to find the way.

Although they have fought each other for millions of years, but the two of them have a sense of sympathy ...

"It's almost time."

"Yeah, almost."

A long sword emerged from Monday's hand, the light was shining and the momentum was pressing.

In the hands of the black-hearted old man, there is the simple and muddy axe, which seems to have the power to destroy the world!

The two faced each other with aura between their eyes.

Monday's long sword was slowly raised, and suddenly, the entire valley seemed to be pierced by countless swords. The majestic sword spirit is even stronger than Zhang Xiaofan!

"Good! Good! It is worthy of the" first heaven and earth "! You can deserve this old ancestor alone with this swordsmanship!" The old black heart cheered loudly.

"Oh, Mo Zhesha my old man! The first immortal. If you really think about it, your first life, King Tiansha Ming, that is the first immortal." Monday Immortal shook his head humbly, very careful in his eyes .

Obviously, he was very uncertain about this battle.

In the previous ninety-nine battles, the old black heart failed to use the sky axe. But this time, it was actually summoned, that is to say, the power has been restored quite a lot.

"Actually, I still have a question." Monday Xian suddenly said.


"This time, you are not a reincarnated body, but ... a body that has continued for 800 years. I want to know, how did you hide me from the World War I 800 years ago." Confused.

Suddenly, there was a burst of grief on the old man with black heart.

Holding the sky axe tightly, this will calm down the murderous intention.

The blood of the blood is scattered everywhere. The old man with a dark heart said in a low voice: "It's not me who concealed you, but ... Golden Bell. Her infatuation curse is not to stop your last blow, but to temporarily leave my soul with the power of the spell The body, hidden ... Jin Ling, is innocent. "

Mon Sian was silent.

In the eyes of the old black heart, the fine mans skyrocketed,

"This world is unjust! This king is earth-shattering and meritorious! Why is he destined to die? Such a world, don't bother!"

Mon Sian did not speak.

Perhaps King Ming is right, the road is ruthless. But he didn't agree with Ming Wang's approach on Monday. Different ideas, destined to confront each other.

"Come on."

Monday Immortal stretched out his long sword, a sword light flickering suddenly, stab toward the Ming King. A soft and soft sword seems too fast to catch. Hidden deep sharp!

Although the old man is usually crazy and silly, but at a critical moment, he will never be soft!

Jianguang went to the Ming King in a blink of an eye. King Ming's giant axe went from top to bottom, banging away--

"Oh !!!!!!"

Jian Qi smashes!

Earth smash!

Mountain range crush!

The axe from top to bottom is fierce and unstoppable. As if an axe could split the world in half! A deep ditch. The chasm appeared in front of Tiansha Mingwang!

On Monday, Xian Xian, evaded on the occasion of a thousand shots, quickly escaped into a dead corner, a fierce sword gas swayed, hit the back of Ming King! After a series of prohibitions, in front of Monday's sword spirit, it seemed that there was no such thing.

Tian Shaming Wang's heart was awe-inspiring, his footsteps changed frequently, and he was also dangerously hiding!

King Ming scolded: "Good you are a Monday immortal. Despicable and shameless guy! The combination of swordsmanship and escape surgery, you can come up with it!"

Xian Ha ha laughed on Monday: "This is the old man specially prepared for you!"

The immortal figure shook on Monday and suddenly disappeared again.

In the mountains, in the water, in the air, in the cracks.

In a flash, hundreds of positions were changed!

Zhou Xian's escape technique has been applied to the earth like fire! No matter what it is, you can escape! The strongest body style, plus his extremely powerful swordsmanship. Monday's attack method is very difficult!




Several sounds were heard softly. On Monday, Immortal successively had three strange sword qi, attacked from a tricky angle, and was intercepted by Ming Wang with a sky axe. At the same time, the Ming King waved his axe frequently and fought back again and again.


Suddenly a blood spattered!

Monday Immortal's figure appeared in front of Ming Wang's eyes, and a sword slashed in Ming Wang's abdomen. King Ming groaned, not only did he not avoid, but instead grabbed the long sword of Monday Immortal.

This is the time to fight back!


The roar echoed between the mountains, and the duel between the two continued for a long time ...

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