Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 7 Chapter 102: Chutian

Feng. Liu has no idea of ​​the years, and a few days have passed.

When Chu Tian and Jin Ping'er appeared in front of the women again, Jin Ping'er had pulled up the bun and put on a woman's outfit. Feeling dizzy on the cheeks, the wind.

The slim jade arm embraced Chu Tian's hand, and the bird leaned against Chu Tian like a human. In the watery eyes of Jin Ping'er, the water was dripping quickly. The two groups of towering snow peaks seem to be a little bigger than a few days ago, and they are even more attractive.

All the females stared at Chu Tian suspiciously. Chu Tian was thick-skinned, unknowingly. However, a pretty face of Jin Ping'er has dripped out of water.

"Brother Tian, ​​you are too quick to start." Linger pursed Xiao Xiao's mouth and said with a bitter grudge.

"This sister, hasn't consulted Fang Ming yet?" Su Ru asked.

"Sister, you look so beautiful!"

"Brother, don't you introduce this sister?"


The coldness of the women asked warmth, and the voice of concern warmed Jin Ping'er's heart.

This sweet feeling hasn't passed in a long time since he joined the acacia. Although this Qingyun Gate was monopolized by Chu Tian alone, it seemed warmer than expected.

Jin Ping'er smiled sweetly, and two dimples appeared on his cheeks: "Sister Jin Ping'er, have seen you sisters."

"Sister, your name is Jin Ping'er!"

"Good name!"

"Sister recruited from the real, how do you and Tiange know, tell us ..."


Jin Ping'er was quickly taken away by the women, leaving Chu Tian standing alone in the same place. Jin Ping'er turned his head, throwing a charming eye towards Chu Tianjiao, and negotiating with the girls again.

Twitter, very lively.

Jin Ping'er suddenly found that it seemed like Chu Tian opened the harem, which was a good thing. There are so many sisters who really care about themselves ...

It's cheaper to color. Wolf! Jin Pinger thought.

Looking at the harmony of the harem, Chu Tian was also very happy.

Lying on the lawn, watching the lively young girls in the distance, just take a look at it, you can also relax muscles and blood.

"Um! Xueqi, massage for me."

Chu Tianhao beckoned nearby, lazily authentic.

Lu Meimei blushed for a while, and hesitated for a while while standing on the spot, quietly glanced at the sisters in the distance, and walked gently to Chu Tian's side.

The slim and delicate hand pressed gently on Chu Tian's shoulder, weak and boneless, crisp and soft.

"Well, Xueqi, your massage technique is getting better and better." Chu Tian said freely.

"Yes, the master taught me." Lu Xueqi's face was red.

"Well, be more powerful, that's right, this is it, go up a bit further, um, that's it, okay, okay ..."

Chu Tian really feels happy.

Leng Yan beauty Lu Xueqi, although looking cold, is actually very good. Basically, it's just a matter of obedience, but his face is not good at performance.

The breeze was blowing.

The scent of flowers permeates and is simply beautiful. Lu Xueqi's skirt skirt danced in the wind, touching and ecstasy.

Suddenly, the wind direction changed, and Lu Xueqi's skirt floated high and fell on Chu Tian's forehead. A fresh body fragrance penetrated into Chu Tian's nostrils.

Chu Tian looked at it, and suddenly said in surprise:

"Ding, Ding, Ting. Pants !? Or transparent !!?"

Lu Xueqi's chest and **** were undulating, and her cold face, even though she was forced to wear it, was still stained with Caixia.

Chu Tian swallowed and said, "Xueqi ... this, this."

"The master said ... that you would like this. So I just ..." Lu Xueqi's voice became weaker, and she continued to calm down, and her jade hand was still massaging on Chu Tian's shoulder.

However, the trembling of the jade hand could not be concealed.

What are you waiting for!

Chu Tian turned up and kissed Lu Xueqi's delicate red lips, tongue and head in and out, picking up Lu Mei's breath. The two big hands were also uneasy and attached a tall, towering snow peak ...

In the distance, all the daughters of Xiaozhufeng were shocked!

"Ah! It's too chaotic!"

"How can Heaven do this!"

"No, sisters, run quickly! There are more than 20 people here today, we are not Tian Tian's opponents!"


The girls had just prepared to flee, and a strong suction was generated.

"Haha! No one can run today!" Chu Tian laughed proudly.

The war is fierce ...

After Shu Shuang, Chu Tian was full of strength.

It feels okay to hit the world with a punch!

The thought flashed and sent the girls to their rooms. Chu Tian was ready to go shopping, and by the way, the old blackheart who had escaped a few days ago, that is, King Tiansha Ming, was killed.

Suddenly, a signal flew from a distance!

"this is--"

Chu Tian thought.

This is the night pearl he gave to Xiaohuan. There is a little gadget in it. If it broke, Chu Tian would know immediately.

The direction was determined in an instant, Chu Tian stepped in, the space was twisted, and the blink disappeared in Qingyun Mountain ...

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa, wake up!"

"Grandpa, cheer up! Grandpa!"



A clear voice came from the front.

Xiaohuan pulled Zhou Xian's body, crying sadly. The watery eyes are already red and red.

On Monday, Cian Xian lay on the ground, with less air intake and more air exhaustion. A long sword that was cut in half in his hand seemed to be intact, but in fact his internal organs were all destroyed.

Chu Tian walked to Xiaohuan and patted the shoulder of Xiaoyao, saying, "Xiaohuan, tell your brother, what's the matter?"

Xiaohuan, as if he had found the heart of the Lord, threw himself in Chu Tian's arms, weeping, pointing at a big man in front, saying, "It's him! It's him who killed the grandfather! It's him !!! Ohhhhhhh ..."

The big man pointed to by Xiaohuan is the reincarnation of King Tiansha Ming, the old man of black heart.

However, the sky axe in his hand was broken, and his arm was also broken. Although he is not dead, he is not far from death.

King Tiansha Ming fights with Monday Immortal, and both lose both sides!

King Ming looked at Monday Immortal and laughed loudly: "Okay! Okay! It is Monday Immortal, that even the king's open sky axe can be destroyed! Powerful! Powerful !!!"

King Ming spurted blood out, his face pale, and he didn't pay attention to Chu Tian here.

It seems that there is no fear of death.

Chu Tian stared at King Tiansha Ming and looked at the whole hundred thousand mountains. The dark road was bad!

Gourmet, absorbed by this goods!


"Come on, Xiaohuan, I will avenge your grandpa."

Chu Tianzheng was about to step forward. Suddenly, Monday Immortal, who was clearly about to die, opened his eyes suddenly and said, "Wait, wait! Old, old man ... there are ... I have something to ask for!"

On Monday, Xian desperately supported his last breath. It seemed that he was waiting for Chu Tian to arrive.

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