Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 8 Chapter 5: I like the feeling of control

Chu Tian didn't seem to see these black terror muzzles, and continued walking forward. The calm expression makes everyone feel something is wrong!




Step by step, no hurry. The sound echoed in the empty conference hall, and a thing called "imposing" that only existed in the novel movie appeared in front of everyone.

Even with the gun in his hand, the palm of his hand is still involuntarily sweating! Even if the number of people far exceeds each other, they are still surrounded by fear!

The dull footsteps, as if death is approaching!

This man, like an invincible king under King's Landing, makes people unable to resist! ! !

"Shoot !!! Shoot! Ah! Quick !!!!!!"

The patriarch of the Yamaguchi group finally couldn't help it, and hissed and roared. Obviously, he didn't do anything, but he felt a huge mental pressure and almost collapsed him. A bit of sweat had already shed on his hideous face.




Dense gunshots sounded, and bullets were shot at Chutian from all directions. Everyone stared at this terrifying man, and a strange thought came up in his mind: Will this man not die?

"Yes, I can't die."

The faint voice resounded like a demon, overshadowing all the bullets.

Chu Tian's fingers crossed an arc in the air, and bullets that couldn't be caught by the naked eye were caught by Chu Tian. He stretched out his hands and seemed to let everyone see how they survived.

Metal bullets appeared in Chu Tian's hands, clearly. Chu Tian twisted hard, and suddenly dozens of bullets turned into dust. Chu Tian blows gently, and drifts away with the wind ...

The meeting room was silent.

Those bodyguards have lost the courage to shoot; the patriarch of the Yamaguchi group softened their legs and collapsed on the seat. Dozens of high-level officials and senior officials of the Yamaguchi group are like discouraged balls, and there is no more sound.

Such a person ... no! It can no longer be counted as a human being, which simply transcends the definition of human being! This ... this is a monster! !

Everyone looked at Chu Tian with terrified eyes.

Chu Tian smiled unrestrainedly, with the power of law, swiftly swaying in the air, all the people were shrouded in envelope: "Submit me !!!"

The strong and overbearing brand remains in the minds of all the seniors of the Yamaguchi group, lingering ...

Half an hour later, Chu Tian walked out of the building of the headquarters of the Yamaguchi team.

The patriarch, deputy leader, etc. of the Yamaguchi group, dozens of high-level personnel, stood behind each other respectfully, like pugs. Even seeing a leaf in front of Chu Tian's feet, the patriarch of the Yamaguchi group would quickly step forward and take the leaves away. Open the way for this "adult".

"Sir, go slowly!"

"Sorry to the Lord!"

"Long live long live, long live long live! After Abe, only the life of the lord will obey! The lord let me eat shit, I will never eat meat!


Chu Tian is like a king in the farewell of everyone. The two triads guarding the building widened their eyes and looked at the scene in disbelief.

How did you think that the patriarch of the Tangtang Yamaguchi group would actually ...


A wind sounded, and Chu Tian's figure disappeared again. The two black staff at the gate finally realized that what was before was not an illusion ...

After leaving the headquarters of Sankou Group, of course Chu Tian will not end like this.

Japan's three major gangsters, but a huge piece of oil, how could Chu Tian let go.

In the next stop, the Inagawa group of the same strength among the three major triads in Japan. Located in the XX city zone, a small number of triad organizations that can compete with the Yamaguchi group.

Chu Tian's figure flicked and entered the headquarters of the Inagawa team.

Go ahead, brainwash ...

Within a day, throughout Japan, hundreds of triad forces, large and small, had been tampered with by Chu Tian ’s power of law. All the leaders of the underworld were gathered together by Chu Tian for a union!

Join forces to form Japan's largest underworld organization!

Oh no! That's wrong, it's actually not a triad.

Now it has been renamed. Hundreds of gang leaders from all over Japan, under the leadership of the great Master Chu Tian, ​​have made painstaking changes, and established a well-known company called: "Unity of the People and Friendly Partnership Company."

Unite people and friendly partner companies, the company has hundreds of thousands of employees, if established, it will be the largest company in Japan! Under the company, three largest departments are established, namely the Sankou Department, the Inagawa Department, and the Sumiyoshi Department. In addition, the remaining hundreds of small gangs have also established various small departments.

On the bright side of the company, it provides various convenient services to the people and is determined to build a company with the best reputation!

As for the secret ...

Firearms sales, smashing and burning, commercial monopolies, dark box operations, fraud, etc., all of which are carried out without anyone being aware. The company is determined to be a good company, a good company on the bright side. The ultimate goal is to dedicate all the money to the great and wise leader-Master Chu Tian.

For Lord Chutian, give up everything, even life!

This is the company's philosophy! -Of course, it is also secret.

The legalization of the underworld is an inevitable process for future development. Chu Tian just advanced it by several decades ...

However, it seems that I am standing at the highest end to experience the boss. Chu Tian has a feeling of returning to his previous life.

"Do me a good job! What happened, just move forward, I stand behind you, you will not fail!" Chu Tian roared.

"Yes! Adults !!!"

In this way, after the solemn oath of allegiance, Chu Tian once again let go and left alone.

Controlling thinking means loyalty, and there can be no problems. Even the son of the controller who wanted to do something to betray Chu Tian would be killed as soon as possible. Such slightest mistakes will not be controlled, in order to let Chu Tian feel at ease and let himself go.

After everything was done, after playing for two or three days in this world, Chu Tian sneaked into the Nippon Shrine again and came to the bone-eating well.

It's time to go back.

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