Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 8 Chapter 7: Let me teach you archery

"Everyone is all right."

Bellflower said to the villagers with concern.

In front of the monster, the bellflower is jealous and simply starts. The balloon arrow is the most terrifying thing in the eyes of monsters.

But in the eyes of these villagers, the bellflower is a bodhisattva-like person, with arrows in their hands, guarding the entire village. The warm smile of Bellflower makes all villagers rest assured.

"Miss Bellflower, we are all right!"

"Miss Bellflower, you saved us again!"

"Miss Bellflower is really a bodhisattva. If there is more in this world ..."


After chatting for a while, Campanulaceae came out of the villagers and came to Chutian.

Pure eyes looked at Chu Tian, ​​and Kikyo's eyes looked as clear as water.

"you are--"

Bellflower looked at Chu Tian, ​​softly, and the voice was soft and beautiful. Although Campanulaceae is very young, but after protecting the village and fighting monsters, after many things, it has a mature and stable that a girl of this age does not have.

He shoulders a great mission and responsibility, sees through the red dust, and has no regrets. This is the bellflower.

"My name is Chu Tian! This is our second meeting!"

Chu Tian smiled friendlyly at the bellflower.

Looking at this woman, although holy, warm and fraternal, when Chu Tian saw her, she always felt a deep depression. At the moment, Chu Tian actually had an urge to change the bellflower, leaving her free from the heavy burden.

Looking at the sky in the distance, before waiting for the bellflower to talk, Chu Tian said:

"Kansu, it's not time to relax now. There is a huge demon spirit approaching in the east. Um, ten, twenty, thirty ... May sixty-seven, a total of fifty-seven monsters! Be prepared in advance. "

Bellflower was taken aback, turned his head, and looked east.

However, Campanulaceae only felt the monster spirit, but could not detect the specific number of monsters like Chu Tian. Thinking of the mysterious old lady, Kikyo was a little curious about Chu Tian's identity.

Who is such a powerful person? Never heard of such a person.

"Enough to cope with any powerful monster", such comments, in addition to the former Miss Cui Zi, Bellflower has never felt, who can afford it. But the mother-in-law actually put Chu Tian into this column ...

"Ha ha ha ha! Little ones, kill me !!!"

The huge monster has been running out of the forest suddenly.

This is a bear demon, with a huge body and a height of more than a dozen meters. His thick arms gently uproot the trees. Behind the bear demon, a large group of little demon followed closely. A large number, densely packed!

The demon ran towards the village of Feng, staring closely at the mansion of Chu Tian.

"These idiots, came here in such a hurry! Haha! Bellflower witch, your arrow is not enough, ah? Hahahaha !!!"

The bear demon laughed wildly, and a group of subordinates attacked the village quickly.

Here is the news of the baby, the bear demon certainly knows, but there is a witch who has strong archery and extremely talent, and this bear demon also knows.

Therefore, the previous monsters will be allowed to go ahead and use up the witch's bow and arrow. Now, this is the best time for them to attack! Although they are monsters, they also have brains!

Bellflower's eyes were cold, reaching for his back, pulling out several long arrows, and a stream of light flew from his hands.

Every light hit at least one monster.

The white light was dazzling and dazzling like the sun, removing all the monsters.

The Arrow of Breaking Demon is the nemesis of these monsters. However, because it is an arrow, it has an inevitable weakness-quantity.

"call out!"

Another stream flashed through, and the two monsters were wiped out when they were about to enter the village. But behind the bellflower, only the last arrow remained.

The monster in front of you, plus the huge and powerful bear demon, there are ... 21!

How to solve 21 monsters with one arrow!

The platycodon grandiflorum is not as strong as it will be in the future. Without arrows, if you fight in close combat, there are so many monsters and the odds are small. After all, the 12-year-old girl has not yet fully developed her spiritual power and has limited strength ...

Campanulaceae held the arrow in his hand and looked at the monster on the opposite side sharply, hesitating.

The huge bear demon opposite, clutching the **** left arm, grinned. Of all the monsters, he was the only one who had escaped the bellflower.

"Ha ha! Little bellflower witch, obediently hand over the treasures, I will spare you not to die! Otherwise, I will level this small village, wow ha ha ha ha !!!"

Campanulaceae held his breath, took an arrow, drawn a bow, and aimed at the bear demon.

Spirits surged on the arrow, and the bellflower suppressed his uneasy mood, and aimed at the bear demon in the distance. Hesitating, how to hit 100%, Chu Tian's voice suddenly came from behind the bellflower.

Like rain in time!

"Hey, bellflower, let me shoot you this arrow, how?"

Chu Tian came to Bellflower's side, his face calm and calm. It seems that the monster in front of me has never been put in my eyes. Instead, he focused his eyes on the Zishan Lingbow in the hands of Bellflower and observed slowly.

"You ... use arrows?" Bellflower said hesitantly.

"Not only will it be a master!" Chu Tian said.

After taking the bow and arrow in the hands of Campanulaceae, Chu Tian didn't even look at it, and straightened quickly, aiming at the monsters in front. With a loud bang, the long arrow was shot hurriedly by Chu Tian.

As if it were random.

A weak spiritual power spread on the arrow, because Chu Tian had just practiced for two days, and the spiritual power was pitiful. The monster on the opposite side saw Chu Tian holding a weak arrow and suddenly laughed!

"Dare such a weak arrow to brag?"

"Boy, did you make a mistake!"

"Too idiot!"


The monsters laughed.

However, Chu Tian's arrow suddenly changed during the shooting.

Spiritual power is surging, blooming brilliantly, and wind blades gather quickly on the arrow. The wonderful trajectory, as if already budgeted well, is aimed at all the monsters on the field!

No more, no less, a wind blade, aimed at a monster, a total of 20!

And this arrow is aimed at the leading bear demon!


There was a bang.

The white dazzling light seemed to illuminate the whole village. The 21 monsters on the opposite side had not yet reacted, and they were destroyed by Chu Tian's domineering arrow.

No scum left!

Bellflower also looked at the scene in surprise. The bellflower just couldn't understand how the arrow showed its power. Moreover, although Chu Tian ’s spiritual power is small, to the top, it seems that it is more pure than hers! Purify everything, so strong, even a bit overbearing!

Passing the longbow to the bellflower, Chu Tian smiled and said, "How about, my technique is not bad. If you don't dislike it, I can teach you."

In the whispering wind, the little bellflower raised his head seriously, and the beautiful voice appeared extremely bright and persistent: "Trouble Mr. Chu!"

PS: Update late, sorry.

There is really no way today. The power was cut off for nearly 4 hours and it was fatally wounded !!!!

Cough, there are 3 more. I suggest you watch it again at night

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