Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 8 Chapter 22: True and false, broken jade!

Everything that follows is in Chu Tian's plan.

Ge Wei, an ordinary girl, took the Jade of the Four Souls and swaggered across the street, without being noticed by monsters! The monsters who were attracted by the jade of the Four Souls were lurking nearby, and they gathered more and more.

Bears, foxes, cats, centipedes, etc., all kinds of non-influential monsters have gathered here.

And, a half-demon who has been sealed for fifty years just because of Chu Tian ’s rise, with a keen sense of smell, quickly came in this direction——

After half an hour.

"Hand over the Jade of the Four Souls!"

"The Jade of the Four Souls is mine, it is mine !!"

"Little girl, you can't keep this thing!"


One by one monsters, surrounded by Ge Wei group, glowing light in his eyes, staring closely at the little bead in Ge Wei's hands.

Ge Wei couldn't think of it, but it was just a little jade. In a blink of an eye, it attracted so many ... monsters!

Looking at the big mouths of blood basins, Ge Wei was really scared, and thought about handing over the jade of the four souls. After all, this era does not belong to her.

But thinking of the origin and powerful power of Campanulaceae about the Jade of the Four Souls, the sense of justice in Ge Wei's heart emerged spontaneously. No matter how you say it, you can't get the monster.

Since then-

"You want the Jade of the Four Souls, there is no way!"

Ge Wei vigorously exerted his strength and raised his hand cleverly, throwing it far away, and the Jade of the Four Souls fell into the lake. All the monsters suddenly looked uncomfortable, and quickly rushed to the Jade of the Four Souls!

One by one, I wish to insert a pair of wings and grab the Four Soul Jade first in front of all opponents!

Just before the Jade of the Four Souls was about to fall to the pole of the lake, a black bird flew over with a cry!


This is a corpse bird that is good at manipulating corpses!

The corpse bird caught the jade of the four souls in a single bite and flew quickly into the air. Ge Wei looked at the big bird rising from the sky and suddenly realized: "It turns out that monsters have birds too!"

A red shadow suddenly rushed into the sky at a very fast speed, and its strength is much stronger than the nearby monsters who are not inflow!

Inuyasha's head was straight with blue muscles, and his body rushed forward very quickly, staring at the corpse bird in the air, and tore it off with a catch-unfortunately, it was still a step later, only one corpse bird's paw fell . The jade of the four souls was taken away by the corpse bird!

"Asshole! There are so many monsters in the birds! Disturbing women!" Chu Tian turned and scolded at Ge Wei.

How can Inuyasha be upset!

At that time, because of the idea of ​​playing the Four Soul Jade, he was sealed by Chu Tian for 50 years! For the Jade of the Four Souls, Inuyasha had no great expectations when he originally lifted the seal!

But now, the Jade of the Four Souls was actually taken away by a little demon!

In such a comparison, I suddenly felt that my destiny was much more miserable, and since the current situation of the Four Soul Jade seems to be anyone can **** and no one guards. It's really awful to be a step behind myself!

The corpse-dancing birds in the air are flying farther and farther, and many monsters who do not give up are still chasing on the land, including Inuyasha. The damage of the corpse bird is also quickly recovered under the recovery ability of the Four Soul Jade, and the strength is also rapidly increasing!

"Recovery, resilience."

Ge Wei seems to have caught something!

It seems that a big disaster has happened, and of course Ge Wei wants to remedy it. Borrowing a bow and arrow from a person on the side, Ge Wei tied the claws of the corpse bird to it and tied it up.

Pulling the bow, aiming, Ge Wei said: Be sure to hit!

"call out!"

The long arrow galloped high into the air, shooting at the corpse bird in the air. Originally, this arrow did not have the power to reach such a high distance, but under the recovery ability of the dancing bird, the long arrow that tied its claws quickly approached the dancing bird, and finally, it shot-

All the monsters below showed an unwilling look.

Just wait for the corpse bird to land, and then **** the jade of the four souls!

At this moment, time becomes unusually slow. The bird in the sky seems to be still for a moment ...

"Look at me, Li Daitao stiff!"

Chu Tian secretly waved his hand, and strange runes flashed. The blood-red blood-red fake Four Soul Jade in the hand suddenly disappeared!

It was exchanged with the jade of the Four Souls that had been marked by Chu Tian unconsciously in the sky!

The jade in the air is in Chu Tian's hands!

Chu Tian's forgery came to the belly of the dancing corpse bird!

This is a spell involving space. I have spent more than 50 years in the Inuyasha world. Although I have not yet understood the law, the various spells and demon spells in this world have long been practiced by Chu Tian to a peak. Keep trying, keep surpassing!

Chu Tian stared at the dancing corpse bird in the air, the excitement in his eyes grew stronger and stronger!

"The fake jade I made, because of the function and material, the breath of blood slaughter is too obvious, it is easy to be seen. Only choose to drop the bag at this time is the safest! People will pay attention. "

Chu Tian stared at the corpse bird in the air, beaming with joy. The feeling of playing around with the whole world of Inuyasha applauding is really beautiful. Wonderful!

And, by the way, you can upgrade!

I'm afraid no one can imagine that this Four Soul Jade has given them not superficial power, but a life-saver! Chu Tian ’s jade with four souls does not provide any energy at all, but forcibly urges the potential in the body and burns life!

In the end, everything will become the nourishment of jade and become the energy of Chutian's promotion!

What seemed to come to mind, Chu Tian's spiritual power spread rapidly, and he sent voices to the heads of various countries, and ordered to increase the propaganda of the Four Soul Jade, so that more powerful and powerful people and demon would join in!

Nourishment, the more the better!



The corpse bird in the air was finally shot by Ge Wei's arrow!

A fierce ray of light suddenly burst into the air. The powerful light is even ten times brighter than the sun! Traces like meteors flashed in the sky and flew in all directions!

Smaller, more complicated, more!

Not only did the corpse bird shoot through, but also the jade of the four souls!

As many as hundreds of thousands of Four Soul Jade fragments have flown to all corners of the world!


"how come!!"

"The Jade of the Four Souls is broken !!!"


All the monsters are boiling!


"Four Soul Jade? It seems that my chance to revenge has come."

In a dark corner, a gloomy guy hiding in sheepskin smiled happily. Aiming at the place where the jade fragments of the Four Souls ran, they ran quickly.

Not just Naraku.

All monsters and people, as long as they can't control their desires and desires, want to improve, and have greed and greed, one after another, at this moment, act quickly!

PS: Well, it ’s so sleepy, it ’s estimated that it ’s a bit late for the first time tomorrow.

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