Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 8 Chapter 28: Wind wounds cast by hand

Inuyasha carried a large knife, iron broken teeth, and hurriedly walked forward. After hearing that the Thunder Beast Brothers had the Jade of the Four Souls, Inuyasha came immediately and could not wait.

Becoming a real monster as soon as possible, rather than a half monster, is still Inuyasha's biggest wish at present! The Jade of the Four Souls, Inuyasha is determined to get it!

On Inuyasha's shoulder, stood a fox demon, namely Qibao.

Qibao ’s parents were killed by Feitian, so he sold the information to Inuyasha. He hoped that Inuyasha would gather his four jade fragments and avenge his parents.

"Inuyasha, can you really do it?" Qibao asked for the 28th time.

"Nonsense! Under my iron broken teeth, there is nothing I can't do!"

"But you are a half demon."

"Boy, you owe it!"


The two walked along, and suddenly, a person appeared in front.

I didn't see how it came, and I didn't know when it appeared! No reason, no signs! too weird!

The woods darkened in an instant, and Chu Tian stepped forward slowly, looking at the two in front. Especially on Inuyasha's knife, I watched it for a long time.

The atmosphere is silent. Inuyasha didn't hesitate for a moment, immediately pulled out the iron broken teeth, and stared at Chu Tian cautiously. Hands are shaking slowly. Shaking ...

How could anyone who had sealed his horror for fifty years not know him!

"You got iron broken teeth?"

Chu Tian asked, his eyes still on Inuyasha's knife.

"Yes!" Inuyasha said cautiously.

With a good posture and iron teeth, Inuyasha is ready to fight at any time.

Chu Tian didn't seem to pay attention to Inuyasha's defenses, and continued: "So, did Shisheng Pill meet you? There must be a fierce battle in Douya Wang's grave.

Inuyasha was uneasy in his heart, as if there were no secrets in front of this man, he couldn't help but ask, "How do you know !?"

"Born by nature. Do you believe it?"

Chu Tian smiled, his eyes still fixed on Inuyasha's broken iron teeth. It seemed that he was a little moved. Increasing mental pressure emanated from Chu Tian's body, and Inuyasha on the opposite side seemed to be in the mud, his palms were already full of sweat!

That terrible pressure and strong momentum have made Inuyasha lose his mind! There are signs of uncontrollable and outbreaks at any time!

"Iron broken teeth, show me."

Chu Tian finally spoke again.

And Inuyasha's patience reached its peak at this time! See iron broken teeth? This is what he used his life to beat, how could it be easily handed over! In Inuyasha's opinion, Chu Tian, ​​a person who has been fighting empty-handed, is in love with broken teeth!

"Damn it! Think beautiful! Let you taste the power of iron broken teeth !!!"

Inuyasha roared and rushed up, raised his broken iron teeth and cut it off! A lot of demon power gathered on the iron broken teeth, with a strong momentum in the sharp, unmatched!

Inuyasha's loss of reason under Chu Tian's spiritual coercion is one aspect. Defeating Shisheng Pills and making Inuyasha's confidence skyrocket is also one aspect!

Inuyasha's heart still holds some hope!

However, Chu Tian ’s power is obviously more exaggerated than Inuyasha expected—


There was a sound.

Chu Tian stretched out a finger and flicked gently on the back of the knife, but the strength of one finger made a loud noise like Hong Zhong! The powerful tremor directly caused Inuyasha to be instantly distracted, and the iron broken teeth flicked, actually letting go!

Hurry and quickly grab the iron broken teeth, Inuyasha turned into chopped, cut across Chutian!

"It's useless."

Chu Tian was not afraid of the sharpness of the iron broken teeth, and he easily rested one hand on the iron broken teeth directly at the blade. A demon blast burst from the iron broken teeth, the stone burst at the blade, and the power is huge! But Chu Tian's body didn't even destroy his clothes!

Chu Tian's left hand grasped the iron broken teeth so firmly.

"You! Why!"

Inuyasha's eyes widened: Actually, the iron broken teeth next to his bare hands? How can it be!

Moreover, no matter how hard Inuyasha pulls out, and exhausts the strength of the whole body, iron broken teeth seem to take root in Chu Tian's hands, no matter what, it is difficult to shake!

"Damn it! Soul Iron--"

Before he finished speaking, Inuyasha's hand was flicked away, and his paws hurt. On Chu Tian's body, there was an enchantment that bounced Inuyasha's attack!

Chu Tian seems to be observing the iron broken teeth, slowly touching. Touching, feeling ... Just like investigating the situation of the iron broken teeth, Chu Tian observed the earth carefully, very seriously.

It took a long time before Chu Tian suddenly opened his eyes and said strangely, "I understand."

With a slack hand, Inuyasha stumbled and walked back a dozen steps!

"Well, nice gadgets, as a thank you, so let me feel the power of iron broken teeth in advance, how?" Chu Tian said what Inuyasha did not understand, and at the same time, raised his right hand.

A wind-like sharp breath appeared on Chu Tian. Inuyasha is like an enemy, clenching his iron broken teeth! I don't even know what Chutian wants to do!

Chu Tian's right hand fell gently.

"Wind wound."

Contrary to Chu Tian's elegant and bland movements, it is a violent hurricane that depends on the dike!

A violent demon burst into a blast, and a wind-like trajectory, combined with the sword qi, quickly rushed to the opposite Inuyasha! The huge crack began to spread from the ground before Inuyasha had yet to respond. Along the trajectory of wind wounds, rushed fiercely towards Inuyasha!


Chu Tian replaced the sword with his hand, and brought out the meaning of iron broken teeth!

The mystery just realized, the wind hurts!

"Quick! Quick! Inuyasha, run!" Qibao shouted.

"Shut up! I know!"

Inuyasha suddenly discovered that Chu Tian's attack seemed to resonate with the iron broken teeth.

When Chu Tian was performing, that violent power ... not spiritual power, but demon power!

Too many doubts, Inuyasha is too late to resolve. Quickly avoiding the violent attack of wind wounds, Inuyasha was still shrouded in overwhelming offensive. At the juncture of the crisis, the iron broken teeth opened the border and protected Inuyasha!


The wind wound directly razed dozens of mountains in the distance, and Inuyasha and Qibao were quickly struck away in the protection of the enchantment. The huge roar, caused by the wind wound imitated by Chu Tian, ​​far exceeded the original.

It has been going on for a long time before it slowly subsides. Above the earth, there are traces of wind, traces, deep trenches.

PS: I feel a little dizzy, brain,

Just 6 more,

To ensure quality, go to bed early,

At least 8 more tomorrow,

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