Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 9 Chapter 11: Turbulent

In a blink of an eye, N years have passed.

Chu Tian and sister Nu Wa talked about each other's heart, promoted and promoted feelings, and then practiced Taoism in their spare time to improve their cultivation, and live a happy life.

After dozens of expansions inside the God Tree, it is now vast and amazing. Even, in several expansions, the entire **** tree was almost destroyed. If Chu Tian found out in time, I am afraid that the number of gods in this world would stop growing!

If the God Tree is destroyed, the Six Realms are uneasy, the earth is turbulent, and thousands of souls are charred ... Comrade Chu Tian once again saved the world!

early morning.

Lying on the soft bed, Nu Wa and Chu Tian finally got up after finishing a role-play of nurses and patients.

Nu Wa, dripping with sweat and sweat, lay in Chu Tian's arms, her face blushing. Every day playing such a shameful game with Chu Tian, ​​Nu Wa feels ashamed. Nu Wa is no longer the pure Nu Wa at that time. Many things finally came to light. Chu Tian ’s unruly practices at the beginning are really **** when I think of it now!

However, looking at Chu Tian's anxious look, Nu Wa couldn't bear to refuse. So, just let Chu Tian become more and more presumptuous ...

Glancing at the bright red blood stains on the bed sheet, Nu Wa's face was a little blushing, and the two of them rubbed together for some tens of thousands of years, and finally reached this step. Just now, Nu Wa wore a nurse's outfit, which is what Chu Tian has been talking about, and Chu Tian completed the last step ...

Think about it, I feel very shy.

As soon as her thoughts turned, Nu Wa thought of Chu Tian's squinting character. Suddenly she suffered again and again. Will Chu Tian always treat himself well in the future? Will there be new love and forget old love?

Nu Wa, who just handed her over to her loved one, is a little uneasy ...

Thinking of Chu Tian traveling from time to time alone, Nu Wa's suspicion in her heart could not help growing again. The urgency in my heart is getting worse ...

"What's wrong? My dear sister Nuwa?" Chu Tian asked, holding her tightly tightly.

"No! It's nothing!" Nu Wa quickly covered up.

"Nothing else, your thoughts are written on your face!"


Chu Tian kissed Nu Wa's small mouth, and the cherry was small. The mouth was sweet and lovely. Chu Tian kissed for a while before releasing Nvwa and squeezed her plump buttocks hard.

"You stupid girl, don't you think, is there a woman more beautiful than you in this world? Even if my brother is a color embryo that only looks at my face, I won't treat you badly!"

After Nu Wa listened, she suddenly realized.

Yeah, I really want to think about it. How could Chu Tian get along with her for tens of thousands of years, how could it be simply destroyed by others? Even if Chu Tian is lustful, I ... I am also the most beautiful woman in the world.

A smug smile bloomed on Nu Wa's mouth, gently lying in Chu Tian's arms, smiling happily.

"Well! I am the most beautiful."

Nu Wa said like a child.

Holding Chu Tian tightly, although she has matured a lot and has seen many world events, in front of Chu Tian, ​​Nu Wa still likes to be a little woman who knows nothing.

A ray of light shone.

Nu Wa changed into the holy Nu Wa costume, Chu Tian also put on her clothes, the two leaned close together, and walked out of Sheng Tian Palace ...

Outside the Holy Temple, the scenery is pleasant.

The magnificent space storm and the turbulence of time are all blocked by millions of miles away. Around the palace, there are flowers and green grass. The high sky, there is a round of artificial sun made by Chu Tian.

The beautiful environment here is far superior to the fairyland.

Chu Tian and Nu Wa looked towards the lower realm. Based on the cultivation of the two, nothing in this world can be concealed. Not to mention Chu Tian, ​​even Nv Wa's cultivation practice, in Chu Tian's teaching, leaps and bounds, far surpassing the other two of the three emperors.

The lower bound, or more precisely, is human.

"Brother Tian, ​​do you want to shoot this time?" Nu Wa asked.

"Well, let's take a look again. It's really impossible. I can't let go of pretending, oh no, it's an opportunity to maintain justice ..." Chu Tianyi said rightly.

In the world, during these years, a lot of big things happened ...

First of all, the reproduction of human beings is extremely rapid. Even Nu Wa who witnessed the creation scene of Chu Tian did not expect it to become like this.

Although the innate strength is insufficient, human beings have wisdom that no race can match!

In terms of business, economic development, and the production of various appliances, there are powerful talents! Many strange inventions have appeared in the hands of human beings. And, quickly, swept the Six Realms!

The human race has risen rapidly in the entire Six Realms, and the number has also increased dramatically. In just ten thousand years, billions of horror figures have multiplied! ① The wind of repairing immortals gradually rose, and the power of the human race was growing rapidly. Even God Realm also noticed this originally insignificant race.

However, the changes in the human world are only the most extensive. To say the most terrifying change, it is the demon world.

The boss of the demon clan is Shennong!

Shennong created the orcs, naturally the leader of all demons.

His own race continues to grow, but staying here is already annoying. Not long ago, Fu Xi proclaimed himself the Lord of the Six Realms, making Shennong even more powerful!

The same is caused by the power of Pangu. Why should you override me? This is the complaint of Shennong.

So the two great gods began to take over.

In fact, this is also the inevitable development of history. Anyone with strength in the sky cannot be without ambition. The battle between the two was doomed from the beginning.

As a result, Shennong gathered people everywhere to prepare for the army. The whole demon clan, powerful monsters all over the mainland of Shenzhou, gathered together and belonged to Shennong.

Fu Xi was not willing to be outdone, he dispatched his troops and prepared quickly ...

The dark clouds of war enveloped the Six Realms.

①: Fairy Sword game is a game of overhead history. This is the official authority ~

Although there were some ancient dynasties, they were not the real ones. The entire fairy sword world, my setting is N times larger than the earth!

After all, there are so many gods like Pangu ~


In response to the grievances described by some bookmates, cough, I wrote it this time, but I didn't dare to write more to prevent the river crab ~

Fighting for the zero river crab, everyone looks convenient.

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