Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 9 Chapter 21: Control and latency

"All gods must return to God Realm within three days, and they are not allowed to stay in the world. After returning to God Realm, the first gathering of gods will be opened. Everyone, no one is absent. Hear no!"

"The people of the demon world, all return to the" Lishu Mountain "demon world. Similarly, after March, the first demon race will be held! This seat will expand Lishu Mountain with supreme mana. The demon of Lishu Mountain is the orthodox of the Lizu Mountain. Those who enter the Lishu Mountain will be blessed by this seat, but they will no longer be able to do harm to others, offenders, kill! As for those who live in the outside world, if they commit crimes, this seat will not guarantee! "

"Human races live in the human world, and I will not intervene more afterwards. I need to know that self-reliance is the key to the prosperity of the human race. The female Nuwa has shaped five spiritual beads for you, stored between heaven and earth, water and fire. , Wind, thunder and earth, every one has the power of heaven and earth, if you have the chance, you need to cherish! "

"The God Realm, the Demon Realm, and the Human Realm have never been important since then, and no longer communicate. The gap between races always exists. In order to avoid this tragedy, the three tribes will live separately in the future. , Beheaded personally! "

"In addition, regarding the significance of this war, we need to remember that life is so ..."



In this way, Chu Tian separated the three tribes from each other and gradually moved closer to the plot.

A speech that cherished life and safeguarded world peace just kept nagging. As a ruler with rich experience, Chu Tian is able to intersperse various typical cases in boring speeches, which are fascinating, unlike those that are just empty talk!

In this way, with the intervention of Chu Tian, ​​the future of the three tribes gradually became clear.

God, in heaven.

People, living on the ground.

The demon lives in the demon world of Lishu Mountain.

In the following days, there will be no change ...

After the war, the next step is to recuperate. The subordinates who live well and develop well will have more tributes. Chu Tian's leisure life is about to change towards a luxurious life. After being so low-key for so long, it's time to enjoy ...

Next, everything is under Chutian's control.

At the rally of Chu Tian, ​​the gods were used by Chu Tian to tamper with the thinking of all the males of God Realm. Be loyal to Heavenly Emperor and make a weapon that has no emotion and dedicated everything to Heavenly Emperor! Observe the three common and two first principles, do not hide, betray, talk to the fairy, and do not jealous of Lord Tiandi ...

As for the fairies, of course Chu Tian was too lazy to do things.

It's interesting to conquer one by one!

The same is true in the demon world.

It's just that there are too many monsters in the demon world. They are controlled one by one, and Chu Tian's laws are too large. So, I only picked up some leading characters for brainwashing and control.

And the demon world's once every twenty-year beauty pageant contest, will determine the top 300, go to God Realm to serve Lord Tiandi ...

Brainwashing or something is not to prevent betrayal. Chu Tian's power is not worried about these guys betrayed. The bigger reason is that Chu Tian wants to be lazy and throw everything to his subordinates to deal with, and he doesn't have to worry about his subordinates changing forever. Chu Tian himself continued to run away ...

It's Chu Tian's style to be exhausted and happy with himself!

In addition, there are Fu Xi and Shen Nong, Chu Tian also did not forget. Both of them, from beginning to end, are within the scope of Chu Tian's observation.

When his cultivation became more difficult to grow, Chu Tian was ready to kill them and devour them! This was Chu Tian's original plan. However, the fact is that Chu Tian once again inadvertently promoted the acceleration of the plot. The original first-generation Mozun Chiyou is just like that.

Among the Six Realms, the Demon Realm, which can compete with God Realm, finally appeared in advance ...


In a hidden mountain.

The mist was lingering, and my fingers were out of reach. Mysterious power envelopes here, which can avoid the investigation of many people.

It is said that the formation here originated from a fart before the death of Pangu, creating such a complex and inhuman environment. Normally, even God is not willing to come here.

Here, Fu Xi and Shen Nong finally breathed slightly.

The two walked embarrassedly in front, followed by a large group of demon soldiers. As I walk, I look back and forth, fearing that there will be chasing soldiers ...

"Okay, here it is." Shennong walked around and stopped.

"Okay, here it is." Fu Xi nodded in agreement.

On Shennong's body, a powerful force constantly emerged, and his palms were pushed forward in advance. Suddenly, a strange spatial passage was opened by Shennong!

Strange passages, dark black, chaotic chaos, completely different from the rest of the world!

Shennong turned around and said to the demon soldiers behind him: "Okay! Everyone, let's hide in this alien space first. When the Shennong comes back, we will definitely calm God Realm!"

Shennong said boldly.

The demon soldiers shouted:

"Taiwan God Realm!"

"Taiwan God Realm!"


It did n’t take long for Shennong ’s face to suddenly change, and he smashed his head and shouted, "Take your mother's head! You are so afraid of being discovered by someone shouting so loudly? Really tired! Get me in, hurry, hurry! ! "

Everyone was dumbfounded.

After looking at each other for a few times, Master Xinnong was really scared. However, I didn't dare to talk too much, just like that, under the guidance of Shennong, go towards that space channel ...

These monster soldiers are the most loyal monster soldiers of Shennong!

All the demon commanders are controlled by Chu Tian, ​​and only the lower level demon soldiers can be summoned by Shennong. Among the large number of monster soldiers with hundreds of millions of units, Shennong can only summon tens of thousands of loyal people. Shennong's grudge against Chu Tian is growing-actually, so popular!

As for God ...

God is unbearably dirty, and he is not used to the life of the earth. Coupled with Chu Tian's control of all the male gods, Fu Xi became the commander of the bare rod, and no subordinates were summoned, so he fled in a hurry.

Tens of thousands of demon soldiers are their current team ...

One by one demon soldiers finally entered the space channel.

Fu Xi Shennong looked at each other and finally walked in. As they walked, the two swear fiercely: "My Shennong, next time I meet, I am sure I will be very sharp!"

"I Fuxi, next time, blood must be washed. Today's hatred!"

The space channel behind the two is closed. Tens of thousands of demon soldiers completely disappeared in the world. Shennong and Fuxi were lurking like this, waiting for revenge ...

"Shen Nong, look, is this place also going to take a name?"

"first name?"

"Yes! There is a God Realm, a Demon Realm, and a Human Realm. Here, what I don't like is called-Demon Realm, how?"

"Good idea! Demon Realm, Demon Realm, good name! Hahahaha!"

History is like this, twists and turns, but in the end, it still coincides with the plot ...

Magical destiny.


Explain it.

In the original fairy sword, Chi You opened the channel of the demon world. Chiyou, is the most perfect person awakened by Shennong's power, it is the first generation of deity. However, lost to the God General Xuanyuan.

The ancient gods Xuanyuan and Houyi (in the original) are definitely better than Fei Peng. At least, it is certain that the heavy building is not as good as Chi. The canopy can't shoot the sun.

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