Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 9 Chapter 91: Heavenly Emperor (supplement)

(Suddenly there was a holiday meeting before the National Day, the pit was dead, cough, so it was delayed until now. It broke out tomorrow, 7 is more guaranteed!)

Everyone's eyes were dull.

As if seeing an incredible scene, annotated Longkui shot a arrow.

The red and blue intertwined with each other. The arrow that struck each other, struck the sky straight, even because it was too fast and too fierce, no one could feel its power and could not determine its strength.

However, in contrast to the gorgeous arrow, the whole world was silent. Even the arrow shot by Yun Tianhe with all his strength, at this time, still seemed extremely fragile.


There are no aftershocks of any impact, and no alarming sounds. Like the crushing, the arrow of Longkui crushed the arrow of Yuntian River without changing its direction and speed, and continued to shoot towards the sky.

The nightshade red and blue eyes looked closely at the Yuntian River in the sky, as if penetrating everything: "The heart is clear, pure and flawless. However, if you are not good for Tiange, even if it is a good person, I will make up my mind to kill you!"

Arrow light, hurriedly accelerated again!

Everyone opened their mouths. Baba!

Can the arrows shot out accelerate? Just kidding!

"No, I have to avenge my father, I--"

Yun Tianhe struggled and wanted to escape, but his body just moved a little, the arrow had penetrated his xiong bore, and a huge force started from the xiong mouth and spread towards the limbs. The whole person was inch by inch, and the gray smoke disappeared ...

The fiery long bow slowly fell from the sky, this is the only thing intact under this arrow. However, several people with good eyesight saw that even this divine bow was still ... broken!

All the demon soldiers swallowed.

The string is broken.

That's the Divine Bow made by God!

Although everyone didn't know, Chu Tian made it easily, but for ordinary people, it is no longer an ordinary artifact comparable. How strong are people who can even destroy such artifacts?

"Run, run! The plan failed!"

A demon general hurriedly kindly.

The original plan was to attack the Qionghua School, force Chu Tian to show up, entangle Chu Tian, ​​and thus buy time for the two adults.

But now, a woman in grandma is so strong that she still holds Chu Tian? Whether you can survive is a problem!

"Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

Another demon general roared. At this time, it is still good to preserve the vitality, and fighting without meaning will only increase the casualties.


"Hurry back to Demon Realm!"

"Damn! Why are women in the human world so powerful!"


Everyone in the demon world was frightened and distracted everywhere.

Those who escaped from the sky, those who escaped from the earth, and those who fled to the Devil's World by using the talent secret method. Not long ago, the powerful 100,000 army has now become like a family dog ​​...

Just as the army of the devil is about to withdraw, the mutation regenerates!

The moon in the sky suddenly became shiny, as if it were night!

It was clearly daytime, but the moon appeared. The moonlight falling like flowing water, everyone in the demon world who touched the moonlight, found that they could not move!

"what happened!"

"Why, what the **** is this?"

"Who! Who is teasing me to wait!"

"This moonlight is weird!"


Scolding, the two women suddenly appeared out of thin air.

A white man is pounding, his hair is falling like a waterfall, his figure is graceful, and his crystal clear skin is whiter than snow. Bright eyes blinked, gentle, demure, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks on earth ...

In fact, she was originally a fairy. She came down from the Moon Palace and experienced several years of study in the Jade Lady Shengtian Temple, and finally completed the tutorial successfully-Chang'e!

Another woman, wearing a golden long dress, exudes noble air from her body, majestic, atmospheric, and heroic. Although she is a woman, she has the majesty that men do not have.

Also captured by Nu Wa, at the Jade Lady Shengtian Palace, together with Chang'e, he completed the nine-day mystery of the training course.

After Chang'e fixed the people, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu's long sleeves waved lightly, and suddenly, these remnants were defeated, and they disappeared instantly. Everyone below, their eyes widened one by one ...

The soldiers of the demon world are all destroyed!

"Yes, where is the master?" Everyone below thought involuntarily ...

The two girls stayed high in the sky, flashing their consciousness, as if looking for something ...

"Sister, I really want to see adults, I really want to. I, I feel that my body has involuntarily longed for the love of adults. Caressed. Where is the adult ..." Chang'e said excitedly, with a radiant light in her eyes .

"Sister Chang'e and Sister Nuwa said, adults like uniforms, don't forget. At the end, we used the two-player tactics taught by our sister and won the adults!" Jiutian Xuan Nu said firmly.

"But, would this offend adults ..." Chang'e looked slightly red and whispered.

"No! As long as I can get the love and caress of an adult, even if it is a big punishment, I will!" Jiu Tianxuan's face was revered and misunderstood.

Chang'e looked awkward and thanked the nine-day mysterious girl: "What the sister said, the sister was taught."


Completed the tutorial of Sheng Nu Temple with excellent results. Even Nu Wa even praised the two. The thinking of the two women has become quite strange in some aspects involving Chu Tian ...

Just as the two women were talking, in the sky, another light shined again.

Dozens of **** generals in battle armor, like a rainbow, quickly drove down from the sky, it seems that they came to help Kunlun Mountain. However, seeing Kunlun Mountain intact, everyone finally exhaled.

"Fairy Chang'e, Master Nine Heavens, thank you for your two shots!"

A **** will go forward.

"Just passing by, a trifle." Jiutian Xuan Nu said pretending not to care. How could she be so embarrassed to look for such things as Lord Tiandi?

"By the way, the two fairies, I don't know if there is news of Shennong and Fuxi? We searched the Devil Realm and found no trace of them. This time, I am afraid that only Heavenly Emperor shot, but ..." said another **** general. His face was a little embarrassed. Obviously, he felt helpless to the God Emperor who did not see the head and end of the dragon ...

"Leave it to us. Generals, the gate of the guardian spirit is the most important. The more the last moment, the more you cannot relax."

"Yes! We are ready to return immediately, and both of you are bothered here."

"The general is welcome."

The scene in the sky has made all Qionghua disciples feel uncomfortable breathing.

The heroines in the Qionghua School suddenly appeared to have subverted their previous perceptions. However, it is not an exaggeration to describe the scene in heaven now as weird.

Nine days mysterious girl.


God will Xuanyuan.

God will fly.

Giant spirit god.

These are the legendary great gods!

Even if it is placed in God Realm, it is the second most powerful God! These great gods have actually gathered together above the Qionghua School. There has never been such a big event in the history of the Qionghua School!

One by one, the ground was red and excited, watching the scene in the sky ...

However, at this moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

Chic, wanton, steady, always so young and handsome. The disciples of the Qionghua School were all happy, just preparing to roar in unison, welcoming the elders to return.

No, the gods in the sky first greeted

"Chen, Xuanyuan, see Lord Tiandi!" Xuanyuan, who was wearing armor, bowed down first.

"Fei Peng has seen Lord Tiandi!" Fei Peng also knelt quickly.

"Subordinate giant spirit god, have seen and seen Heavenly Emperor!"

"Shuibi see your majesty!"

"Concubine Chang'e, Heavenly Emperor, Lord Heavenly Emperor ..."


A great **** with a distinguished and distinguished identity and great strength, at this moment suddenly fell to his knees toward the figure, respectfully and respectfully, like a servant.

All the Qionghua disciples forgot to shout.

The brain stopped spinning.

Forgot to breathe.

This is not true, is it.

Elder, how could it be?

However, the gods knelt down wave after wave, and there were constant gods coming from the God Realm, kneeling one by one, all directions, surrounding the Chutian regiment, with a respectful look, just like welcoming the return of the master. No matter how you look, you can't do fake ...

Great elder, is actually the emperor!

In the sky, Chu Tian walked slowly, step by step. The unique qualities of the Six Realms, slowly, dignified and majestic, emanated from the body!

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