Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 10 Chapter 82: First sight

【Lifa diagram】

"You are a relative of the high-level fantasy sky !!"

The cold wind blew gently, if possible, Chu Tian wanted to name the drop of sweat on his forehead ... Genghis Khan. I originally thought how much I want to expose my identity, gain the queen's surprise and worship, and then surprise the queen's heart, and be convinced by her own spirit, etc ...

In the end, he was just a rich second-legged grandmother holding relatives!

"Actually I am the rich generation."

Chu Tian muttered.

Xian Ping's identity seems to be too cheap. As Mr. Cheng's name is said, thousands of women deserve to stand on their feet. After thinking about it, Chu Tian thinks that he should use his own skills to attack the queen.

"Forget it, you can understand it this way. In short, I am a person who can use the plug-in openly." Chu Tian thought for a while and said.

Shuo Ye nodded with a smile.

It is shameful to use the plug-in brightly and honestly, but in this way, the strength of the wind elf will definitely rise a lot, maybe, it can also succeed in the world tree strategy.

"That's right. Chu Tian, ​​I'm going to hold a gala dinner in the castle tonight, you must come!"

"No problem, beautiful women are invited, there is no reason not to go."

"Oh, do you want to buy a house in the game? I recommend you a few ..."


The two talked in detail, taking advantage of the crowd to chase down the fire elf troops, and had a rare opportunity to be alone. You and I said, in the little forest, there seemed to be a date-like atmosphere ...

After chasing down the fire elf's troops, Chu Tian followed the crowd back.

In the territory of the wind elves, after everyone learned that Chu Tian had rescued everyone, Chu Tian was warmly treated. Although Chu Tian is just a newcomer, no one dares to look down upon him because of his outstanding performance.

And, the Chutian's addictive add-on has become a topic that everyone talks about. Being able to use plug-ins in a fair and honest manner, but all gamers have always dreamed of things! In just a few hours, there were hundreds of enthusiastic players who ran over to ask about the plug-in. Chu Tian ’s identity as a cheater was spread among players ...

Perhaps, it won't be long before it is known to everyone.

The night is coming soon.

Stars dot the sky, and the dark clouds float in the desolate twilight,

The huge castle of the wind elves, the halo is flowing, the lights illuminate the sky, and the castle looks particularly bright at night. The lively cheers came from inside, and a lot of fireworks bloomed in the sky, with colorful and beautiful colors.

Chu Tian received the most solemn VIP treatment. At the banquet, Chu Tian became the most eye-catching center.

It's no wonder that the power of one person repels the elite of the three thousand fire elves and will also be the first Eugene in the PK list in seconds. Although it is a shameless plug-in, it is also a part of the strength ...

A famous spirit elf and Chu Tian greeted each other, lively and lively.

"Chu Tian, ​​this is Lifa, swordsmanship is great! The PK list is ranked in the top thirty." Soon, Shuo Ye brought a girl and introduced to Chu Tian.

The girl's eyes are large, bright and clear, and clear.

A yellow hair hangs down, and the sculpted figure is full of the girl's vitality and youth. xiong. Preserved and tinged, under the white fabric, it seems to be coming out, flexible and huge.

Although the waist is slender and gritty, it is full of power. A pair of beautiful legs are touching and ecstatic, and they are round and strong. The body is flawless, revealing a cool temperament!

Chu Tian thought that Li Fa, whose real name is Nagata Tonggu, is a kendo girl in the real world. It even broke into the quarter-finals of central China. Such a charming body full of youthful atmosphere is really tempting!

"Miss Zhiye, hello, just call me Chu Tian."

Chu Tian reached out and shook hands with Lifa.

The little girl's soft, soft jade hands, delicate and smooth, made Chu Tian unable to wipe the oil. However, for the follow-up development, Comrade Chu Tian still suppressed the ugly heart.

"Chu Tian, ​​hello! Just call me Lifa, you're welcome." Lifa smiled, his face brimming with a light smile. Just after talking, Li Fa suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Chu Tian, ​​with a look of surprise in her eyes. Before Chu Tian, ​​she called her-Nao Ye?

"You, do you know me?"

Lifa looked at Chu Tian suspiciously.

Naoha is her name in the real world. Even in the game, only one classmate who introduced ALO to her knew it. No one else knows.

But Chu Tian actually recognized it directly!

Moreover, the problem is that when Lifa searched her mind, she couldn't think of Chu Tian's identity. The appearance of ALO is generated by the system and is at least 80% similar to the real appearance. If Chu Tian is so handsome, if he is familiar with it, he will remember it even if he is only 50%!

But Lifa really can't remember Chu Tian!

"That--should I give you a small tip? I, I don't remember you ..." Lifa looked at it for a long while, or could not find anything. Slightly embarrassed, said to Chu Tian.

Chu Tian implemented the law of confusion. Unless he personally broke it, or the exposed wife was obvious, it could not be discovered.

"You really don't remember me?" Chu Tian pretended to be embarrassed.

"Ah, hug, sorry! I, I really can't remember it. Maybe I was a little dizzy today, maybe I will remember it immediately. Are you my classmate? Or—" Lifa said again.

"Hey, it's really sad, Nao Ye doesn't remember me anymore. Forget it, then forget it!" Chu Tian shook his head in disappointment, picked up the glass on the table, and drank it ...

"Chu Tian--" Lifa shouted again.

Chu Tian turned his head and ignored Zhiye. He grabbed Shuo Ye's jade hand and said, "Suo Ye beauty, it's really sad. Will you dance with me?"


After obtaining the consent of Shuo Ye, Chu Tian took Shuo Ye's hand and walked to the dance floor in front. On the dance floor, a famous player is dancing gently ...

Looking at Chu Tian's departure, Lifa little girl seemed to fall into self-blame and stood on the dance floor, thinking that Chu Tian must be angry.

Think about it too, the other party recognized her easily, but she didn't recognize Chu Tian's identity. In exchange for herself, it must be very sad. Lifa raised her head from time to time and looked towards Chu Tian on the dance floor.

Chu Tian now, in Lifa ’s eyes, should be seeking comfort. Look, even leaning his head on Shuo Ye ’s shoulder ...


At this time, in the castle of the fire elves.

The leader of the fire elf is sitting on the throne symbolizing the lord.

On a huge table, sit the messengers from various ethnic groups: water elves, music elves, earth elves, shadow elves, dark elves, dwarfs.

The messengers of the six ethnic groups came one after another!

Except that the cat demon and the wind elf are very friendly, the lords of the two are still close friends, and all other ethnic groups have been invited. This is an unprecedented great unity.

The Lord of the Fire Elves is solemnly announcing the content of this meeting:

"... Never allow this kind of person to exist! Use various skills at will and kill our players at will. This kind of guy who breaks the balance of the game can't stay! If the administrator doesn't deal with it, then we will personally take part in it Its slaughter! "

"My Fire Elf is willing to dispatch 1 million troops to fight against the Wind Elves and vow to clear the game's cancer!"

"Unsuccessful, you will be benevolent!"

The fire elf lord has an angry expression.

3000 Elite is almost wiped out by the army, and his younger brother Eugene has to be re-leveled. Many skills have to be learned from the beginning. How can I swallow this breath!

The water elf messenger got up and said, "Fine speaking! We water elves approve of this action. We must give all players a fair deal! We are willing to send out 800,000 troops."

The earth elf messenger followed: "1.2 million earth elves!"

"Dark Elf, 800,000!"

"Shadow Elf, 880,000!"


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