Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 16: So soft, so big

Located in the south of Shenzhou, it has a warm climate, water, and spring all year round. The lush mountain ranges are like giant dragons winding through the mountains.

Together, the yin and yang meet. The plants, trees, and drills are all built by Chu Tian. In the ordinary scenery, the principle of heaven and earth is implied, and there is no avenue. Even mortals who do n’t understand anything can enjoy the body and mind, remove all diseases, and even prolong life ...

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fairyland!

"--But his grandmother's, such a beautiful scenery, without the companionship of the beautiful women, it's so boring. Hey, it would be nice if there were beautiful women to come ...

Chu Tian stood at the foot of Lushan, shaking his head and sighing.

Although her harem is three thousand ... ten thousand. However, before Chu Tian has touched on the laws of this world, there are laws that bring in the beauty of other worlds!

Such a large mansion can only live alone in Chu Tian.

Chu Tian walked up the mountain while sighing.

If only there was a beauty ...

Chu Tian thought again.

Of course, Chu Tian did not expect his dream to come true ...

Going to the door, Chu Tian gently pushed open the door and stepped in—


The door opened without any hindrance!

Chu Tian was stunned!

Push away!

The door opened! !

Above the door, Chu Tian imposed a ban. This powerful prohibition, Chu Tian has spent a lot of time, only three people can destroy the whole world at present!



Nu Wa!

However, in Chu Tian's room, there is nothing baby! Chu Tian didn't think that the Three Emperors would break into his place, and did those guys stay well in Hongya Realm? Why are you here? !

Who is it?

The shadows on Chu Tian's face were changing, and I didn't know what I was thinking.

In this world, will there be anything beyond the plot? Or is it that the operation of this world has deviated from its original trajectory and has become different from what it is known to?

Chu Tian wondered.

While walking, cautiously probing around ...

"However, whoever you care about, come in without my permission, and I won't spare you!"

Chu Tian said to himself.

Gaze around.

The tables and chairs in the house, under Chu Tian's eyes, had nothing to hide. Even, even the dust floating in the sky can't escape Chu Tian's dharma eyes ...

"The floor was bright and bright. After I left, I was cleaned 937 times. It was cleaned with Taoism of the wind system. Sure enough, it was a master." When Chu Tian looked at the floor, he immediately knew everything ...

"The table moved by 0.3 microns. Although it was not intentionally moved, but the hand was on it and the elbow was on it. The traces caused by these subtle movements are cumulative ..." Looking up, Chu Tian looked at the table Said to himself.

"Sofa ... Hum! Actually broke me as a sofa! Your sister, don't use it, don't use it. Is that how the sofa is used? Ah? Fuck!"

"Your sister in the trough !! The snacks in the refrigerator! The snacks !!! This is the love breakfast Xiao Xiao made for me! There are spells to maintain and never deteriorate !!"

"Fuck, what's wrong with this water dispenser, how did it break a hole, ya, it's too low quality!"

"Fuck! Why is this lamp broken!"


———— After half an hour ————

"——Lao Zi fights with you !!!"

Chu Tian is already furious!

All the bad deeds of the invaders were restored one by one under the eyes of Chutian Holmes. In addition to the damage caused to 103 pieces of furniture, the crime of eating out ten years of food inventory, etc., this person also has such things as casually changing his own furniture and graffiti on the wall!

Chu Tian vowed not to kill this person, never give up!

The little hand flicked, and the aura was violently surging.

Chu Tian's whole body was spreading and leaping. The thief lived in the house for a period of time. This is for sure. Chu Tian can master a lot of traceable magic! A small aura quickly emerged from Chu Tian's hands, and then kept moving forward! Go through the gates and leap deep into the mansion!

Follow the trail of intruders!

Chu Tian's body turned into a breeze, and followed quickly.

One door, two doors, three doors.

Keep going deeper—

In the end, the little Reiki stopped in front of a hazy glass door.

[Bath. Room] Two large characters shining at the door.

Inside the bath room, the lights were shining brightly, and a hazy mist filled the whole bath room. Through the glass window, only a white piece could be seen.

The sound of "Wow" is constantly coming from the inside to the outside.

"--I'm going! Your sister, dare to stay here without leaving, and still use my bath room, Lao Tzu's bath. The room is used to wash the mandarin duck bath, not for men !!"

As a matter of course, Chu Tian divided the intruders with bad behavior into the role of men. If you break into a private house and cause damage, why would n’t you catch up with the woman? Chu Tian thought subconsciously ...

Taking a deep breath, Chu Tian's hands were filled with aura.

The coming person can break his prohibition, and his strength must not be low. It is for this reason that Chu Tian did not rush to investigate and prevent being discovered. Be careful to make Wannian ship, this is Chu Tian's consistent principle of doing things.

When catching him to take a shower, sneak attack!

Won in one fell swoop!

-Chu Tiancai does not have the style of a master! Against shameless people, it should be more shameless!

"Judging by the sound of water, the location should be here—"

All the breath in Chu Tianxuan's body is not even useful for exploring spells, only physical methods are used to explore the position of the other party. Then, seizing the right moment, Chu Tian quickly moved!


The glass shattered.

The fog was surging.

Chu Tian rushed into the bath like lightning!

In the hazy mist, Chu Tian saw a hazy body with bumps and bumps, and a refreshing fragrance. Chu Tian suddenly felt the perfect exquisite curve, why, it looks like a girl ...

Without much thought, Chu Tian looked at the fatal point of this man, the so-called xiong mouth, and attacked the past quickly—


The intruder also reacted as soon as possible and fought back quickly!

Two powerful auras collided, and the entire bath room instantly turned to ashes. Chu Tian broke his opponent's hands with his hands and attacked them directly. At the same time, a beautiful and surprised girl came out from the hazy smoke ...

"Ah! Who is it!"

"Uh, so soft ... so big ..."

Chu Tian's face was dull, and he looked like a pig, his hands squeezed and pinched subconsciously, and said dumbly ...

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