Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 47: Goodbye, goodbye in my next life (6/7)

Jin Lei on the ring didn't even know Lei Xiaotian's every move.

Where is the help for no reason in this world? Lei Xiaotian, as the master of the sapphire altar, would never do such meaningless things. In his eyes, there is only Yu Heng, only the world.

Jin Lei is just one of his pieces ...

Save him only because he is useful.

Jin Lei has been kept in the dark from beginning to end ...

"What a pitiful baby."

Chu Tian smiled and moved his body gently through an ingenious position, once again avoiding Jin Lei's attack without any haste.

All of the seemingly messy sword lights, in Chu Tian's eyes, are all flaws. Although Jin Lei's current strength is much stronger, but at best, it is only the level of ordinary immortals. Putting it in Tianyong City is just an inferior disciple.

And this explosive force has poor control. Void has power but no skill. In the view of people like Chu Tian, ​​it is better to have no power!

"It's too uncoordinated. I can't see the flaws anymore. It's difficult to control with greater than yourself? Gee, and, Jin Lei, how long can you persist? The meridians of the whole body seem to be unbearable, I ’m really looking forward to when it bursts. Leopard Wang Dan, it seems to be something in the sapphire altar, it seems to have been seen somewhere, remember the medicinal herbs are ... "

Chu Tian said in a hurry, against the enemy empty-handed.

From time to time, he bowed his head and talked to Xiaolio Xunfang in his arms.

He did n’t even think of Jin Lei on the opposite side ...

"Asshole !!! Damn it !!! Is this the gap? I'm not willing !!! I'm not willing !!!"

Jin Lei held the sword in both hands.

His eyes were fixed on Chu Tian, ​​and all his spirits gathered on the sword in his hand. After a violent force, a half-meter-long sword mandrel extended on the sword. The green sword gleaming, dazzling.

However, this is not useful to Chu Tian!

Jin Lei doesn't know how powerful Chu Tian is, but from the point of reading people's thinking, one can guess one or two. That is, beyond the high level of ordinary monks!

Even from the beginning to the end, Chu Tian's body was restrained and he did not use any power. It is not impossible to try, but it is not necessary.

Jin Lei held the sword in his hand nervously, looking for it carefully.

Grab the flaws and kill in one go! !

Looking at Chu Tian and Xun Fang talking and laughing, the girl's brilliant and lovely face, Jin Lei's heart, suddenly flashed a devilish thought! Jin Lei, who has always claimed self-righteousness, couldn't help but think up!

This little girl!

Is it! !


There was another loud noise.

The opposite Chu Tian kicked out, kicking Jin Lei's internal organs tossing. The seemingly ordinary kick is not fast, nor does it have any aura, but it has an inestimable effect. Every strength is applied to the extreme, penetrating the surface, deep into the viscera ...

Jin Lei spurted out blood!

"No, you can't hesitate anymore. He, how did he practice ... I, I want to seize this opportunity!"

The sword light in Jin Lei's hands crossed a sharp arc.

The eyes are full of firmness!

Big deal, save Master, kill Chu Tian, ​​and thank you with death!

The sword is divided into three, and the speed extends to the fastest. Jin Lei's goal is not Chu Tian, ​​but the little loli in Chu Tian's arms, Xun Fang!

"You forced me!"

Jin Lei pierced Xun Fang with a sword.

The swordsmanship skyrocketed, taking Xun Fang's throat straight.

Only with the help of attacking Xunfang can there be a chance of winning. This is Jin Lei's last hope!

When people are crazy, desperate, everything can be done. Even the once kind people will become desperate ...


Just as this sword was about to stab Xun Fang, a long gold-iron symphony suddenly appeared, and one of Chu Tian ’s fingers seemed to increase the speed by a hundredfold in an instant, blocking Jin Lei ’s long sword. .

The long voice shook Jin Lei's brain, and he fell at any time.

The sword in Jin Lei's hand also cracked with a spider-web pattern. After a few clicks, the long sword shattered ...

"This, this, how is this possible! My purple gold sword, but, but—" Jin Lei grabbed the bare hilt and looked at Chu Tian across the face incredulously!

Although it is not a famous sword, it is also the best sword, rare mineral casting!

Actually broke by a finger!

Jin Lei even thought that there was a problem with his eyes.


Chu Tian stepped forward and his momentum soared!

Since they all took Xunfang to the stage to compete, how could they not expect this? Jin Lei was just a fledgling little kid.

Chu Tian's fingers flicked lightly, and a ray of light flew out quickly.

Bursting from Chu Tian's fingertips, penetrating Jin Lei's chest, he has been blasting out, rushing towards the high sky. The brilliant white light even concealed the sun.

The clouds rolled and the wind screamed. The beam of light is condensed but not scattered, Jin Lei is like a corpse strung on a stick ...

The people in the ring are all dumbfounded in an instant!

Chu Tiandao said: "There is one more thing, you think it is wrong. Xun Fang just hurt a hair, and you are not guilty of suicide. It is really kind of doing small actions in front of me!"

"Humph! What kind of you are!" Xun Fang learned Chu Tian's tone, chuckled, and pressed **** Jin Lei's head.

"You, you ... you!" Jin Lei struggled, but unfortunately, his chest had been penetrated and could not move at all.

Consciousness gradually blurred.

Finally, are you dying ...

I'm not reconciled ...

"I, I'm not willing ..."

"Go with peace of mind. Let's see you next life."

After speaking intriguingly, Chu Tian pointed out again.

The blazing light surrounded Jin Lei's body, and Jin Lei disappeared instantly. Above the ring, an empty piece ...

"Ah, Ben, this competition, Mr. Chu, Chu, Chu Tian won!"

Ye Wenxian on the high platform was shocked and excited.

Originally, I just hired my son-in-law casually without any hope. Who could have imagined that such a figure against the sky! The strength is so strong!

what? Murder foul? I got a good son-in-law, and he managed what they did!

Since Xianshanzhuang carried forward, that is for sure!

Ye Shenxiang also showed a delighted smile, looking at Chu Tian with admiration ...

"Huh, you girl, I actually let the adults run by myself, to make you look good tonight!" Chu Tian said from a distance.


Ye Shenxiang snorted softly, not knowing whether to promise or do something. Xiu blushed and touched her lower abdomen. There was an inexplicable sense of joy.

To some extent, Ye Chenxiang also has the mind to compete with He Wenjun. Although she was pregnant before the other, why did the two of the same name, Chu Tian pick up He Wenjun with the eight-lifted big sedan, but she was directly tied like this ...

Ye Shenxiang has been dissatisfied in her heart. Now, she is much better ...

And the other side.

After watching Chu Tian ’s competition, Lei Xiaotian was also scared for a long time ...

"This person is too terrifying! That kid Jin Lei, actually had to deal with this kind of person! It's terrifying! The matter of Yu Heng, slowly figure it out, don't worry! In short, this person must not mess with it! Heard no!

Lei Xiaotian still has palpitations, and Chu Tian's last finger is almost comparable to the power of the fairy, how can he not be afraid!

Fortunately, I was just a little bit about Yu Heng ...

"Altar, altar, altar, altar master! He, he, he looked over to us!" A subordinate suddenly shuddered, shaking, looking at Chu Tiandao on the ring.

"Fart! We find our Yuheng, is it hindering him?"

"But, he is smiling at us!"

"Impossible! This office does not leak water ..."

"... Master, let's run!"

"Asshole, after you stay broken, let this seat go first!"

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