Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 55: The riot of burning sword spirit (Supplement)

When Chu Tian came to Tianyong City, it was already two months later.

Tianyong City went up and down, and the lanterns were bright and cheerful, welcoming the arrival of Emperor Chu. The disciples of Tianyongcheng wore neat blue and white clothing, knelt down on the ground, and shouted "Long live the Emperor Chu" respectfully. The uniform movement seemed to have been trained countless times.

Everyone was very excited.

Since Tiancheng became the state church of Dachu, it has developed rapidly. For the Emperor Chu, all the disciples worshipped one after another. Although the Emperor Chu once visited Tianyong City hundreds of years ago, he did not show his face at all. This time, Emperor Chu was about to settle in Tianyong City!

The head of Tianyong City, the elders and the disciples, all felt the great honor!

"Long live Long live Long live!"

"Long live Long live Long live!"

"Long live Long live Long live!"


The heat wave was like a wave, and the leaves in the distance rustled in the roar.

Every disciple is glancing at the curtain of the sedan chair with the afterglow of his eyes, waiting for the moment when Emperor Chu appears ...

Created words, created currency, created Arabic numerals and extremely calculations, and also put forward countless great ideas to promote the progress of human history!

People don't just think of Chutian's fear of imperial power, but also a yearning and admiration for looking up to the sages. How amazing it is to be able to invent so many things!

"Come on, don't be overly polite."

A faint voice came out of the sedan chair.

In front of the huge sedan surrounded by guards, a faint figure slowly emerged. Very faint and faint, as if it were a virtual image, and then this faint virtual image slowly solidified into an entity.

Chu Tian appeared!

Show off Daoxing, let everyone know, their unpredictable power!

However, as everyone knows, the people were even more surprised that the Emperor Chu, who actually looked as big as them, and who lived in ancient times to the present, is still so young and unbelievable!

At the forefront of the crowd, an old man wearing a high-ranking official and white hair came forward and said: "Tian Yongcheng is in charge of the teaching, see Emperor Chu. I have already done what the emperor Chu ordered, and I do not know what else Emperor Chu has ordered , I will do my best to complete the whole city from top to bottom! "

After talking, I respectfully waited for Chu Tian's speech.

Chu Tian looked up and looked to the north of Tiancheng City.

A huge tower pierced the sky and reached the sky. The tower body is misty, beautiful and magnificent. There is no building in Tianyong City that can compare with it, and there is no building that is tall!

"Yes, magnificent enough, imposing enough, very good. You work in Tiancheng City, I really feel relieved." Chu Tian said with appreciation.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"If you have merit, you must be punished. I have always been like this. Don't panic. I don't have to worry about the rest of the matter. The layout of the palace, I have my own plans."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Chu Tian's eyes turned and left Hansu Real.

At the forefront of the crowd, in addition to the real human Su Han, there is also an old man, who has a fairy flavor on his body.

Although there have been some changes compared to those years, Chu Tian recognized it at a glance. This person is Ziyin!

Beside Ziyin, there are these two children.

Older, lively and cheerful, with extremely high qualifications, one of a kind. Don't guess, it must be the real disciple of Ziyin.

The younger ones are also highly qualified and not weaker than the former. It's just that there is a sigh of energy in the body, and he wants to devour him all the time. Half the fairy of Prince Changqin exists in his body. It's just that it seems to have been sealed by spells ...

Chu Tian looked at the real man of Ziyin and smiled and said: "I haven't seen it for many years, and Ziyin's cultivation has improved again. It is really gratifying. Tianyue City is indeed a resort for cultivation of immortals. There are such geniuses !!"

Ziyin said: "Don't dare. Ziyin is in front of the majesty, where dare to call himself" genius "."

"No need to be humble. I deserve to be praised. There are not many people under the sky. Looking at the real face of Ziyin, are you injured?" Chu Tian suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"Yes." Ziyin replied honestly, not daring to hide.

"The burning spirit is really extraordinary. Even if it is a fairy body, it is still eroded by it. The child next to Ziyin is the host of the burning silence. The fairy of Prince Changqin is well sealed. This child, What's your name? "Chu Tian looked at Ziyin, then at Tu Su, and said.

"... His name is Baili Tusu."

Ziyin suddenly looked a little ugly.

The Emperor Chu saw everything at a glance, and this cultivation practice was terrifying! However, Ziyin is worried about another thing!

I was hurt by burning silence, but these words were heard by the disciples! And Baili Tusu is the host of the Burning Silence Sword, and the disciples heard this!

Baili Tusu, the disaster star, wounded the elders holding swords! This is something that all disciples can easily associate!

As the only fairy in Tianyong City, Ziyin's reputation is still very loud, and is also respected by his disciples. Everyone knows this matter, I am afraid that Baili Tusu's life in Tiancheng will be very difficult in the future ...

Many people will definitely blame him for his injuries!

Ziyin suddenly took Baili Tusu's hand and bowed down towards Chu Tian together:

"Your Majesty! Ziyin! Ziyin has something to ask! Please also His Majesty Mercy, save this child's life!"

"Remove the burning silence?" Chu Tian asked back.

"Yes! I heard that your Majesty has the sword of the ancestor of the Divine Soldier, and the power is still above the burning silence. This child is possessed by the burning sword spirit. Under the sky, I am afraid that only His Majesty can help him. Pay any price— "

Although Baili Tusu on the side is not very clear, but also knows that Ziyin has made great determination for him, silently, looking at Chu Tian.

this person……

Baili Tusu suddenly a chaotic brain!

boom! ! !

Half of the fairy of the Prince Changqin in the body suddenly became agitated!

As if meeting the enemy of life and death, he became active quickly. Bai Li Tu Su's body, one after another, soaring into the sky. At the heart of the eyebrow, a little red light appeared, and the whole person exhaled a terrible breath, like a beast!

Heaven and Earth gathered together quickly!

Rage, horror!

"Bai Tu Tu Su!"

"Tu Su!"

"what happened!!"


Everyone was surprised!

How can Su Li suddenly be mad? Even the real people of Ziyin couldn't think of it, the Burning Silent Sword Spirit actually rioted at this time! Moreover, still in front of Chu Tian!

Only Chu Tian, ​​who was standing, cracked his mouth with a smile ...

"It turns out that. Prince Changqin is really stubborn. Even half of the fairy still remembers me. However, it's just ignorant hate."

Chu Tian said to himself.

Step forward.

Chu Tian touched on the head of Baili Tusu, a huge force spread the body of Baili Tusu in an instant, Chutian will burn the sword spirit in the most brutal way and suppress it!

Observing the movements inside Baili Tusu, Chu Tian suddenly had a wonderful idea. Turn around and look at the real person of Ziyin.

"Ziyin, how can I discuss one thing with you?"


Sorry, the update is late.

7 more ...

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