Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 58: Genius and scrap material one (3/7)

【Xun Fang Picture】

The sun is shining and the autumn is refreshing.

In the Chu Emperor Tower surrounded by prohibitions, Chu Tian is teaching his apprentice to practice sword as usual.

Fu Hui is 13 years old this year, and the process of changing from loli to girl is also the most changing process for girls. At this critical moment, Chu Tian may have to teach him well and guide him to establish a correct outlook on life, values, beliefs ...

Sitting on a chair, Chu Tian's viewer Wu Fu's sword dance was pointing from time to time. On one side, Xun Fang wore a long skirt and gently poured tea to Chu Tian, ​​thumping his back ...

"In a while, it will be the Bijian Conference in Tianyong City. Fuhui's current Taoist skills may be comparable to the elders in Tianyuecheng. Fuhui will definitely be able to win the championship.

Xun Fang said with a smile, in the sleeves of white as snow, a touch of Hao wrist stretched out, ten fingers crystal clear like jade, slowly massaged on Chu Tian's sword.

Jian.ting's snow peak is not big, but it is perfectly shaped like honey. Pink smear Xiong is tied to it, and a white shawl is draped on the outside. Gently surplus and ethereal, like a faint tune, drifting in the dusk.

It showed a touch of milky white, white tender and attractive. People, crystal white.

As if blown gently, it would break. Sun Fang's skin is full of elasticity, soft, soft and juicy, as if done by honey. Even a simple dress, worn on the body, lined with crystal clear white skin, has also competed with any heavy makeup ...

This is the result of decades of uninterrupted persistence in drinking Chutian "medicine" every day ...

"Em ..." Chu Tian was lazy and authentic, seemed to be immersed in this perfect massage, paused for a while, and continued, "Fu's heavenly capital is very high, plus my teaching, now her cultivation is better than It ’s a real human being who has become a palm leader. Compared to my other apprentice, it really gives me a long face. "

Xun Fang chuckled.

Scratched his fingers on Chu Tian ’s neck and said, “Your insidious master. He accepted Baili Tusu as an apprentice, but he did n’t teach others. Speaking of Heaven, what the **** are you going to do… pit this Baili Tusu? "

"Cough, hang to death, Xunfang, you also learned to use new words. It is better to use the Internet less in the future. But this problem, in fact, I haven't thought about it yet, but just woke up for a while. Now for Baili Tusu, suddenly Not interested anymore ... "Chu Tian took a sip of tea and said.

"Because I have a beautiful apprentice, I have no time to take care of it, right."

"Xun Fang, have you learned to tease me?"

"You learned from Brother Tian."

"Talk back again, I won't let you eat today!" Chu Tian don't scornfully. He smiles.

Xun Fang instantly turned her face red, silent, her lips red, lips, and a mist of water brewing in her eyes, looking at Chu Tian's crotch with resentment ...

This problem started when I was a kid. Every time Chu Tian was threatened with this. Xun Fang was like a girlish lady everywhere, but this hobby ...

Xun Fang whispered, with a shy face, and an attitude of confession:

"Brother, I'm not listening to you yet ..."

At this moment, the Fu Fu in the distance has reached the point of practicing sword.

The long sword in his hand is suddenly bright and dark.

A gleam of brilliance shone brightly and brightly throughout the room. If it were not for Chu Tian ’s prohibition in the Chu Emperor ’s Tower, it might have been destroyed by this huge force!

Fuhui moved the jade legs gently, and the black stockings shone with radiance. The lovely short skirt floated in an instant, revealing the pink inner inside.

However, Fu Wei seems to be used to it, and has not paid attention to Chu Tian's serious observation at the moment. The jade hand trembles lightly, a ray of light shines, a powerful aura, turbulent throughout the room.

"Void and Illusive Sword--!"

Hundreds of sharp swords appeared in the air.

Every sharp sword exudes a strong sword intention.

Every sword is an illusion of illusion, but the beauty of the emptiness of the imaginary sword is that it is unreal and unreal. The last moment is a sword of illusion, and the next moment may become a deadly killer!

The empty fantasy sword is the strongest swordsmanship in Tianyong City!


Fu Hui sipped, and the beauty was beautiful.

Countless sword qi, like dense raindrops, bombarded the walls far away.

The enchantments suddenly flashed, and there was a violent collision with Jian Qi. A loud voice echoed through the house, and a violent hurricane surged. This sword of Fuhui is a sword that condenses the strength of the whole body, even if it is the head of Tianyong City, it does not dare to be hard-wired!

A puff of light emanated from the dark eyes, and Fu Hui squeezed his red lips. The long sword slashed hard, and a shining light burst the whole enchantment ...

"Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!"

Chu Tian applauded and smiled,

"Good, very good. You can actually destroy the first enchantment here, Fuhui, and you have made a lot of progress. Especially the last sword, ingenious, delaying the launch of the empty imaginary sword a little, and attacking quickly after charging , Strength, timing, all need to be carefully considered. Interesting, interesting! "

Chu Tian did not skimp on the apprentice's praise and smiled.

In addition to almost experience, Fu Hui now has the same real strength as the Tianjiao City. Chu Tian is also very proud to see that he has taught the disciples who are not very surprising in the original book.

Fu Hui finished his last sword, and his body was weak. Trotting came to Chu Tian, ​​black dress, black stockings, like an elf ...

"Is the master teaching well. Master, don't you say that Taoism is dead, and people are alive? Just take the essence, and Fuhui is learning master.-Long live Master Master!"

Fu Hui smiled happily, her eyes bent into a crescent moon. The two dimples that match the corners of the mouth are lovely and lovely ...

Coming to Chu Tian's side, Fu Hui greeted Xun Fang again and said, "Good Master, Master, you are more beautiful than when you last met!"

Xun Fang showed a bright smile: "Fu, don't make fun of Master, you are the female eleventh change. Come, take a rest, although the competition is coming, but don't try so hard.

"Thank you Master for your concern!"

Fu Hui smiled, and unkindly lay down in Chu Tian's arms. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and breathe slowly.

Let Chu Tian's big hand pass over her smooth arms, slim jade legs, and even a flat belly. Fuye's eyelashes flickered, not a trace of unnaturalness on her face ...

A piece of aura slowly entered Fu's body. Although Chu Tian is eating tofu, he is also relieving fatigue and moisturizing meridians.

The mentor-apprentice relationship is so close!

"Brother Tian, ​​I think of it. Sister Ruby still has something to do. I will help her."

After Xun Fang and Chu Tian gave their eyes, they left, leaving Chu Tian to inform the girl slowly. After all, Fuhui has a thin skin now.

There are two Chutian masters and disciples, here to talk ...



Xun Fang's grown-up picture hasn't been sent yet, come one ~

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