Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 64: Sapphire Altar (2/7)

The weather is clear and the wind is warm.

Chu Tian drove slowly on the road in a small carriage.

On the seven-day tour of Huangshan, Chu Tian was still looking forward to it, but this is a good opportunity to push. Who would expect Fuhui to be so curious about what she sees along the way, where are there so many interesting things in Tianyong City? So, stop and go, half a month later, even the shadow of Huangshan is not seen ...

"The front is the Suzhou City, which is also a famous city. I killed a nine-headed python here more than a thousand years ago, and the people also set up a statue for me. The huge belief power is now continuing. Supplied. "

Chu Tian sat on the carriage and said leisurely.

It is good to live long, no matter what you encounter, no matter where you are, you are very familiar with it. As a result, Chu Tian took advantage of the geographical position, while drinking a few female flirtatious love, while looking for flowers and willow ...

The waggon shook in the carriage, and Fuhui leaned out his small head. Shui Lingling's eyes blinked and said, "Master, is there any fun in Suzhou City?"

Chu Tian thought for a while and said: "There are special snacks, there are many in the" Chuhuang Street ". There are also juggling in Suzhou in the" Chuhuang Temple ". The West Lake is not far away, Yujian will soon arrive Do n’t check it out ... "

The little girl listened happily and clapped, "Oh, okay! Master, you are so good! However, I still want to see the statue of Master."

"... cut, it's better to look at me directly."

The little carriage wandered into Suzhou City.

When walking into Suzhou City, Suzhou City was as lively and bustling as usual.

The street is very wide, and ten carriages walk side by side, no problem. The floor is flat and smooth, and there are various shops on both sides. People in batches are bargaining, and there is a lot of fun.

In the distance, there are also several groups of people wearing Pima Daixiao. Walking crying, the paper money flying around the sky fluttered everywhere, spitting coffins, crying piece by piece ...

However, there seem to be a lot of people holding funerals on this day.

Chu Tian couldn't help but stop and asked the people around him. In the past, they were giant carriages and three thousand guards. Today, there are really few cases of private visits in such a small service. It is also appropriate to do something good!

Chu Tian turned his head and asked an old man next to him, "Hey, old husband, let me ask, why, Suzhou is now seriously aging? So many people are doing funerals?"

"Hey! It's not that Dr. Ouyang. I'm so angry, really so!" The old man explained. "Not long ago, a doctor came to Suzhou to see us for free and prescribe medicine. What kind of doctor do you think he is. The result ... It turned out that the people he had treated were all right, but after a while, they all became zombies! "


Chu Tian surprised.

It's not easy to get zombies. Ordinary doctors can't do it.

Regarding the surname of "Ouyang", as well as some of the things Ouyang Shao Gong did in the original book, Chu Tian guessed almost the same. Definitely Ouyang Shaojiong! Ouyang Shao Gong seems to have gained some special power.

For example, Yuheng fragments!

The old man nodded, and then his eyes showed excitement. He continued: "These zombies are fierce and unusual, and one person can easily knock down four or five strong men! A total of hundreds of zombies were thought to be over. , The Emperor Chu blessed! The 726 regiment stationed near Suzhou sent troops to suppress it, and it was all resolved in a short time! Hey, I thought at the time, the old man, I was going to die ... "

Chu Tian suddenly said, "What about the murderer? Did you catch it?"

"Oh, this one, I heard what the sapphire altar was doing. A secret stronghold here was destroyed, but unfortunately that Mr. Ouyang didn't know where to go and didn't find it. Hey ..."

"It's almost ..."

Chu Tian said to himself.

Ouyang Shao Gong, cunningly like a fox. Unless a special force is dispatched, or an assassination force is dispatched, of course, the forbidden guards dedicated to serving Chu Tian themselves are not counted. It is still very difficult for ordinary troops to catch this fox.

It's justified that you can't catch it.

However, if even the stronghold of the Sapphire Altar could not be destroyed, Chu Tianke would not be merciless. Without the ability, Chu Tian never needed it!

Now it seems that the abilities of officials in Suzhou are still good ...

"Fuhui, let's go to Suzhou Yamen first." Chu Tian turned his head to face the carriage lane behind.

"Listen to the teacher!" Said Fu Hui in the carriage.

Chu Tian turned around and walked towards the Yamen Suzhou.

The sapphire altar, dare to act boldly and boldly, but unexpectedly Chu Tian.

At that time, the entire sapphire master was slaughtered by Chu Tian, ​​and the disciples also dispersed. Over the years, it has not recovered and even disappeared. Although Lei Yan worked hard and re-established the sapphire altar, compared with the sapphire altar at that time, his strength was still inferior!

At that time, the sapphire altar did not dare to act so blatantly! Lei Yan, actually have this courage!

Chu Tianke was really interested.

"Maybe, it will be a little fun this time ..."

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