Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 66: Flip face

【Sister Luluwei's picture】

Looking at Ouyang Shao Gong's calm face, Chu Tian suddenly had an urge to hang up!

But Chu Tian saw that the flash of death in Ouyang Shao Gong's eyes was fierce. It's okay to deceive others, and I want to deceive Chu Tian this kind of old rivers and lakes that have been mixed for countless years, still far away!

I actually want to kill the flowers!

shameful! What a shame!

Chu Tian is ready at any time, if this kid dares to act rashly, he will shoot immediately!

Bloody Luwei's leader, the elder sister, smiled softly and said, "Ouyang Shao Gong, I originally thought you were a wise man, so I talked to you now. It seems that it is just a fool. You know you are What do you do? This is something that no organization or force has dared to try for thousands of years. I am bloody, but I still want to continue doing business. "

"Oh? Sister already knows what I'm going to do?" Ouyang Shao Gong narrowed his eyes and asked lightly.

In the palm of my hand, a little undetectable aura slowly condenses, and no one on the opposite side perceives it. Ouyang Shao Gong's strength is undoubtedly far above everyone!

After all, he is half the fairy of Prince Changqin!

The leader of Blood Luwei smiled and said, "Gather the world, no matter what you want to do. But, do you still remember the law of Dachu? Without the personal approval of the Chu emperor, the size and number of any armed force organization is ten. Ten thousand people is the upper limit. If there is no specific information for the registered disciples, the upper limit is ten thousand people ... "

The elder sister gently pressed the sword at her waist and looked directly at Ouyang Shao Gong, saying: "You are really bold enough to openly provoke the authority of the imperial court. Even if it is Tiancheng, would you still submit to the imperial court? You are still far away. "

Ouyang Shao Gong snorted.

There was an arc in the corner of his mouth, which was Ouyang Shaogong's consistent smile. The smiling eyes gradually became cold, and an awe-inspiring killing intention slowly dissipated from it!


Hehe, he doesn't know how many years he has lived! The memory gradually blurs, and I forget who I really am. The only thing that drives me to struggle is only the belief of "live" ...

It's not that he wants to kill!

It's not that he is daring!

It's the world that forced it out!

"You, really refuse?" Ouyang Shaogong asked again.

"It's not that I refuse, the world doesn't allow it." The elder sister chuckled softly.

Ouyang Shao Gong looked up at the sky, his face vicissitudes:

"The world doesn't allow it, can't it be done? Cang Tian is ruthless, but I have to reverse this day. In my Ouyang Shao Gong's eyes, there is nothing to be afraid of!-Lei Yan, kill the mouth!"

Ouyang Shaogong turned his face instantly!

Lei Yan behind him burst out like a flash of lightning!

Faceless, fast action!

Obviously, he was seriously injured in the encirclement and suppression of the 726 regiment, but Lei Yan didn't seem to know the pain and would only fight. A pair of sharp eyes stared at the enemy in front, just like a cheetah looking at his prey.

The elder sister opposite also raised her hand and said, "Go!"

More than a dozen killers in the back showed weapons!

Zhuo Yunfei, the number one killer in "Blood Lu Wei", stabbed out with a sword, Han Mang shining, hand and foot clash, and Lei Yan collided together. A violent aura fluctuates, swinging in the center of two people!

More than ten killers surrounded Lei Yan tightly and started a fierce battle.





The sound of weapon handover sounded again and again.

Lei Yan alone fights more than a dozen top killers, and is seriously injured, can actually prevail. With bare hands, more than ten people were forced to retreat time and time again ...

"In this case, I can only capture you personally. Then I will **** you to the Yamen of Suzhou. We, the righteous and evil" Luluwei ", may be able to get right."

Seeing that his subordinates were entangled in Lei Yan, the elder sister said helplessly.

Although she hasn't done it for many years, she has taught more than half of the people of Bloody Luwei. The strongest killer of the entire organization is not Zhuo Yunfei, but herself!

Otherwise, how can a girl's house be a leader!

A crystal-clear short sword for women shines in the hands of the elder sister. Ouyang Shaogong, who solemnly looked at the opposite smile, the big sister suddenly attacked!

A straight ray rushed towards Ouyang Shaogong's neck! The shining light embellishes the green color of the mountain forest with a strange look!

No advanced tricks, just a simple stab!

fast! quasi! ruthless!

The timing, orientation, and all have reached the extreme.

As a killer, Big Sister is undoubtedly the best. The simplest moves can also turn decay into magic. The killer is about efficiency!

Ouyang Shaogong took two steps back slightly, and the experience he had lived for so many years was no different. While retreating, he glanced at Lei Yan in the distance ...

With a quiet good distance, more attacks!

"Dare to be distracted now!"

The corner of the elder sister's mouth cracked with an arc.

The jade hand gently pressed on the hilt, and an organ on the sword suddenly started. More than ten silver needles were suddenly launched from the junction of the hilt and the blade!

The venom is quenched on the needle, and the needle will die!

Ouyang Shao Gong shook his head and said in a cold voice: "Take a worm!"

A magnificent aura suddenly rose up!

A strong shield keeps the silver needle out. The tiny silver needle with strong penetrating power was actually blocked and could not be scored!


There was another mechanism on the elder sister's dagger.

Suddenly, the dagger stretched, and aura of energy wrapped around the dagger, breaking the shield of Ouyang Shao Gong with a bang, and approaching Ouyang Shao Gong's throat.

Killer, never fight against people positively!

Ouyang Shao Gong's pupils shrank sharply! Unexpectedly, this killer has so much experience! Although I have lived for so many years, most of the time is calculated.

The number of encounters with the killer is really not much!

Quickly backed away and turned around, but it was too late, and a fine blood trace remained on Ouyang Shaogong's cheek. Ouyang Shao Gong glanced coldly at the person on the opposite side, raised his hand, and gave a volley!

"go to hell!!!"

The majestic spirit is overwhelming, Ouyang Shaogong's strength is full!

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