Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 70: This is the face of a son-in-law of a talented person!

After a fierce discussion, Hongyu and Weiwei cherished each other, and under the witness of Chu Tian, ​​Yijie Jinlan became a sister! The two women who were willing to make a plan even secretly wanted to co-author an unprecedented masterpiece-"Girls' Complete Training Manual" as a weapon for Chutian to ...

Then, after a simple discussion and in an attitude of real knowledge, the two women decided to go to Su Xiaoxiao to investigate. At the same time, do a series of research and analysis to verify their conjecture and prepare for writing ...

"Master, we will not let you down!"

"Your Majesty, Sister Ruby and I went first!"

"Master, Qiu Xinrui will give it to you!"

"Your Majesty, come on!"

After the two daughters and Chu Tian greeted each other, they left violently.

The smile is pleasant and the enthusiasm is like fire.

The clouds in the sky seem to have turned into ten thousand grass and mud horses running across ...

"Forget it, then I will continue to go shopping."

Chu Tian said to himself in embarrassment, turned and left. The two little girls have never asked their opinion from beginning to end, even if they are learning, they can't be like this!

Fortunately, the two daughters and themselves double repair N times, the strength is absolutely hanging, Chu Tian does not have to worry about their safety.

Walking along the edge of Taihu Lake, Chutian watched the scenery along the coast.

The consciousness is shrouded, and everything can't escape Chu Tian's capture. Watching, watching, a hazy, strange breath lifted on Chu Tian.

The shape of the flower, the shaking of the grass.

The huge lake is perfectly integrated with everything around it, crystal clear, like a huge piece of jade. The willows on both sides sway gently, and the soft branches bloom in the light green of spring.

There are also swarms of swallows flying by, and occasionally a cry, like a stone thrown into Taihu Lake, lifting a lively ripple in the silent sky ...

And Chu Tian.

It also seems to be integrated with all things, Chutian is heaven and earth, and heaven and earth is Chutian.

Observe while walking. The faint, hazy natural breath is more and more obvious, and more and more dull.

One grass, one tree, one withered and glory, there are laws everywhere.

In a simple observation, Chu Tian was able to comprehend the Tao and practice ...

"This little friend, please stay away!"

In the evening, when walking through a pavilion, an old man shouted to Chu Tian.

This is a veteran with martial arts. Although his face is old, his eyes are bright and clear, and he is obviously pregnant with inner power. There was also a woman in her forties near Lao Zhang, who also seemed to have martial arts.

Chu Tian guessed that the two were probably people from rivers and lakes, so stay here.

Stopping and stepping away from his perception, Chu Tian asked: "Well, do you call me something?"

The old man was silent, just stared at Chu Tian with a stern look. From one foot to the top of the head, one inch by one inch, never let go! That look, like a wolf like a tiger, can't wait to see Chu Tian through!

Chu Tian couldn't help goose bumps, and took a step back on this stupefied!

Nima, it will not be--

"This little friend has a handsome face, a graceful manner, and an outstanding temperament. Standing here is like standing tall and standing in the wild. It is really rare and rare! The old man has never seen such characters in his life !!" Said.

Chu Tian continued to swallow.

Nima, praise yourself so well, it won't really be--

The old man paused, stood up, and smiled.

Looking at Chu Tian's eyes, only two words were conveyed: Zhongyi!

"This little friend, can actually calm down and enjoy the beauty of Taihu Lake. Now in the world, everyone wants to be an official, make money, and be a civil servant. He is impetuous. Hey! You are not so good young people. "The old man continued to praise."

The light in the eyes is more obvious!

Chu Tian is even more suspicious!

This year, there are quite a few guys! Chu Tian ransacked beautiful women every year. There were tens of thousands of beautiful women every year. The number of tragic men and women has been very impressive over the years. In the case of uncoordinated male and female ratios, many people have embarked on the road of foundation ...

Although Chu Tian was not afraid of the earth, his strength was invincible, but was remembered by a man, and he felt a goose bump in his heart! Settling, Chu Tian threatened: "I tell you, don't be excited, don't be excited! I take it seriously, I don't know what will happen. If the Taihu Lake is destroyed, I can't blame me!"

"What? The Taihu Lake is ruined? The young friend is so funny. The older the man looks, the more happy he is! Little friend, I don't know if I have ever been married. If I don't have one, I can—"


On Chu Tian's body, the rules are intertwined.

An old man everywhere, dare to be brazen in front of himself, I slaughter you! !

Chu Tian has everything ready--

"If the young friend has never been married, the old man has a daughter and has a beautiful appearance. In recent years, she has not found a good person. The young friend has a talent, but she matches her very well. If you don't dislike, the old man is happy to match you up ..."

After the old man had finished speaking, Chu Tian's face shrugged down instantly.

Marry daughter?

You ... got it wrong?

"Well, thank you Lao Zhang ... good intentions!" Chu Tian was very embarrassed to hide her embarrassment. Nima, whether he is beautiful or ugly, at least Lao Zhanghui knows gold and has no reason to kill others! Of course, if you just killed him, you ca n’t blame yourself, this old man ’s eyes are too thrilling ...

"Little friends are welcome. Everyone has a heart for love. Let me introduce myself first. The old man's surname is Qiu, called Qiu Qiancheng."

"You are Qiu Qiancheng!"

"Yes, Qiu Qiancheng, Xiaoyou, have you heard my name?"

"Qiu Qiancheng, how come I haven't heard it. By the way, will you iron palm?"

"Slightly understand."

"Do you have a brother named Qiu Qianzhang?"

"Yes, my brother Qiu Qianzhang died a few years ago, hey! It's a matter of the rivers and lakes again!"


After chatting with this old man for a while, Chu Tian felt that the world was really wonderful.

Such a coincidence happened. Apart from being happy, the old man gave Chu Tian a certain "son-in-law's token", and Chu Tian also accepted it without hesitation. I've roughly pinpointed myself, the old man's daughter is also outstanding, don't worry.

If you have time, just let his daughter soak up!

Saying goodbye to the old man, Chu Tian continued to walk forward. The old man said that there was a family of hibiscus flowers blooming in front of them, so you can go and see.


"Hey, Qiancheng, are you in such a hurry to marry your daughter? Would this person be unreliable." After Chu Tian left, the woman said.

"It's no problem. The kid just gave me a feeling as if he were this nature. Mild, deep, this kind of breath, I never felt it. I have a hunch, he is definitely not an ordinary person. "The old man's eyes were firm, looking at where Chu Tian left. Worthy of it is the old rivers and lakes, and actually saw the name hall come.

"But you don't have to hurry to marry Xinrui so quickly! Xinrui, Xinrui is still small."

The old man shook his head and sighed.

Looking at the sunset in the distance, my eyes are full of nostalgia. It took a long time before the old man said: "I received a letter a few days ago. Our former enemy, hired the killer organization" Blood Luwei "to retaliate against us. Blood Luwei leader, although there is news that he is missing , But, the overall strength is still ... Hey! I am most at ease, it is the child Xinrui ... "

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