Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 72: Killer strike

"--What? Sister? What are you talking about? If your elder sister is gone, ask me why? I am not your elder sister. How do I know where your elder sister went, why did your elder sister disappear? Why did you ask me? You won't be Are you looking for a smoker? "

After Chu Tian paused for a few seconds, the wind was suddenly and violently raining, and Zhangkou was a series of messes, shirking his responsibilities completely.

I was in a rare mood, and said hello to him, and looked up to him. Which pot did not open which pot of the goods: I am still picking up girls, how can I kidnap girls? !

It happens that Zhuo Yunfei is also a killer, and his temperament is a bit stubborn. In addition, Chu Tian's strength in bombing the sky has also been seen a little bit. After being bombed by Chu Tian for a long time, he stood in a daze for a while, not knowing what to do.

Chu Tian waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't care about you. Hurry up and go home to sleep. It's better to go to your elder sister than spend a lot of time here. You say you, ah, elder sister is gone, come back Appreciating the hibiscus is really amazing ... "

"I'm here--"

"No need to say more. Go out, turn left, walk 300 meters, there is a river. If your mind is still hot, jump in and wash ..."



Chu Tian paused, staring at Zhuo Yunfei, and suddenly a glint of light shone in his eyes.

Zhuo Yunfei's eyes also flashed a light.

Immediately, as if being controlled, Zhuo Yunfei dumbly "Oh", turned around and walked outside the door. The conversation with Chu Tian, ​​the memory of this time, was completely erased ...

"Sample, fight with me and play to you!"

Chu Tian grunted, disdainful.

Qiu Xinrui opened his mouth wide, embraced Chu Tian ’s arm, and shook his left and right: "Brother Chu, what did you just do? He drove him away with a staring eye, teach me, teach me, okay?" ? "

From Qiu Xinrui's point of view, Chu Tian is so educated and knowledgeable, just like many old scholars who teach, how could he not be linked to the "kidnapping" thing!

In Zhuo Yunfei's words, she didn't care at all, but was more interested in Chu Tian's Taoism!

"Do you really want to learn?" Chu Tian asked.

Qiu Xinrui nodded seriously and said, "Of course I think! My dad wouldn't let me practice martial arts since he was a child, saying that there are many incidents in the rivers and lakes, but who knows how fun it is!"

"Fun? It is very difficult to practice." Chu Tian said.

"I'm not afraid!"

"However, there are actually shortcuts."

"Then you have to learn more !!"

"However, the shortcut, you have to discuss with your parents first. By the way, Xin Rui, where is your home, I will discuss with your parents."

"Brother Chu, come with me, I will take you to--"

Qiu Xinrui took Chu Tian's hand and ran to the distance.

Starry, the evening wind blowing. The two shuttled in the small alleys of Suzhou, talking and laughing, and were cheerful.

Seeing Qiu Xinrui's slim figure, touching and charming face. Under the youthful and lively temperament, there is also a little girl's innocence. Chu Tian looked more and more like this girl.

Therefore, Chu Tiancai went to Qiu Xinrui's house!

The shortcut that Chu Tian said is actually to go ... Shuangxiu.

There is no slight side effect, and the quick way to enter the state is of course a double cultivation! To discuss with Qiu Xinrui's parents is naturally the marriage of the two. Chu Tian believes that with his own talents, if he fails to raise relatives, then there will be ghosts!

While walking, Chu Tian explained to Qiu Xinrui the basic method of cultivation.

The night sky, the stars gradually hanging on, are getting brighter ...


Before coming to a huge courtyard, Qiu Xinrui and Chu Tian stopped.

I learned from Qiu Xinrui's mouth that her parents used to be in the rivers and lakes and had a lot of savings. After he got old, he bought a house on the edge of Taihu Lake and lived in his old age.

The two lingered at the door for a while, but the little girl was suddenly shy and didn't know what to do.

A girl with a big yellow flower who brings a boy home, even if it is a child of the rivers and lakes, has a special meaning. Qiu Xinrui's shining eyes glanced at Chu Tian, ​​and quickly withdrew, his heartbeat accelerated a little.

Moreover, the hands of the two are still pulled together, and Qiu Xinrui is tangled in his heart. Should he throw it away? It would be embarrassing if it was discovered by the parents.

But if you suddenly throw away, will Brother Chu be angry?

So annoying ————

The two have just arrived soon.

Suddenly, not far in front, a distance of three or four hundred meters away, a shining light went all the way up into the sky. It burst into a splendid fiery red flower.

This is a rose.

Red, **** rose.

Qiu Xinrui's eyes were shifted, just to ease the tangled mood, looking at this mark and saying: "Brother Chu, what is this?"

Chu Tian smiled and said: "Blood Luwei. Killer organization, money-making and life-threatening. Little girl, these things are less important, it is easy to ignite the upper body."


However, Chu Tian's words did not seem to be effective.

Sometimes, even if it doesn't matter, trouble will come to your door. Chu Tian and Qiu Xinrui had not stood for long. More than a dozen shadows in front of them suddenly rushed up. They were fierce and went to Qiu Xinrui's house.

Masked, with sword.

Although his face was completely covered, it was useless to Chu Tian. Several people were members of Xue Luwei, and Chu Tian recognized them all.

"So it turns out."

Chu Tian probably deduced it a bit, the cause and effect are all clear. The calculation of complex destiny, the needs of the future, and other powers and principles of power; but to speculate the cause and effect of small events, Chu Tian only needs a few glances to understand.

Several people came to kill Qiu Xinrui's parents. There is such a passage in the original book. Reaching out, the spirits condensed into a long, shining sword, shaking in Chu Tian's hands.

Jian Qi, fierce.

"——Xinrui, don't you want to learn Taoism? Now, I will teach you the most basic swordsmanship."

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