Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 80: Snow Princess (4/7)

【Feng Qingxue Picture】

"What happened here?"

Hearing the fighting, Ziyin, who was more anxious than Master Chu Tian, ​​hurried over. Seeing Tu Su who could not stand on the ground was very guilty.

It was all for his reasons that Tu Su became like this ...

"Qi Jun, Qi Jun's real person! This brother didn't know why, and suddenly became crazy, and then, he attacked arbitrarily and beat himself, and finally ... finally became like this.

Ouyang Shao Gong pretended to be very real.

Burning the sword spirit is not the time to absorb, Ouyang Shaojiong needs more things to improve the success rate. Identity, strength, all need to be concealed ...

"Fight yourself? Could it be that the silence broke out?"

Ziyin quickly reached out and checked on Baili Tusu's body. Facts have proved that Tu Su does have traces of burning silence.

A bloodthirsty breath remained in Tu Su's body. The violent power is simply not what ordinary people can possess. The real eyebrows of Ziyin are more wrinkled and tighter, and his face is more dignified.

"Sure enough." Ziyin said to himself after the inspection.

Burning silence broke out.

In other words, Tu Su did not control the burning silence.

The real person of Ziyin didn't even think that Tu Su in a pool of standing water was not affected by the burning silence anymore. Now the real person of Ziyin believes that Chu Tian's method has not solved the problem of burning silence!

Tu Su, still infested by burning silence!

Chu Tian said at the beginning, healed Tu Su's anxiety for burning silence. Even extreme methods have been adopted for this purpose, such as changing Tu Su's thinking!

The real person of Ziyin was very disgusted with this method, and now Baili Tusu is in a situation again, and he is even more dissatisfied with Chu Tian. Under misunderstanding, a bold method was gradually born in the real life of Ziyin: he would re-instruct Tu Su this child!

Use your own method to wake up Tu Su! Even in the face of Chu Huang's anger, you must persevere! This child is too pitiful, and Chu Emperor clearly just plays with him!

No more staying, Ziyin real man picked up Tu Su and quickly moved away from here ...

"Humph! It's useless to save anything. Sooner or later, it's all mine!" Ouyang Shaogong said to himself, turned around, and walked into the distant crowd ...

The entry test is carried out in this way.

Lingduan is not as bold as in the original, and what kind of bird-gathering birds are used to add chaos. After all, Chu Emperor was in Tianyong City. If something unexpectedly disturbed Chu Emperor, it would be troublesome.

An An was stable, and there was no danger. Ouyang Shao Gong entered Tiancheng City, acting cautiously, searching for various information about the burning silence, and getting closer and closer to his plan.

However, Ouyang Shaogong didn't know that Chu Tian knew all things as long as he had a thought, or even pinched his fingers.



After a few days of trial.

The settlement of the new disciples in Tianyong City is almost complete. The new disciples participate in various basic trainings, and the older disciples, in addition to practicing accidents, are also responsible for explaining various precautions to the new disciples.

For a time, Tianyong City was busy.

And Chu Tian.

As the emperor of Chu and Tiancheng city, how could anyone dare to bother him? Chu Tian eats and sleeps well, and does not forget to take his good daughter and visit the scenery of Tianyong City.

Tianyong City is one of the eight schools of Kunlun.

And Kunlun Mountain is the place where the world is full of vitality.

The many natural landscapes bred by the power are rare in the world. At first, if not worried about causing too much butterfly effect, Chu Tian really wanted to directly occupy Kunlun Mountain too!

"... There is the sword pavilion in Tianyong City. One of the seven fierce swords of Longyuan, the Burning Silence Sword, is inside. There are several elder guards with good strength in the pavilion, and there are three hundred disciples patrolling day and night. Where I live is the most rigorous place ... "

Chu Tian walked slowly, introducing Qingxue to the various scenery here.

Originally, he was very knowledgeable, and various quotations were hand in hand. Under the introduction of Chu Tian, ​​the scenery of Tianyong City was vividly displayed in front of Feng Qingxue.

Qingxue wore a blue and white disciple costume, and her crisp and crisp chest was full of the vitality of the girl. The slender waist was under a white belt, which seemed to be unbearable. Water. The tender face, with pure elegance, looks like jasmine blooming slowly.

Qingxue listens carefully. Many things here are different from the quiet ones. From the perspective of Qingxue, they are full of charm, interesting and vivid.

Moreover, the most important thing is that you have a long-lost dad and personally guide yourself.

Listening to Chu Tian's explanation, Qingxue is in a good mood, very happy ...

"By daddy, what is that for--"

Qingxue raised the scallion water. The tender jade hand, facing a huge field road in the distance. The site is large and can hold hundreds of thousands of people.

"Well, that was the venue of Tian Yongcheng's three-year competition. The last competition, all the women who entered the finals were female disciples. I don't know how this time." Chu Tian smiled.

"Ah? All female disciples?" Feng Qingxue asked in surprise.

"Yeah, and I assert that this time there was no accident. They are still all female disciples. And, the overwhelming advantage is greater!" Chu Tian said confidently.


"Uh, this question, you will soon know, temporarily confidential, cough, confidential ..."


The two walked slowly.

Famous buildings one after another, beautiful scenery everywhere, Chu Tian has visited Feng Qingxue. Qingxue grinned all the way, and her voice was all over the floor like silver bells.

The disciples along the way met Chu Tian and Feng Qingxue and bowed to salute.

"Long live Emperor Chu!"

"Princess Chitose!"

After saluting respectfully, he left in a hurry. The Emperor Chu and his daughter looked at the scenery. They didn't want to disturb.

It was Feng Qingxue, who was a "princess" for the first time, and was somewhat at a loss for the etiquette of these people.

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