Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 92: Live in your house! (Supplement 9)

【Fang Ruqin Picture】

"Long live my long live, long live long live!"

"Long live my long live, long live long live!"

"Long live my long live, long live long live!"


A wave of shouts, overshadowed by waves, appeared at the gate of Qinchuan City.

The officials of Qinchuan, the governors of the two rivers are equal to the officials of Qinchuan, and all the officials who can arrive in a hundred miles in time, all concentrated at the gate of Qinchuan, welcome Chu Tian.

A large group of greeted officers and soldiers at the back was unknown at first, but when I heard that the person was actually Emperor Chu, he also fell to his knees in a sudden!

What kind of identity of the Emperor Chu came to Qinchuan is a rare golden age for all centuries!

Is the huge Luanjia the resting place of Emperor Chu?

Everyone respectfully and carefully looked at the huge carriage.

Emperor Chu is said to be resting here.

"You don't need to be too flat. I came to Qinchuan just to check the folk customs on the spot. You don't have to be restrained. Remember, don't reveal my identity. I am now in a private visit with Weifu."

Chu Tian's figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone and said lightly.

Wearing a set of distinguished long-distance running, with a good face, anyone who looks at first glance will regard Chu Tian as a good emperor who is close to the people. For Chu Tian, ​​it's a piece of cake for Chu Tian!

"Come and wait, obey!"

"Well, that's fine," Chu Tian said, brick, looking at Qinchuan City in the distance.

Qin Chuancheng stands tall and tall, and stands in front of Chu Tian, ​​which is more beautiful than many years ago. In the city of Qinchuan, there is a lot of traffic, and the people are constantly flowing, and it looks quite rich.

Qin Chuan's governance is not bad.

With both hands on his back, Chu Tian walked slowly forward. The civil and military officials followed Chu Tian, ​​respectfully, and listened to Chu Tian's instructions.

Walk through the city gate, walk into the street, and follow the street step by step to the lively place of Qinchuan City. Chu Tian looked around and watched the changes in Qinchuan City.

Under the control of Chu Tian's mana, the carriage went to a palace near Qinchuan.

Officials, big and small, followed behind Chu Tian and reported various situations respectfully. After all, Chu Tianshen Dragon sees the head and ends, and the chances of meeting are not many ...

"By the way, what is Qin Chuan's per capita income now?" Chu Tian asked suddenly.

"Senior Master Qi, the per capita income of Qin Chuan has reached ..."

"The people are living well? Are there any bullies messing up?"

"Master Qi! The Qinchuan generation, the public security is the best around ..."

"If you have merit, you will be rewarded, well done!"


In order to hide their identities, everyone called Chu Tian an adult.

However, despite this, Chu Tian appeared in Qinchuan City as a senior official. Pretending to ask questions is like leading a review. After listening to the people nearby, they began to guess Chu Tian's identity.

To be able to ask such questions, this posture is at least one or two rank members!

In Qinchuan's prefecture, some people in Qinchuan knew. After seeing Zhifu, all the adults respectfully followed behind Chu Tian, ​​and everyone was more sure of Chu Tian's senior official status!

Listening to the conversation between Chu Tian and the officials and paying attention to people's livelihood is definitely a good official!

The people burst into tears!



Not long after walking, a long team in front attracted Chu Tian's attention.

Seeing that Chu Tian was more interested in this, the governor of Qinchuan on the side quickly said: "Master Qi Yun, this is Miss Fang's second family in Qinchuan, Fang Ruqin. People, Miss Fang is kind-hearted and a blessing to the people of Qinchuan! "

Another official said: "Ms. Fang will make congee here every day. Although Fang's family is rich, they never do evil things. The reputation of this generation is very good ..."

"Your Majesty was able to select the concubine for many years. It is really a wise eye and a bead. There is boundless mana. The admiration of his ministers to His Majesty, like the surging rivers, endless ..."

Fang Ruqin was the concubine of Chu Tianding, and the officials nearby had reached an agreement. It is for this reason that the current Fang family is much richer than the original one.

Moreover, a lot of troubles have been solved by the government. The current business of the Fang family has been unimpeded, and no one dared to obstruct it. Fang Ruqin, a member of the established harem, has a nourishing life.

Chu Tian looked at Fang Ruqin in the distance and suddenly mischievously thought about it. Three steps and two steps forward, and was also among the people who asked for food: "Look at me!"

Everyone was helpless.

Your majesty was going to beg for porridge and rice, and several people lost their ground in an instant. Nima, you are the master of a country! Fortunately, Chu Tian concealed the emperor's identity. Otherwise, what a shame ...

The officials could only helplessly follow behind Chu Tian.

The team gradually shortened.

Chu Tian is getting shorter and shorter, and Chu Tian is getting closer and closer.

Fang Ruqin wore a gorgeous brocade dress with golden hairpins in her hair. The crystal earrings wobbled and shone with a shiny luster, which made people feel comfortable.

The skin is delicate and radiant, white as pure jade. The face is elegant and beautiful, like a noble peony. Fang Ruqin's temperament is elegant, distinguished, and indeed has the temperament of a concubine ...

Chu Tian gradually approached while admiring.

Finally, it was Chu Tian.

"Bring the bowl." A maid said, looking at Chu Tian. However, when he saw that the person was actually a noble son, he suddenly turned red.

It's so handsome ... this majestic heart said.

"This son, you ... how come you come this ... this kind of." Said the girl.

Fang Ruqin, who is on the side, is worthy of being a person in the business field and has a keen eye. Several officials behind Chu Tian, ​​she can see at a glance.

How could Chu Tian be an ordinary noble son!

Fang Ruqin gave a signature smile and said softly, "This adult, I don't know what is going on here? The little girl can help, and she will do her best. The adult, although he is outspoken, don't be polite ..."

Fang Ruqin's tone changed, and he didn't seem to be afraid of Chu Tian's identity: "But if the son wants to entertain the little girl, forgive the little girl."

The sound is sweet and beautiful, making people feel like spring breeze. But Fang Ruqin's attitude is very clear. From Fang Ruqin's point of view, Chu Tian came to this place for porridge-making in this capacity, and he came here for fun.

Over the years, Fang Ruqin has also been very smooth with himself, and even officials from all walks of life have been very polite. It is strange that after many inquiries, he finally knows his identity ...

Can't be polite with anyone, especially some young boys. As a woman, Fang Ruqin knows how to protect herself.

"She knew her identity?" Chu Tian suddenly turned around and asked.

"Big, big, adult! Miss Fang is brilliant, and her subordinates can't hide her." An official said tremblingly.

"Forget it, don't blame you."

Chu Tian looked back, continued to look at Fang Ruqin, and said with a smile: "No, you can help. When I first came here, there was no place to live. Fang's family is big, and it makes sense to make a place to live. . "

Chu Tian lifted the waist belt and a golden sign suddenly caught in Fang Ruqin's eyes ...


Finally made up!

Today, Eun, continue to 9 more, burst ~~~

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