Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 97: Harmony with Harem, Changes in the Mountains (1)

After asking some basic precautions, Chu Tian and Sun Yueyan chatted like this.

Don't know if you don't talk, startle! Sun Yueyan originally thought that Chu Tian was a young and talented person, and the way to treat her should be possessed by the talents who cultivated immortals.

Unexpectedly, it is still a talented talent!

Sun Yueyan was very sick since childhood and spent most of his time at home. He has nothing to do with leisure. He can only read a book for pastime. He is also a talented woman. But when talking to Chu Tian, ​​no matter what he said, poetry and vocabulary, qin chess and calligraphy and painting, and even some anecdotes of wild history, Chu Tian was very proficient. He expressed many points of view and allusions that Sun Yueyan had never heard before.

As if you know everything!

Sun Yueyan became more and more curious about Chu Tian's identity.

Such a young man, still so knowledgeable, is there such a person?

After talking for a long time, Chu Tian saw the sky was almost the same, he said goodbye to Sun Yue, and agreed to see you tomorrow.

"Yue Yan? Yue Yan? You, your illness, your illness is well." The grandmother Sun just walked into the room, and she saw tears of joy when she saw Sun Yueyan who was ruddy.

Sun Yueyan is her heart and flesh, and it is afraid of falling in her mouth, and she is afraid of falling in her hands. It can be said that waiting is not much worse than those princesses!

Seeing Sun Yueyan is actually better, why is Grandma Sun not happy!

Sun Yueyan nodded and said with a smile: "Nanny, it's not all right yet. Brother Chu said that my illness needs to be reared up later, and it will take a few days to fully recover."

"Brother Chu? Who is that?" Grandma Sun said to herself, "I just asked a doctor?"

"Brother Chu is not the nurse you asked for?"

"But ... I remember, there is no Chu surname in the doctor ... Is it adulthood, remember it wrong?" Sun Niang said to herself, "Forget it, I can't take care of that much. Yue Yan said your illness can be Good, more important than anything. "

Quickly tell the next man to burn some bird's nest first, and let Sun Yueyan make up ...

It was Sun Yueyan who suddenly passed a smile in his eyes. Regarding Chutian's expression of squint and squint at the beginning, Sun Yueyan confirmed one thing in his heart, Chutian, maybe he is really not a doctor.

He concealed his grandmother's treatment for himself.

However, Sun Yueyan did not tell the truth to Sun Niangniang. Sun Yueyan, who has always lived in his own courtyard, was suddenly secretly excited about this kind of secret dating.



"Yue Yan, when practicing, you can't be distracted."

"Yue Yan, remember, your constitution is cold, especially at noon, the slowest rate of cultivation, you have to choose ..."

"Ruqin, you have all been able to attack with the power of the star Yuntu! Good way!"

"Yue Yan, take you out today to play ..."

Next, just like Fang Ruqin, Chu Tian also started to teach Sun Yueyan. Take some time every day and sneak into Sun Mansion to meet Sun Yueyan. Sun Yueyan has also not exposed Chu Tian, ​​nor has he told Sun Daimian.

As a woman of Chu Tian, ​​every one must learn Taoism. Even if you do n’t, you must at least have a double cultivation, otherwise your body is too poor, how can you stand Chu Tian ... ——Of course, this kind of thing, even if Chu Tian does not persecute, the additional effect of practicing “detoxifying and nourishing beauty” will make beautiful women long for it. Sun Yueyan, of course, is no exception.

Sun Yueyan, under the guidance of Chu Tian, ​​also began to embark on the road of cultivation of immortals. Compared with Fang Ruqin, Sun Yueyan's qualifications are even higher. The simplicity of her heart makes her practice much faster than normal people.

Sun Yueyan's body is getting better and better. Gradually out of illness.

And, more and more delicate and slim.


It was another bright morning.

In the Fang Family Courtyard, Yingying Yanyan was hilarious.

Sun Yueyan was invited by Chu Tian today and came to Fang's house for the first time. The women also worked hard to welcome the new sisters.

After all, they and He Wenjun are old acquaintances, and this Sun Yueyan and He Wenjun were carved out of a model, which made the hearts of the women feel good. Sun Yueyan didn't understand himself. Why did he just get here, he was warmly welcomed by these sisters-and also, Chu Tian didn't seem to say that he has so many women!

"Yue Yan, your figure is really good!" Little girl Fu Hui ran up first.

"Sister Yueyan, what fabric is your clothes? It's really good." Fang Ruqin also said afterwards.

"Yue Yan, treat this place as your own home, you're welcome."

"Yue Yan ..."


The warm greetings from all the women made Sun Yueyan feel warm.

Sun Yueyan, who has been staying in the Shenzhai compound, seldom interacts with people. With so many good sisters at once, he is very happy in his heart.

At this time, I also forgot the abhorrence of Chu Tian, ​​and thought about it, anyway, I have been captured by Chu Tian, ​​and the sisters are so good, they don't care, why should they care? Instead, he seemed stingy.

Then ... cheap him!

With a disgruntled glance at Chu Tian in the distance, Sun Yueyan walked into the girls, and Yingying smiled: "Sisters are polite, Yueyan has seen your sisters. Like Sister Qin, Yueyan has heard of you too I have long wanted to meet you ... "


The Harem is harmonious, and Chu Tian is also comfortable.

Chu Tian thought and thought, just about to propose whether to come to a collective spring tour, and then use this opportunity to push Sun Yueyan and Fang Ruqin to it! After all, in this harmonious atmosphere, you can easily get it!

Especially Sun Yueyan, the mobile phone will be the biggest! The character of the little girl, there is a problem with the overlord's **** the bowwood!

Suddenly, the ground moved!



During the massive bombing, the houses were swaying faintly. On a mountain in the distance, it seems that something big happened, Chu Tian ’s obscenity, and the conversation between the girls, were interrupted ...

"Yu Heng?"

Chu Tian muttered to himself, sucking his mouth, disdainful look ...

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