Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 2: First met Samurai Minjiro (Supplement 1)

"Hello, have you heard? A Japanese came."

"Actually wanting to be a professional player, does he think this is a game?"

"It seems to be called" Echizen Minajiro ", right?"

"Hey, I don't see people all day long, and I don't know where to go to play. Now the devil is really, this kind of mentality wants to be a professional player, it's a joke ..."

"If you have a chance, you must let him know what tennis is!"


Just after entering the club, Chu Tian heard a series of arguments.

Echizen Minjiro, who has just joined this club not long ago, is striving hard to become a professional tennis player. Participate in various tennis competitions everywhere and work hard for your dreams.

Of course, the efforts of Echizen Minajiro cannot be seen by these people.

In addition, Echizen Minjiro is a man who seems to be very arrogant and arrogant, and Japan has always been a weak player in tennis. So Echizen Minajiro, who just debuted, was mocked by everyone in the club.

"Echizen Minjiro, do you know?" Chu Tian suddenly asked Ryuko Takeuchi around him.

Although the time was accurate, Chu Tian was really worried about something unexpected. If the relationship between the two is good, Chu Tian may take drastic measures.

"Echizen Minjiro? That lazy guy, I would rather not know him."

Ryuko Takeuchi exhaled and said helplessly.

It is inevitable that lazy people are not welcome anywhere. Although Echizen Minjiro worked hard, it was the lazy, sloppy side that was displayed in front of everyone. It was normal to not be treated by beautiful women.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Chu Tian was finally relieved.

After all, Echizen Minjiro has a woolen relationship with himself?

The world champion, take it if you want, you don't care at all!

Chu Tian, ​​however, controlled all the top leaders of all countries! That World War II calmed down so fast that it would be impossible without the high-intensity unification of governments. Chu Tian, ​​who has all the power and money to blast the sky beyond everything, is not interested in the little tennis champion!

Hot girl is king!

Since Echizen Minjiro did not block his own way, the ghost was willing to ignore him!

"Go, Lunzi, let's sign up!"

Chu Tian grabbed Rinko Takeuchi's hand and walked forward quickly.

Takeuchi's face turned red, and Chu Tian actually took her hand widely. Although the United States is an open country, she came from Japan. The woman has always been very conservative, and even once, a country with a low status.

The little hand struggled for a while, but Chu Tian held it very tightly and couldn't get away from it at all!

"Mr. Chu, Mr. Chu Tian, ​​you, you, me--"

When I saw people nearby, most of them were focused on tennis and their respective topics. No one noticed the two, and Ryoko Takeuchi felt a little relieved.

Let Chu Tian take his hand and walk forward.

Fortunately, nobody saw it, Takeuchi Rinko thought. Like a sneaky kitten, he quietly took Chu Tian's hand. The two ran forward quickly.

The tennis courts are large and large, almost everywhere. Chu Tian and Rinko Takeuchi walked straight from the middle and took the shortest distance.

Just then, suddenly a distant voice came:

"Be careful--"

A tennis ball shot towards Chu Tian quickly!

It was the two of them who were playing. It seemed that they had made a mistake and accidentally hit the ball. The tennis ball was spinning violently in the air, and there was a lot of noise.

In an instant, the ball has reached the side of Takeuchi Ryoko, less than one meter away!

This is a very powerful and very fast goal!

With the reaction ability of Takeuchi Ryoko, it is impossible to escape! ——Even for many professional players, it is impossible to avoid such a goal in such a hurry to run!

At a glance, Takeuchi Ryoko obviously saw the ball. However, it is too late!

How to do!

Rinko Takeuchi could only subconsciously clasp Chu Tian's hand.

Many people in the stadium looked here in surprise. Aiming at the ball on the face, if it is bad, it is likely to cause serious injuries!

Chu Tian suddenly smiled, and also grasped Rinko Takeuchi's hand, saying: "Don't worry."

It doesn't matter if the sky collapses.

A strange wave spread out beside Chu Tian.

Chu Tianming didn't do anything, but the space suddenly shook. A dark color spread in the air, like a huge brush, leaving a trace in the air.

Dark and ink-like, deep and difficult to understand, as if it were a black hole stuck in the air! All the glory eclipsed in front of it!

The black space fluctuates and is unbiased, blocking the front of the tennis!

"Bang ——————!"

The sound of impact sounded.

Chu Tian's space fluctuations blocked the tennis!

As if time was still, the tennis ball suddenly stayed in the air when it touched the black space, and it had no power at all. The kinetic energy theorem does not seem to exist at this moment-no, it does not exist, but the time of tennis is still. In this space, it is still!

Rinko Takeuchi opened his eyes wide and looked at the scene in front of him, unbelievable.

Chu Tian stretched his hand gently, the tennis ball landed, and smiled to Takeuchi Ryoko: "Look, it's nothing, just a fast ball. I'm here, nothing can hurt you."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Takeuchi's face turned red again ...


However, the entire tennis court has been frightened by Chu Tian's tricks.

Everyone started talking about the stranger who suddenly appeared.

"Just now, did you see that. Isn't that a" black hole "?"

"Yes, it's a" black hole ", it's a" black hole "! But in this case, it's incredible to be able to use a" black hole "!"

"The so-called black hole means that after the speed or strength or the combination of the two, the space is weakened by the swing of the racket and a short-term move pause occurs. Many powerful and fancy tricks that are difficult to cope with can be used to Crack. This is among the tennis balls, a world-class trick ... "

"But he didn't use a tennis racket, so he used it ..."



"What a terrific trick!"

At this time, the man who had just reminded Chu Tian to be careful also spoke.

The skin is slightly dark, and wearing the clothes of Dang Er Lang is a bit like a bad boy. A cloth bag was tied around his head, and his hair was tied high. Especially his eyes, which were unusually bright and full of fighting spirit, radiated a burning light when he looked at Chu Tian.

"Hey, buddy, thank you very much. The first time I met, my name was Chu Tian!" Chu Tian smiled and said this with humanity. Although it was the same without him reminding him, Chu Tian liked it very well.

The young man nodded and introduced himself: "My name is Echizen Minjiro, and I came to the United States to challenge the master! Chu Tian, ​​you are very strong, very strong! I am stronger than anyone I have seen, I can feel it!"

Echizen Nanjiro shook hands with Chu Tian, ​​his eyes fixed on him, and his fighting spirit was high. From Chu Tian's move just now, Echizen Nanjiro has made Chu Tian a master!



Black hole, cough, everyone is familiar. The one used by Tokugawa ~

Now that you have decided to write in high school, let ’s show a little in advance ~

In the final analysis, the tricks that high school students can use are not in the eyes of professional players and adults ~~~ Don't think this is too fancy, the net king is actually a fantasy flow ~~

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