Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 4: Tangle of Takeuchi Ryoko (Supplement 3)

The exquisite curve outlines a slim body, and the white jade arm exudes a slight fragrance in the air. A pink sleeveless blouse is worn on the body, simple, revealing the youthful liveliness of the girl. The two snow peaks are slightly raised. Although they are not large in scale, they are perfectly shaped, straight and full of toughness.

The lower body is a knee-length white shorts, the exquisite jade legs are fair and fair, tender, and there is no trace of fat. The jade-smooth skin glows brightly under the sunlight.

This is a beautiful girl, and even a little dress like this can make countless people fall in love.

"Chu Tian, ​​do you really plan to ... keep mixing like this?"

After a long time, Takeuchi Ryoko finally spoke. As always, I sat in the luxury car of Chutian, looking through the glass windows at the bustling playground outside, thoughtfully.

"——Lunzi, don't be too serious. You see, how bright the sun is, how gentle the wind is, and how much more beautiful scenery in the world is there when Lunzi is? "Come on," Chu Tian said as he stretched out his hand, resting on the silky water and tender shoulders of Takeuchi Ryoko.

"Who, who promised to date you!" Takeuchi Ryoko quickly turned away from Chu Tian's hug and said blushing.

"Aren't we dating?"

"No! Me, I am just shopping as a friend with you."


"Really!" Takeuchi said.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and suddenly he realized, Lunzi pouted: "You change the subject again! In short, you can't go on like this, even if your family is good, you have to find something to do. Otherwise, rely on your parents, Even if there is money, I ... I will not recognize you! "

A hint of red haze appeared on Takeuchi's face.

To put it so bluntly, it is also difficult to honor. However, it was precisely because of Chu Tian in his heart that Lunzi wanted Chu Tian to cheer up.

Chu Tian's deep talent, superb tennis skills, and solid background are all destined. As long as Chu Tian works hard, he can achieve a lot of careers.

Opening the carry-on bag, Takeuchi Ronko took out a ticket and gave it to Chu Tian, ​​saying: "This is the [Los Angeles Summer Tennis League] competition, I have already signed up for you. Chu Tian, ​​you are all right to be idle anyway It ’s better to go and take a look at it. You have nothing to do, do you want to spend your time? "

Chu Tian glanced at the blank sheet of paper in Rinko Takeuchi and shook his head silently.

"Don't go."

Rinko Takeuchi punched Chu Tian's chest with furious blows.

Too disappointing!

She is going to be stunned!

Even the Echizen Minajiro was only missing from the sky. But Chu Tian, ​​playing everywhere every day, playing dimly and dimly, and pulling himself over! Not only that, Chu Tian was spending money everywhere. In the past few days, Chu Tian has to throw out hundreds of thousands of dollars every day, it is a complete prodigal son!

Too decadent!

Takeuchi Rinko took a deep breath and looked at Chu Tian seriously, saying:

"Chu Tian, ​​do n’t be decadent anymore, okay? You have been around me every day these days, shopping malls, supermarkets, amusement parks, and snacks. I am very happy and have a great time. What you think of me I can feel it, I know you are serious, and I am very touched. But, I do n’t want the person I like to be a depraved person ... "Takeuchi's voice gradually lowered.

"When did I fall!" Chu Tian retorted suddenly.

"Listen to me!" Rinko Takeui angrily threw a punch in front of Chu Tian chest, very speechless. The serious momentum just brewed was interrupted by this guy again!

Lord Neronko thought about it and continued: "Chu Tian, ​​your talents and your abilities should not be wasted in this way. I heard from the club people that the" black hole "you played that day has far more control than them. Everyone, even many professional players, ca n’t do it. I do n’t want you to put the tennis ball aside and spend your time on me, it ’s not necessary. ”

"Although I am very happy these days ... but I hope that the people I like can have their own beliefs, like a real man. Chu Tian, ​​promise me, will you?"

Rinko Takeuchi blinked her beautiful eyes and looked directly at Chu Tian.

After so many days, Takeuchi Rinko finally admits that he likes Chu Tian for the first time.

With so many days together, every aspect of Chu Tian has undoubtedly been recognized by Takeuchi Ryoko. An almost perfect person is proficient in everything. The only drawback is that he does not seek improvement. Takeuchi Ryoko hopes that Chu Tian will be able to move forward a little bit. No one wants the people he likes to be decadent, especially because he is decadent ...

"I understand."

Chu Tian also probably understood Lunzi's thoughts.

Grab the hand of Takeuchi Ryoko and squeeze it, soft, tender and smooth, and extremely comfortable. Takeuchi Ryoko is so worried about himself, for his own sake.

However, how does Rinko Takeuchi know about his situation? For Chutian now, a tennis champion is simply meaningless.

Chu Tianmo. Touching the cute face of Takeuchi Ryoko, which caused Ronko to be embarrassed, took the registration form from Takeuchi Ryoko.

[Los Angeles Summer Tennis League] A few large characters are shiningly written on it.

In Los Angeles, it should be a very large game.

Looking at the look that Lunzi looked forward to, Chu Tian didn't want this big beauty who really treated her to be disappointed, and said with a smile: "Okay! The beautiful women all talk, then I'll compare it. But Lunzi, there are two points. I want to talk to you. "

"First, my current family business is hard work by myself. I don't depend on anyone. You actually misunderstood me, Lunzi, that my parents are absolutely wrong! I am a self-reliant man!"

Seeing the incredible light in Lunzi ’s eyes, Chu Tian continued with satisfaction: "Second, in my opinion, Lunzi you are more important than Jinshan Yinshan, the tennis champion. Do those things. It ’s better-to accompany you, Lunzi. "

Chu Tian approached Lunzi and his breath gradually became stronger.

A scorching breath swayed between the two. Rinko Takeui suddenly found out that Chu Tian's big hand hugged her slender waist.

The hot temperature, across the clothes, disturbed the heart of Lun Zimin.

I have to say that Takeuchi Ryoko was moved by Chu Tian's words. Let go of everything and put yourself first. Such a beautiful love will only appear in the novel. In reality, there are actually such people ...

"Ooooooooo, Chutian, Ooooooo, don't Ooooooo ----"

Was ravaged by Chu Tian's big mouth. After a while, Lunzi fell into Chu Tian's arms gaspingly. A trace of blush appeared on the crystal clear skin, which was delicious and attractive.

Chu Tian hugged Rinko Takeuchi and kneaded her snowy peak with her big hand, squeezing out various shapes ...

"Renko, I will tell you my identity when this comparison is over. By then, you will definitely not persuade me anymore. Los Angeles Summer Tennis League? Um, Minjiro seems to have participated, I just went to the meeting He, lest he be remembered all day long ... "

Takeuchi Ryoko suddenly felt that Chu Tian seemed to have a side she didn't know much about.


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