Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 8: Violent victory (Supplement 3)

"I realized two kinds of changes, although they are still very weak, but there are too few people who can understand them. I have only four kinds of understanding. If there are seven kinds of mysteries, you might realize--"

Brand in the audience, for the first time so far, the game showed a deep, thoughtful look, watching the distant game. The murmured whisper seemed to imply a special meaning.

The entire tennis court, and only him, can know the meaning of those two colors.

"Two? Four? What's this? Doesn't it look great!"

A wild voice came from behind.

Echizen Minjiro held a deputy tennis racket and looked provocatively at Brand. Young and frivolous, Echizen Minjiro is now like an excited lion, seeing a tennis expert wants to challenge.

Originally, Echizen Minjiro just came to chat with the enemies in the next game and talked up, but I didn't expect to hear what two or four kinds. It was really strange.

Brand turned around and smiled kindly: "Just talk casually, don't take it seriously. Maybe in the future, you will have a chance to get in touch."


Echizen Minjiro also continued to watch the game.

Brand smiled.

It's not that he doesn't say it.

Rather, the relics of the day of [God's Advent] have always been a taboo topic ...


In the square, the game at this time has entered the most exciting climax!

Chadley's goal has clearly reached the top level in the world. The power of the ball is like flames, and it is endless. The trajectory of the ball is like a breeze, and it is unimaginable.

Quickly, shoot towards the dead corner on the left of Chu Tian!

"It's still far away."

Chu Tian chuckled lightly.

The body moves fast, the speed of horror, even surpasses the top runners of the 100-meter race! Chu Tian is faster than tennis, and the outbreak in an instant has already arrived in front of tennis!

Stand still and swing!


No special tricks are used.

No rotation was applied on the ball. Chu Tian just hit the ball with double speed with a force that ordinary people can't reach!

The violent ball actually caused a hurricane and scraped towards Chadley opposite. The entire tennis court felt a gust of wind!

The opposite Chadley was shocked!

Originally he thought he would win!

His goal, both in skill and strength, reached its peak. However, Chu Tian actually fought back, easily, and Chu Tian fought back purely with strength! !

Chu Tian's power is greater than he imagined!

Even Chadley has encountered the power players in the world's top 100, it is not so exaggerated! Chadley didn't even think of meeting such a person in Los Angeles!

What a monster!

However, there was no time to think about it. Chadley's most confident trick, he did not believe it would be cracked so simple. Crimson and cyan, this is the ultimate trick he realized from "that"!

Call back and say more!


Chadley roared loudly.

The red flame is burning.

The blue wind was dancing.

On the tennis racket, there are still two colors of galloping changes, and Chadley's power soars again in an instant!

Call back!


The racket hits the tennis ball.

Throughout the playing field, I felt a strong wave of air, with Chadley as the center, spreading towards the four sides. The power of this ball is already non-human!

There was a crack in the ground at the foot of Chadley. The ground is about to collapse!

Chadley relied on his many years of experience to guide the strength of the opponent's ball into the ground, otherwise, he will be hit! But even in this case, the huge force added to flesh and bones, Chadley's entire person, also trembling. Shaking, almost fell to the ground!

A power player like never before!

"Call me back !!!"

Boom! ! !

Tennis flew towards Chu Tian again.

Cyan, red.

The violent force swept the tennis court, flying towards Chutian at a faster speed and greater power! Chadley's hands were shaking. This time, he must win!

As a tennis player's perseverance, he is not allowed to be so miserable by the enemy! Do not allow your strongest stunt to be easily broken by brute force!

This is the confidence of the strong!

However, Chu Tian opposite, shocked Chadley again.

Holding the beat with one hand, still a calm expression.

At the moment when the tennis ball hit the ground, Chu Tian swung quickly, and the movement of the swing was so fast that he could not even see Chadley. The power of the moment was unimaginable!

"Boom !!!!!!"

Chu Tian's complexion is meaningless and ruddy, and lightly described, such a ball is obviously not in the eyes!

At ten times faster than before, the tennis ball shot quickly into the distance!

The strong wind screamed, and the strong wind even made Chadley difficult to breathe!

The tennis ball is flying fast, the power of terror, and even the air rubbing, there is a flame, and there is a thunderbolt running around, wrapped around the tennis ball.

This, this can make it into the top ten in the world! Chadley was shocked!

Even if Chadley's eyes widened and he looked carefully, he could barely capture the trajectory. Fortunately, there are scenes such as lightning flames, which can assist him in searching. Positioned, Chadley's mental state rose to the highest in an instant.

"Call back !!!"

Chadley raised his tennis racket high.


When tennis approached, Chadley felt that huge force. Even if you are close, you can feel the violent power. Chadley swings the racket subconsciously--


The tennis racket was pierced with a big hole!

Tennis shines like a meteor, blasting a series of pillars in the distance out of the hole. And Chadley, in the aftermath of the ball, the whole person flew out!

Tennis racket off!

The body has been flying out more than ten meters, and then fell to the ground with a bang. His hands were shaking. Obviously, he couldn't continue the game ...

"Chadley was injured and could not continue the game. In this match, the winner, Chu Tian!"

The referee swallowed and announced the winner of the match.

Not to mention, this power of Chu Tian has never been seen by this referee. Actually, she used pure power to hurt the players in the world's top 100!

Even the world's top strength players may not have won ...

"However, it's a pity. The newcomer who has just debuted has met--"

The referee's eyes turned to Brand in the distance.

World number one!

"The next game, against Mr. Brand, against Echizen Yujiro!"

The atmosphere of the entire stadium reached its climax in an instant! !

No. 1 in the world, no matter how many times I have seen it, I feel that my blood is boiling! !


"Lun Zi, let's go and take you to go shopping."

"Ah? You don't watch the game? The next game, but you and Brand. Your strength is very strong, if you can figure out Brand's routines and his tough confrontation, the chance of winning is great!" Zi also has some understanding of tennis and advises Chu Tian.

Chu Tian smiled and said: "Lun Zi, you are wrong this time. Brand will lose, the next match, and the person I will fight against is Echizen Minajiro."

"How can it be!"

"Haha, I don't believe in pulling down. Anyway, the champion is mine. By the way, Lunzi, if you say I won, is there any reward?"



For other people's games, Chu Tian never cared. Driving in his own luxury car, went for a drive with Lunzi ...

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