Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 11: Chu Tian vs Echizen Minjiro II (2)

Thinking takes time.

Thinking can also go wrong.

However, the realm of selflessness has abandoned thinking and replaced all things with the instinctive reaction of personal body to make various actions!

To put it plainly, it is a subconscious reaction!

Fight with your body!

Only after the accumulation of huge experience can we open the so-called selfless state! Not only does the attack have no rules to follow, it has even flexibly used anyone's tricks!

And Echizen Minjiro ’s seamless perfection at the moment is the highest mystery of the egoless realm!

Slowly release the energy in the human body in some most effective and reasonable way. Not only is there no huge physical consumption in the ordinary selfless realm, but even attack, defense, everything is almost perfect ...

"Chu Tian, ​​you are very strong! However, I am going to Echizen Minjiro, but it is not a person who easily loses! I am-Samurai Minjiro !!!"

Echizen Minajiro threw the ball high in his hand.

The ball turned rapidly in the air, in all directions in all directions, unpredictably, the rapid rotation, and even made a buzzing sound. A shining light burst from Echizen Minajiro's tennis ball, dazzling!

Echizen Minjiro reached out and waved!

Boom! !

The space seems to be still.

At the extreme speed, Echizen Minajiro's beat compressed the space to the extreme, and under the extreme, something like a black hole was produced!

Borrowing the principle of world-class trick "black hole", however, Echizen Minjiro takes its essence! The twisted space wraps Echizen Minajiro's tennis ball. The space of the entire tennis ball seems to be still in all directions. No matter what kind of attack falls on it, it will be still for a moment!

The defensive black hole was used by Echizen Minajiro for attack!

Echizen Minajiro's racket hit hard!

The racket vibrates and the tennis ball spins fast!


The tennis ball surrounded by black holes is faster than a meteor and faster than lightning. Only world-class players can really see Echizen Minjiro's tricks!

Not just black holes.

The black tennis ball shakes rapidly in the air and rotates irregularly left and right. In a trance, it seemed that dozens of tennis phantoms appeared.

Different angles, different speeds, different strengths, lasing towards Chu Tian's field!

"Okay! Not bad, Echizen Minjiro!"

Chu Tian set the racket and waited for the ball.

Close your eyes, everything disappears in Chu Tian's field of vision. Did not use hearing, let alone feel with other senses. Instead, pure intuition.

Use "heart" to feel.

"right here!"

The racket in Chu Tian's hand waved gently.

Rapid traces across the sky, like a sword!

After reaching the extreme speed, the black hole wrapped in the surface of the tennis ball broke open, revealing the golden ball of light inside. The golden sphere of light is still shaking irregularly, changing its orientation dozens of times a second!

"However, although it is irregular, it can still be predicted."

"Even if it's unpredictable, just grab the moment of it! The illusion, in the final analysis, is just visual persistence!"

Chu Tian waved!


At the moment the racket hits the tennis ball, everything is taken into account by Chu Tian. Tennis vibration, speed, size, racket vibration, position, etc., everything!

Even the vibration of the molecules that make up the tennis ball, the slight fluctuations of the tennis ball in the air with the oxygen molecules, the nitrogen molecules, everything, everything so small that the naked eye cannot see, all in Chu Tian's calculation.


The tennis skimmed out quickly.

An arc, a beautiful and sharp arc, rushed towards the dead corner in the distance.


Echizen Minjiro entered the state again in an instant.


That's too late!

The ball hit the ground in an instant, and landed! Crimp!

[Chu Tian score, 15: 0! 】

Echizen Minjiro felt pressure.

Although the seamless realm is very powerful, it is only aimed at oneself, and discovers the greatest and greatest energy and the most effective way of exerting oneself.

If the opponent's experience, strength, speed, etc., everything can override his status when he is seamless, then it can be broken!

The reason is simple. When playing against Brand, Brand also almost defeated him. Brand, who doesn't even have a selfless state, has his own unique moves and tactics. Minjiro is also a win!

Extremely seamless, suppressed, understandable.


Echizen Minjiro squeezed the racket tightly and had difficulty breathing. Chu Tian in front of him is no longer a repression. Up to now, Chu Tian has not kept a single sweat, his face is not red, he is breathless ...

It is completely seamless to crush yourself!

too strong!

"Why, Minjiro? What about your fighting spirit? What is your ideal? What about your perseverance? Come on, continue. Take my ball, hit my ball, let me see, where is your limit ... "

Chu Tian's racket was pointed at Echizen Minjiro. The tone was very rampant, but it made people feel so normal.

"Let me see your struggle, your ideals, young! Rarely see a real warrior, don't let me down! Minamijiro!"

Taking a deep breath, Echizen Minjiro re-energized.

Encouraged by opponents, it was really the first time in the competition. Taking out the tennis ball, Echizen Yujiro's body, the fighting spirit soared again. A violent wind blew across the venue.

Echizen Minjiro is like a warrior, holding a Taiji, standing on the court.


The seamless light is more dazzling!

"Okay, let me show you, my tennis! I am, but Samurai Minjiro!-Drink !!!"

Echizen Nanjiro, like a warrior, wielded a sharp sword!

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