Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 13: In a hurry (4)

The huge belief power poured into Chu Tian's body one by one.

Chu Tian also used all his power to enrich his body and soul in an instant ...

Although these forces are almost insignificant to Chu Tian, ​​there are really not many people who can compare with this world in terms of faith in looking at all the illusory world!

Although it is only a small world, the rank is not comparable to the ordinary martial arts world. But this belief power is already comparable to Chu Tian in the martial arts world, meditating and practicing for ten days!

"... Well, the Prince of Tennis world, the belief in tennis will produce a huge amount of faith. In this way, coming to the" Prince of Tennis "world this time is not only a holiday, but also can benefit from it."

Chu Tian understood the reason in an instant.

Each world has its own characteristics.

In the Prince of Tennis world, tennis is the center of everything. People's belief in tennis is undoubtedly extremely huge. And Chu Tian's current strength is to make everyone crazy to worship! Of course, there are many belief powers!

Chu Tian was instantly excited!

Nima, what does this mean, isn't it forcing yourself to pretend?

After winning the competition, there is faith. Where in the world can people absorb the power of faith? Instead of letting them waste in vain, it is better to use it yourself!

Tezuka, Ryoma, and so on. Originally Chu Tian was going to let them take a look. After all, he came here to pick up girls. Now ... hum!

In order to believe, do n’t blame yourself for bullying!

After a long N-long obscenity, Chu Tianshen was refreshed.

On the opposite side, Echizen Minjiro, it seemed that he was still immersed in the atmosphere of the game just now, frowning and thinking about Chu Tian's tricks, not seeing any sorrow.

Chu Tian shook his head, Echizen Minjiro, it seemed that he was determined not to be hit by himself ...

"--Okay, Minjiro, this is also our last game. I will go to France afterwards. I will meet next time and I do n’t know when. In short, I had a great time playing. The last goal was actually Don't care if you get out of control accidentally. You are strong, good! "Chu Tian said to Nanjiro.

Chu Tian's last goal was really out of control. In an instant, using power beyond mortals, even if Echizen Minjiro was able to increase by a hundred times or even a thousand times at that moment, he could not receive the ball. That is, a goal that blends in the mysterious Taoism and transcends this world cannot be received at all! To a certain extent, Chu Tian, ​​who has exceeded the limit of human power, has fouled.

Echizen Minjiro was shocked and said, "Out of control? The last goal is your real strength ... You, you are really powerful, and you have been suppressing strength to fight me."

"Yeah, it's out of control." Chu Tian said to himself, a lonely expression appeared on his face, as if remembering something. I don't know how many years I have spent in this way, and the world I have conquered in my body has already been like a star. Honghuang's main realm, those brilliant and gorgeous characters, can no longer be seen ... "Since the defeat of those guys, it has been boring. Although you are very poor in strength, the spirit of the samurai reminds me of a lot What. "

Chu Tian reached out and threw the racket to a waiter in the distance.

Walking towards the auditorium, Lunzi in the auditorium was watching Chu Tian with admiration and excitement. The bright eyes contained infinite joy, which was even more exciting than she won the championship.

On her delicate face, she finally climbed up to the touching shame ...

Chu Tian walked to Lunzi's side and picked up Lunzi's jade arm and walked out of the field ...

"Goodbye, samurai boy."

After a strange name, Chu Tian disappeared in front of everyone.

Looking at Chu Tian's fading back, Nanjiro gave birth to a strong victory for the first time.

The lonely expression of that master gave Minjiro a sudden throb in the bottom of his heart: What is the scenery at the top? How do you feel when you look at Zhongshan Xiao?

Minjiro, want to try it!


A few months later, Chu Tian and Rinko Takeuchi held a grand wedding in France, blessed by leaders of more than 200 countries and regions around the world.

It is not an exaggeration to describe Chu Tian with the most powerful and financial people in the world.

Later, Chu Tian and Lunzi began their honeymoon journey. Of course, even though it was nominally a honeymoon trip between the two, Chu Tian still couldn't get rid of the fishy problems. I often go to the inner world to hang out. Occasionally, when I see a big girl or something on the road, I will take it down with a thunderbolt ...

——However, for the latter, Ronzi rarely agrees, because Chu Tian is a tireless bison, and he ca n’t eat it without finding a few sisters to share!

In addition, information about Chu Tian's domineering killing of Echizen Minjiro was gradually forgotten. After all, it was just a game in a certain city. Until later, when Echizen Nanjiro went all the way and won consecutive international championships, all the talents found a mysterious man from his experience ...

However, when they wanted to obtain specific information, those reporters were suddenly severely warned by governments of various countries! Even threaten with "crimes against humanity", "crimes against treason" and so on! Reporters who feel that there are major political factors have stopped with interest!

Today, everyone only knows that Echizen Nanjiro once had a 6-0 fiasco. It was a mysterious Eastern man ...

After a few more years.

Echizen Minjiro is at the pinnacle of his life. Even if he wins another championship, he will be ranked second in the world and advanced to the world first! However, Echizen Minjiro suddenly retreated!

No one knows why Echizen Minjiro did this, and no one knows his specific motivation! Various hypotheses are emerging one after another. However, Japan's tennis world is still down again ...

Years are long, white horses and dogs.

Over ten years, it just passed ...

On this day, a handsome man against the sky set foot on the island country of Japan ...

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