Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 16: I will not join without a women ’s tennis club! (Supplement 3)

"... New semester, new style. In the new year, I hope that the heads of various departments can take the lead and set a good example, and do our best for the development of our youth school ..."

"On behalf of the Student Union, the Women ’s Tennis Department, the Women ’s Badminton Club, the Women ’s Skating Association, the Women ’s Dance Society, the Women ’s Anti-Wolf Society, the Women ’s Photography Association, the Women ’s Gymnastics Department… 25 departments, I wish the Qingxue prosperity and every day!

"... Regarding the work of the new semester, first of all, I have a specific plan here. Let me tell you about it. Any additional comments are welcome, please welcome ..."

"The above is what I want to say. Next, I invite ministers from various departments to speak. First of all, the Minister of Youth Studies and Tennis Department, Tezuka Guoguang, come to speak, everyone warmly welcomes ..."


Chu Tiankou became a shining center of this meeting.

After experiencing endless years, Chu Tian's accumulated experience is so strong. In a speech, all eyes are easily attracted.

With a pass rate of 99%, he served as the president of the student union. Chu Tian ’s ability and personality charm were unanimously approved by all the students!

The most dazzling star of Qingxue is well deserved!

In contrast, although Tezuka has a set of tennis, it is obviously not as good as Chu Tian in speech. Not long after going up, everyone started whispering ...

Frowning, he pushed his glasses, and Tezuka Guoguang was helpless. At the tennis club, he is a boss, but people from other departments can't control it. Although he is also a school bully, there is still a big gap between Chutian and Chu Tian, ​​who can easily get a perfect score. He really ca n’t make a speech ...

Ministers of various departments spoke in turn.

Finally Chu Tian concluded.

The work for the new semester was soon implemented. The next step is the recruitment of new departments. The protagonist named Echizen Ryoma must have entered the tennis club soon ...

End of the meeting.

Tezuka Guoguang and others from the Youth Academy of Tennis, walked out of the meeting room with Chu Tian.

I was originally a classmate, and my relationship was good. In addition, Chu Tian is also the head of the Qingxue Women ’s Tennis Department and has a common hobby. Several people in Tezuka have always been quite optimistic about Chu Tian.

Last year, when Chu Tian came to the Youth Academy, the Youth Department of Tennis had already lost the game.

But this year is different!

Chu Tian can help!

Taocheng Wu took a few steps, and suddenly stepped forward, came to Chu Tian, ​​bent over, bowed at 90 degrees: "Senior Chu Tian! Please join the Youth Academy Tennis Club!"

Taocheng Wu has a very serious expression.

Kikumaru Hideji said with a smile: "Yes, Chu Tian, ​​I heard that you punched the Taekwondo Club Minister with a punch. It must be very powerful! I can't say that the strength is greater than Hecun! Haha !!!"

Gan Zhenzhi pushed his glasses and secondly said:

"Chu Tian, ​​based on rumors that you punched the president of Taekwondo Club, arrested gangsters during the holidays, led more than 20 women's clubs, and guessed that you won 18 first results at the last sports meeting. Your motor nerves , Instant explosive force, muscularity, physical coordination ... all very strong! The probability of your tennis skills above Atao is-99.8%! "

A light flashed again on Gan Zhenzhi's glasses.

"Yes, Chu Tian, ​​lead the Qingxue into the national competition together!" Minister Tezuka Guoguang also stepped forward and threw an olive branch to Chu Tian.

Everyone looked at Chu Tian excitedly, waiting for Chu Tian's response. This meeting only needs the minister to participate, but in order to welcome Chu Tian to join, all the elected members have come.

Although I have never seen Chu Tian playing tennis!

I didn't hear Chu Tian talk about his tennis skills!

However, Chu Tian's physical fitness, responsiveness, and IQ are said to exceed 400! Taken together, how could it be an ordinary person! !

Since Chu Tian can lead the women ’s tennis department, tennis skills are definitely very powerful! !

Everyone looked at Chu Tian expectantly ...

"Well, you may be disappointed."

Chu Tian pretended to think for a while, revealing a helpless look, and replied with a smile: "I will not join the Youth School of Tennis."

"Senior, why?" Hai Tangxun, who didn't like talking, also asked. Although he doesn't like talking to people very much, Haitang also admires Chu Tian very much. I have never seen a person so prominent in so many fields. The existence of Chu Tian has subverted the limit of humanity!

"En, you have to say why-I would not join without a community of beautiful beauties!" Chu Tian answered seriously.


"How can there be ..."

"Chu Tian, ​​are you kidding me?"

"Senior ..."

Chu Tian waved his hand and said: "Haha, of course I am kidding. Tezuka, you can rest assured, I will lead the youth to advance to the national competition, win the championship and realize your dreams!-However, you have to change your way!"

"Another way?" Tezuka asked suspiciously.

"Yes! To be precise, I plan to form another tennis team. According to my ideal blueprint, you know, I have always pursued perfection. The specifics, you will soon understand.-Not many Having said that, I have something to do. Come on, everyone! "

Chu Tian waved farewell and walked away.

Several people in Tezuka have not recovered.

Build another team?

However, how is it possible, even if Chutian's level is even higher, the game is a team battle, how can one win? Apart from them, there are masters in Qingxue!

Several people looked at each other, and after discussing for a while, still no results.

"Actually, we don't have to worry. Chu Tian likes Hu Lai, you know. When he finds that his ideal team can't be established, we ... invite him again!" Gan Zhenzhi said.


"A Gan is right!"



Chu Tian, ​​who said goodbye to everyone, walked fast on the road, holding a mobile phone, while walking, while still on the phone. The soundproof array is densely covered, preventing the leakage of sound ...

"... Well, do it for me ... if there is a slight mistake, don't be your prime minister! Hear no! ... Identification proofs and the like can't go wrong, and can't make others doubt, I want to be happy Game, okay? ... In addition, call me 50 million dollars, there is no money on the card ... Move fast, or I will split you! ... "


Hang up the phone, Chu Tian has come to the office area of ​​the teaching building. On a clean door, there are three large characters of "Principal's Office".

The Chutians did not knock, and directly pushed the door and went in. In the office, a fat middle-aged man was looking seriously at a notice in his seat. Seeing Chu Tian suddenly came, he immediately greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Chu Tian! What are you, you?"

Chu Tian sat down on his chair and threw a document directly on the table: "More than two thousand freshmen register, and you don't have to attend class in normal times. Put a name."

"Uh, this ... rest assured! Mr. Chu Tian, ​​I will definitely do it!"

"Well, work hard, I'm optimistic about you!"

"Many, many, many thanks to Mr. Chutian for being important!"

The headmaster was frightened and frightened, patting his **** constantly. After Chu Tian left, it was like a discouraged ball, sitting on the office chair.

Opening that document, a list of freshmen came into the headmaster's eyes. Although there is no photo, but just look at the name, you can also know these people ... identity is not ordinary!

——Longkui, Tang Xuejian, Xi Yao, Zi Xuan, Xun'er, Zi Yan, Yun Yun, Ling'er, Anu, Dongfangbai, Chu Lingshan, Tiao Ba Yuer, Du Gu Ning Ke, Baguio, Lu Xueqi , Su Ru, Kikyo, Ge Wei, Liu (Chu) Mengli, Han Lingsha, Asuna, Feng Qingxue, Xun Fang, Four Leaf (Chu) Deep Snow, Ji Yuxue, Hermione, Qidie, Ma Yin ...


There is a women ’s tennis club in Qing Xue, and the original book is Sakura Nao. Qian Shi once said that the girls in Qing Xue ’s women ’s tennis club are very cute (but the standard is far from the men ’s tennis club.)


In fact, Chu Tian brought all the main heroines to play, but the writing is limited ~ this volume only covers the world's heroines so far.

The beauty team is about to be established! Haha ~~

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