Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 22: Xun'er, the first battle! (Supplement 5)

The people in Yulin Middle School burst into a pan!

"Asshole !!"

"Are you looking down on our Yulin Middle School?"

"Even Tezuka, dare not talk to us in this tone!"

"Three games, hum! Even if you lose one game, you are done! You will regret it!"

"It's too arrogant, today I must beat this guy down!"


The angry Yulin Middle School people even ran over to the referee theory and sued Chu Tian for personal attacks; and, according to the usual practice, the team did not come together and was not qualified to participate in the game; and women, even men The game! This is obviously a super violation!

Who knows that the referee is standing on Chu Tian's side, and no one on the scene knows Chu Tian's identity background better than him. Among the high-ranking officials who called him yesterday, there are even a few of them who are often on the news screen ... can't afford it!

So, the referee sweated and persuaded everyone in Yulin Middle School to win the game with tennis ...

The people in Yulin Middle School also understand that Chu Tian has a huge background, and he can only beat him one by one in a menacing way to defeat Chu Tian on tennis ...

"Two doubles, the second tennis department of Youth Academy abstained. Direct singles!"

"In the first game of the singles match, Miss Xuan'er of the Second Tennis Department of the Qingxue Department played against Taro Uekawa of Yulin Middle School!

After Xuan'er and Chu Tian nodded and said goodbye, they walked gently onto the playing field.

However, after seeing Xun'er's dress, everyone still couldn't help but frown!

Xun'er wore a long purple dress, and the skirt dragged all the way to the ankles. With the movement of Jiao. A pair of pink boots that exquisite dating girls often wear, move lightly and fall silently. It is rare to wear a few pieces of modern-style decorations on the head. The golden light is shining and beautiful.

——Although it looks beautiful and beautiful, it is too inconvenient for playing tennis, clothes and shoes! Many viewers have already worried about Xun'er!

Should n’t you wear sportswear?

Xun'er didn't care, but nodded to Chu Tian in the distance, and then started the game. Slender fiber jade hand stretched out, white as jade, soft and tender. Holding it on the pink tennis racket, it was lightly waved, which made people even worry: Will the racket fall because of too little strength!

Picking up the tennis ball, Xun'er squeezed it carefully, with a smile in his eyes. A faint voice fluttered on the field, more gentle than the breeze ...

"Dignity is not someone else's, it's earned by yourself. Brother Tian looks down on you, you just follow him. Why, do you have to swear?"

A touch of coldness overflowed from Xun'er's words.

The whole square was suddenly silent.

This girl is serious! Everyone can feel it!

But, look down on others, do not make people curse? Although it is a beautiful girl, it is too domineering! But then look at such a beautiful face, noble temperament-well, everyone suddenly, without guts to refute.

Everyone looked at this woman who looked like a fairy, thinking how she would attack ...

The tennis ball was gently thrown.

The speed is not fast or high.

Xun'er's weak body suddenly accelerated. But even if the speed is accelerated, it is still beautiful and moving. Flying arm crossed a light and beautiful arc, Xun'er tennis racket hit the tennis ball!

"Boom !!!"

A loud voice suddenly exploded!

The entire tennis court even felt that their brains had exploded!

The tennis ball turned into a yellow light, with a very fast speed, towards the opposite Uekawa Taro Biao! The speed is so fast that Taro Uekawa has no time to respond! The yellow light quickly landed one meter in front of Uekawa Taro, and then bounced quickly!

Jump straight on Kawataro's face!


Uekawa Taro screamed, his face was already flushed! He stumbled back several steps, looking at the opposite smoker in shock!

It is hard for him to imagine that wearing a skirt and using that kind of soft action, he can actually hit such a quick and powerful ball!

"You, you, you are intentional !!!" Taro Uekawa pointed to Xun'er and said.

"There are two more times." Xun'er did not answer, and continued to pick up the tennis ball and started the next ball. Chu Tian is not only his husband, but also the father who takes care of her. Respect for Chu Tian, ​​let Xun'er not allow anyone to insult!

After cursing three sentences, eat three tennis balls. It seems normal to Xun'er.

"This is the second ball."

As soon as Xun'er's elegant voice fell, the ball in his hand quickly flew out!

Even with the first experience, the opponent is still confused by the smoker's ball, too late to react. Before the racket is lifted, it is already hit by Xun'er's attack!

"Ah!" A scream, Taro Uekawa's face was red again!

"Third ball." Xuan'er's soft voice came again ...

The player was scared and pale. The moment Xuner's words fell, the third ball came, which was ridiculously fast!

I can't take care of my face anymore, Taro Uekawa immediately backed away, and didn't want to take the ball. As long as you are not hit!

Who knows, Chu Xun'er has already calculated all his attacks. Uekawa Taro's direction of avoidance happened to be the direction in which Xun'er flew!

The final result is as if Taro Uekawa put his face together and let tennis play!

It's amazing!

"Boom !!"

Uekawa Taro is a complete tragedy.

The three attacks were all on the left cheek, and now the faces on both sides have become asymmetrical. While rubbing his face, he carefully watched the opposite Xun'er. Although he wanted to abstain in his heart, it seemed that the man had abstained in front of the woman. Taro Yamakawa only hopes that Xun'er will end the game as soon as possible so that he can go back to the audience and apply some plaster ...

Grit your teeth and stick to it!

"Boom !!"

Another ball landed!

However, Taro Uekawa finally breathed a sigh of relief this time. Xun'er really spoke, and only hit three **** in the face. However, the speed of this ball is too fast, and the angle is also tricky, Taro Uekawa simply can't catch it ...

[Miss Xun'er wins! The score, 1: 0! 】

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "..."

The continuous sound of hitting sounded on the tennis court.

Everyone remembered that the fierce duel did not appear. Instead, it shows a trend of one-sided crushing. Xun'er, this seemingly weak and honorable young lady, has extremely high tennis skills!

There was no confrontation between the two. Even if there was a confrontation, it seemed that Xuner was bored and played casually, scoring directly after one or two hits. Even, from start to finish, the opponent did not take a point!

Powerful strength crushes!

too strong!

As a result, the audience felt that there was nothing to watch. Receiving each other and returning the ball, the fierce confrontation was the most exciting. The one-sided crush was actually not good for the layman ...

In this way, the game is going fast ...

[Miss Xun'er wins, score, 2: 0! 】

[Miss Xun'er wins, score, 3: 0! 】

[Miss Xun'er wins, score, 6: 0! The first singles, won by the second tennis department of Youth Academy! ! ] ...

In about four minutes, Xun'er won the game!

The people in the whole square were already frightened and dull. No one expected that this seemingly noble and weak young lady had such strength! Wearing a skirt, you can also play such a high level of tennis, which is amazing!

Xun'er seemed to have just played a game, and no one was happy because he won the game. Turning around happily, Lian Bu moved slightly, and returned to Chu Tian again, whispering with Chu Tian ...

"Dad, hurry up and finish the game. Let's go to the playground." Xun'er's face hung with a faint smile of happiness. In the absence of outsiders, he still likes to call Chu Tian his father.

"Xun'er, don't worry, just a few minutes, yeah, see how dad pretends, oh no, it's prestige ..."

And in the distance.

Inoue was originally holding information about the interview of Chutian Nobel Prize, but after watching this game, Mr. Inoue suddenly felt that there are many other contents in his interview!

The second tennis department of the Youth Academy may be the biggest dark horse this year!

"A Zhi, it seems that we are really right this time!"

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