Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 25: Chu Tian vs Ju Jiping! (3)

Two days later.

Tennis court in Tokiwa Park.

The match between Chu Tian's beauty team and Fudofeng Middle School started as scheduled.

Early in the morning, many spectators came to watch this dark horse showdown!

Whether it is fixed peak, or the second tennis club of the Youth Academy, their strength is very dim. They are all dark horses killed, and no one knows how powerful they are.

Even Tezuka and his party came here early to watch Chu Tian's game. It is very important to figure out the specific strength of the two teams.

Because if this Chutian tennis team wins.

In the regional finals, the two teams of Youth Academy played against each other!

However, at this lively scene, Chu Tian did not seem to be in a hurry.

Chu Tian was sitting in a comfortable chair, leaning his head against Longkui, talking quietly. The other hand wrapped around Xun'er's slender waist and hugged him.

Pieces of broken laughter spread from time to time among the three.

Behind Chu Tian is a cheerleader with up to 100 people. The young girls full of vitality, holding various flags, writing Chu Tian's name, or words like "must win".

The huge momentum, calm attitude, but let Tezuka a few people think of a narcissistic trace of the Ice Emperor Academy ...

"The game starts! Youth Tennis Academy No. 2 Tennis Division, two doubles abstain! Direct singles match!"

"In the first game, the second tennis club of the Youth Academy, Miss Longkui, against the Fudofeng Middle School, Akio Kamio! The game is set and the game begins!"

The referee's voice fell and shocked everyone again!

It is still a double waiver directly!

Chu Tian's beauty tennis club has always been like this, is there really no doubles? When encountering the black horse of Mt. Fong, it is still like this, and everyone is a bit elusive!

Kamio Ming walked onto the playing field and saw that there was a woman on the opposite side, stunned. To be honest, sometimes playing tennis with girls can't really play.

Even if the other party is a famous flower, but such a gentle girl, how can he bear the heart!

"Well, although you are a girl, I will do my best to win our unmoving peak. If you can't persist, you can discuss it. I won't make you lose." Said very gentleman.

The opposite night long nodded with a smile and nodded.

Then, an undetectable red awn flashed in the eyes of Solanum nigrum.

Longkui once again switched personality!

Kamio Akira, like countless players who have fought against Longkui, embarked on a path of collapse ...


[15: 0! 】


[30: 0! 】


[40: 0! 】




[Miss Longkui scores! The score, 1: 0! 】


Tezuka Kokuko, Fujisuke, etc. who came to watch the game, as well as the little Echizen Ryoma, are all dull!

Three goals are scored directly! There was another goal that just made the opponent hit back and scored in an instant!

Although I heard rumors that Chu Tian ’s girlfriend is very powerful, but now I saw it with my own eyes, and several people really realized the horror!

Longkui is wearing a light blue long dress today, which is not suitable for playing tennis at all. However, he still suppresses the opposite Kamio Ming fiercely. Even from beginning to end, the nightshade just walked gently on the huge tennis court, and the entire game was under her control.

From start to finish, no drop of sweat shed!

The speed of the opposite **** tail Ming is very fast, is a speed type player, but is still forced to this point by Longkui, it is terrifying!

"Fuji, how?" After watching Tezuka for a long time, he turned his head and asked Buzu around him.

"I don't seem to have a certain chance of winning against her. It's true that he is Chu Tian's girlfriend." Bu Zhou Zhu still squinted and smiled broadly.

Taocheng Wu spread his hands together, but he was cheerful and outspoken:

"Anyway, I can't beat her. Although it's a bit of a bone to say, but the third singles, I think it's better not to let me go. If you go, you lose. What about Echizen?"

Echizen little snorted, and the child said, "I don't play tennis with girls!"

"Well, it really is a child ..."

"How could this girl actually suppress Kamio Ming to this point!" In the audience of Mt. Fong, Ju Jiping's younger sister, Ju Xing, looked at the match inconceivably.

Although she also plays tennis, she is much worse than the girl in front of her ...



There was another sound of a tennis ball landing. The fast-jumping tennis ball flew over the dead corner on the left side of Kamio Akira. Then, the referee's announcement came: [Miss Longkui scores! The score, 6: 1! In this game, the second tennis department of Youth Academy won! 】competition is over!

This time, the two personalities of Longkui seemed to communicate. After unanimous consultation, Lan Kwai and Hong Kwai felt a bit overwhelmed by bullying the mortal as a fairy, so the last round deliberately released water, allowing Kamio to win the round.

Kamio stood embarrassingly on the floor, crying and laughing.

Nima, at first he was going to release the water, but in the end it was reversed, and the other party's girl released the water! It's so shameful! Kamio swears that she will never look down on girls again! …

Then Xun'er played, playing against Ivu Shensi.

Xun'er is also superb and relaxed, without using any power beyond mortal. Simply by virtue of skill, he won this game at 6: 0!

Ishibuki, it's really sad! Looking at the dejected look of Ivu Shenji, Kamio Ming felt a lot better. -At least he scored a point!

"The last game, the singles number one, is played by the second tennis department of Qingxue, Chu Tian, ​​and Ju Jiping, who plays against the immobile peak!

The game ushered in the most important moment!

In the public attention, Chu Tian and Ju Jiping finally walked onto the tennis court!

Raising his hand high, this is the first time Chu Tian has brought out cheerleaders on a large scale, but he has to perform well! A snap of fingers snapped out, and the entire tennis court suddenly boiled!

"His Highness Chu Tian will win!"

"His Royal Highness Chu Tian!"

"Senior Chu Tian, ​​we love you !!!"

"Minister, you must defeat him! Six to zero! Six to zero!"


The lively cheerleaders cheered up the atmosphere before the game started. The cheerleaders under Chu Tian are all beautiful women who have chosen one out of thousands of miles. That is nothing to say!

Even some top beauties brought in other worlds are among the cheerleaders. With so many young and beautiful girls, all people are so scared that their eyes have fallen! Everyone was cheering at Chutian, the flag was flying in the air, and the cheerleading members of the colored flowers were waving their white and moving arms ...

"--Actually, what I want to see most now is what will happen when Chu Tian competes with Jibu." Gan Zhenzhi in the distance pushed his glasses and suddenly said.

Several of them were nodding in a hurry.

It was Echizen Ryoma, but at this time it was surprisingly calm, staring closely at Chu Tian on the field and watching every movement of Chu Tian. In the eyes, burning fighting spirit is burning ...

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