Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 39: Car accident and beauty (4/6)

【Chinese bellflower figure】

"24 goals, 24 styles of play. Skills, strength, and all have reached a very high level. Tezuka, if you match Chutian this time, how sure are you?"

On the edge of the court, the helplessness was rarely lost in two weeks, and he took a serious look.

Every ball that Chu Tian has just made is exquisite. Even a random ball can be comparable to his three kinds of hit back!

Although Fuji has always been called a genius, compared with Chu Tian who is too lazy to even touch tennis, he has to admit that he is actually far from this title ...

"... even if the winning percentage is small, you have to go all out!"

Tezuka pushed his glasses and said seriously.

He heard a lot and carried a bit heavy.

Qingxue's main players are also aware of the difficulty of this game. Even Tezuka has little assurance, not to mention them! As for Ganzhenji, after a white light flashed on the lens, he had begun to think about how to increase training for everyone and his special vegetable juice. Chu Tian's pressure on them is too great.

"Hey! Yakujin. After this time, you have no confidence. You will never play tennis anymore. Chu Tian, ​​he is no longer a genius to describe it. This era of talents, such a demon appeared It is more terrifying than Minjiro at the time ... letting you participate in this game is the biggest mistake. "The old man on the referee's seat looked at Akuzu in the distance and said to himself.

Accompanying the old is a well-informed person.

After watching this game of Chu Tian, ​​the old man determined a fact in his heart: Chu Tian, ​​I am afraid it is Japan, and even the world, the most powerful junior high school student!

No one can stop this national competition!

After the game, Chu Tian hugged Yuki, the sister of Akujin's biological mother, and swayed in front of Akujin before leaving slowly.

Angujin was comatose on the spot!

Then Longkui, Xun'er, Xuejian, Xi Yao, Kikyo, Ge Wei ... and a large group of cheerleaders, followed Chu Tian and left.

Furious, keep your eyes up!

Chu Tian's heart was gradually excited. Next, is the real highlight.

Play against the Youth Academy of Tennis!

Although Chu Tian's beauty tennis team has initially made a name for itself, it is well known by major schools. However, after all, it is also academy, and many people are guessing. In fact, the academy's men's tennis club is stronger than Chutian's beauty tennis club! In this regard, Chu Tian felt that it was also time to revise his name!

When Chu Tian wants everyone to talk about youth school in the future, the first thing that comes to mind is not the tennis team led by Tezuka, but his beautiful tennis club!

Of course, Chu Tian also looked forward to the match against Tezuka!

The feeling of defeating the myth by hand should be very cool.

Of course, it ’s not just Chu Tian who is looking forward to the game ...

"Brother Tian, ​​I also want to play. I want to finish 6: 0 torture Tezuka!"

"Brother Tian, ​​I'm going to help in two weeks. My exquisite Miss Tang family will tell him with facts that the genius is nothing in front of this woman!

"Brother Tian, ​​can I use superpowers tomorrow ..."

"Heaven ..."

Chu Tian even regretted it a bit, and should not let them watch the animation of "Prince of Tennis"! It's too pitted, there is wood, and it's too humane to fight with yourself!

"--No, you all give me a low profile! This is my personal show! Hum! Hahaha! My personal show! ..."


The final will be held tomorrow.

At such an exciting time, Chu Tian took the bellflower and drove out for a drive.

Tokyo at night is brightly lit and gorgeous.

On top of the tall buildings, the lights are shining non-stop, and the whole of Tokyo is dazzling and colorful, full of modernity.

Bellflower is wearing an elegant black split skirt, sitting on Chu Tian's thigh and lying lazily in his arms. He Chutian watched the night view on both sides.

In fact, Bellflower doesn't like to ride in a car very much, not even these modern clothes. Even though Chu Tian has been to tens of millions of worlds, Campanulaceae still prefers classical architecture and things.

If it were not for Chu Tian to haunt her, the bellflower would not agree to Chu Tian's cheeky request!

"Well ... brother ... you lightly."

Bellflower suddenly whispered softly.

Lying in Chu Tian's arms, the splendor is like fire, the spring is full of emotions. Bellflower seems to be dripping with water. Feng. Manchu's chest. With Chu Tian's big hands on it, keep kneading ...

It's self-evident that the two's lower bodies are close together, what are they doing ...

Chu Tian's car with vibration adjustment function is a rare treasure! It ’s a very pleasant thing to hold the bellflower while playing the car shock while watching the night scenes on both sides ...

"Chinese bellflower, you see, this car's shock effect is good? I didn't lie to you this time. This is a luxury car that I personally designed. The amplitude and frequency can be adjusted greatly.

"Brother, pay attention! In front, uh ~, someone in front, ah ~~"

"Huh, it's really about to hit someone!"

"Brother Tian, ​​uh ~, you still move ~"

"It's important to make people. I can also resurrect him if I hit them!"


Boom! !

On the occasion of a great deal!

After avoiding a child, a beautiful girl with a bag screamed and was knocked over by Chu Tian's luxury car! It was too late to struggle, and passed out!

The beauty died on the spot!

Chu Tian glanced at him, his figure was tall, his face was stagnation, his orange hair, his sexual red lips Regardless of appearance or temperament, it is a big beauty.

Moreover, it seems very familiar!

"This is ... Zhisha Zhi?"

Chu Tian said to himself, a thought resurrected the beauty and healed all the injuries! At the same time, the space was distorted, and Zhishazhi was sent into the car.

Since it happened, how could Chu Tian miss it! Tomorrow, it seems that Shisha Zhi is going to interview the finals, it's just a match!

Then Chu Tian hugged the bellflower and continued to pop. Although this beautiful woman needs to make a conversation, let's finish what he sees first ...

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