Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 41: Who says women are inferior to men, winning two straight games!



Xuejian and Xiyao immediately entered the state of [Homologous] after playing.

This time, Xue Jian did not intend to use Taoism to cheat. Prepare to use your tennis skills and win the game with integrity! Xuejian and Xiyao, who have lived for N years, are completely crushing the level of the two people in the opposite experience!

Even if you don't use power that exceeds human limits!

A ray of light was blooming on Xuejian and Xi Yao.

There was a wonderful cooperation between the two, not just co-ordination. The faint light slowly radiated out, and everyone on the field opened his eyes wide.

Especially the few people who knew the truth, such as Tezuka Guoguang and Fujisuke, almost held their breath!

There is no realm! !

Xuejian and Xiyao used the selfless state at the same time!

The two people who are already super powerful, after the double superposition of [No Self Realm] and [Synchronization], it is simply unpredictable!

At this time, even if Tezuka and Fuji are united in doubles, they are not sure to win this one!

"This ... deceptive."

Kikumaru Hideji clenched the racket and never felt such a huge pressure.

Although I have watched Chu Tian's women's tennis team, but when I really face it, I can understand their horror. That kind of natural temperament, impeccable dead ends, simply copper walls and iron walls!

"Erji, don't panic, take your time."

Dashi smiled.

"Yep, got it!"

The two nodded.

At this time, it is useless to be nervous. To knock down each other is the only purpose in the hearts of the two!

Kikumaru Hideji tossed the tennis ball and quickly aimed at the opponent's attack on the court, a very fast ball! Xuejian and Xiyao, who have entered the same state, are no longer able to use tactics to interfere with them. The only way is to defeat it head-on!

Xue saw a grin, and didn't take it seriously.

"Sister Xi Yao, give me this ball!"

Xue saw thousands of briskly, and his fiery red shirt dazzled his eyes.

The crystal jade hand stretched out as if it were a white tennis racket. With such a delicate and white arm, a light wave makes it hard to believe how violent tennis will be played!

Boom! !

Tennis is surprisingly fast!

Surprisingly tricky!

Hitting directly at Jumaru's footsteps is a tricky angle. Kikumaru Hideji lifted his feet, reached out, and hit back in a very strange and indecent pose!

Kikumaru Hideji's tennis is all kinds and flexible.

It's not too much to say that it's a juggling master!

"Eng Er, good job!"

Dashi went online quickly and was just preparing to fight back. But at this time, Xi Yao in the distance suddenly moved.

Although it is exactly the same as Xue, like twins. But Xi Yao, who is still like a son, feels even more ... unfathomable!

The slim jade hand swayed gently.


Tennis is like a soft wind, fluttering, very fast speed, but it does not make people feel the slightest power, and falls lightly behind the two of Dashi ...

[15: 0! 】

"Just that was ... using the airflow of the wind, the rotation of the ball, no, that's just not possible. It must have a very high ball control ability and predictive ability. This calm atmosphere, which is very different from the ball speed, How it was done, how to calculate this data ... It ’s terrifying, it ’s hard to prevent ... "

Gan Zhenzhi standing outside the stadium, holding a small book, analyzed.

Gan Zhenzhi felt that he had to reposition the opponent's strength again.


[30: 0! 】

"What, so fast !?"

Gan Zhenzhi hurried back to God and found out that it was Chu Tian's girlfriend named Xi Yao who seemed to have used some strange stunts and scored in one go.

Gan Zhenzhi quickly seized the opportunity to watch his opponent. Record everyone's tennis information and play well ...


[40: 0! 】


[6: 0! In this round, Xue Jian and Xi Yao won! The next doubles starts three minutes later, please prepare for both sides! ] ...

Dashi and Kikumaru both have almost no physical exertion, and they have no chance at all!

too strong!

Two opponents without my realm, and they are still very good at using fire. For the two, it is too early and too early! In addition, there is a co-ordinated increase, the strength is very different!

In just ten minutes, they have lost.


"Tezuka, sorry, we lost--"

As the deputy captain, Dashi was very guilty in the first game. Moreover, he lost with a huge score of 6: 0, the opponent is still a girl, what is that ...

"No need to apologize, you have tried your best. The selfless state is too early for you. This team of Chu Tian is much more powerful than we expected. Just try your best."

Tezuka said seriously.

The two no longer speak much.

In this competition, Kikumaru and the two thoroughly understood the high-level doubles. Although they lost, they also grew a lot and learned a lot.

Next game ...

Haitang Kaoru and Taocheng Wu doubles.

Of course, the results needless to say.

Even the doubles of Jujumaru and Dashi were completely abused, and the doubles of Begonia are even more terrible. Fortunately, the opponents are everyone and bellflower, two kinder witches, with good intentions, the game was delayed for a while, although it is still 6: 0, but at least it is not a second kill ...

Then, the singles finally arrived!

The third singles, Echizen Ryoma, against Longkui!

Echizen Ryoma was full of confidence, and since he was abused by Chu Tian, ​​he has always been wary! With the B-word just practiced shortly before, he walked onto the field.

Holding the tennis racket tightly, Echizen Ryoma will not be because the other party is a girl-this is the girlfriend who beat him! Seeing them, Echizen Ryoma thought of Chu Tian who had abused him!

"Hey, Sister. This time, I must win! Chu Tian, ​​I will beat sooner or later." Echizen raised the racket, and said impolitely to Longkui.

The little Echizen Ryoma didn't know how to be polite to the girl. What's more, Echizen Ryoma knows that Chu Tian's girlfriends are all tennis masters, but he is looking forward to a wonderful game.

Nightshade smiled faintly.

The sweet smile makes the heart warm like sunshine.

"Well, little brother, work hard!"

Longkui softly encouraged.

At this time, even Echizen Ryoma suddenly froze. Such a gentle big sister, he pointed with a tennis racket, wouldn't it ... too rude?

Then a red awn flashed through the eyes of the nightshade. In a flash, the nightshade switched from the blue sunflower to the character of the red sunflower. I was just thinking that this big sister is really gentle, Echizen Ryoma. Where can I get it, I am about to usher in the second fiasco in my life ...

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