Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 43: Crack three kinds of hit back (2/7)

"I will win this round."

Fu Zhou said with a smile.

Fuji picked up the tennis racket and walked towards the front court. Calm footsteps and serious face. Today's two weeks' help seems to be different from usual, and there have been huge changes.

The two-week help that has never put victory or defeat in mind, today, there is a strong desire to win.

If you lose like this, the tennis department of the Youth Academy might be completely defeated!

"Um, Xiaokui! Good look! Echizen Ryoma is a little bit worse than you, Xiaokui!

On Chu Tian's side, Longkui, who had just won the game, was warmly welcomed by the women. Chu Tian pulled the nightshade and hugged it in his arms, feeling the delicate body.

After taking a sip on Longkui's face, Longkui buried his head in Chu Tian's arms, shyly. Although this is a modern society, after all, the two are nominally junior high school students.

But Chu Tian doesn't care.

Put the nightshade in your arms, soft and soft, soft body, soft and soft, light fragrance refreshing. Chu Tianba played with the tender tender hands of Longkuai, and felt the eyes of the five people throwing the earth around him, more fluttering!

Junior high school students with such a big harem can also break the Guinness record!

"Brother Tian, ​​the next one is Sister Xun'er."

Long Kui whispered after resting in Chu Tian's arms for a while.

Chu Tian hugged Longkui and said, "Yeah, Xun'er has played. The opponent is a genius who is not a helper. If I had to play against Tezuka, I would like to play against him!"

Turning his head, Chu Tian and Xun'er said: "Well, Xun'er, how long do you plan to solve?"

Wearing a light green long skirt, Xun'er blooms like a lotus. Smart eyes blinked, and a faint pear vortex emerged on Xun'er's cheek: "I think ... first broke his three hits."

Playful smiled towards Chu Tian, ​​Xun'er Yingying got up, picked up the racket and walked to the far court ...

This is the battle of genius fall!


[In this round, Miss Xun'er, the second tennis department of the Youth Academy, played against the Tennis Department of the Youth Academy for two weeks. A match will be won and started, start! 】 On the court, Fu Zhou has picked up the tennis ball and is ready to attack.

The person opposite is a woman, but after seeing the crushing competition in front of Echizen, no one will use appearance to measure the strength of the people in Chu Tian's team!

Xun'er, very strong.

Just from this faint, unhurried temperament, you can feel it within two weeks.

If you do not go all out, you will lose miserably.

Even if one is not careful, it will lose!

Be sure to work hard! !

Without a word, Zhou Shuzhu didn't say a word, picked up the tennis ball, quickly tossed it, pointed at the corner of Xun'er's court, and swung in a flash!


The angle is tricky, the position of the ball is also very low, even a little scary, straight to the bottom line! Serves of this level are no longer mastered by ordinary junior high school students!

"Mysterious fighting skills, a thousand ghosts."

Xun'er said to himself.

The body moved in an instant.

It's obviously very fast, but it looks beautiful and moving like Xu Xing. Xun'er didn't panic, and slowly came to the tennis landing.

"——Fuck! Xun'er, have you learned to foul?" Chu Tian from the distance said.

"I just borrowed the body method and did not use any energy of arrogance. It was still performed with the power of mortals. It is not a foul."

Xun'er's mouth was light, and he smiled.

After all, it ’s a girl. If you run wildly, it ’s not in line with the character of Xun'er. In front of Chu Tian, ​​Xun'er always wants to show the most beautiful self.

Lianbu moved lightly, and the pale green figure of Xun'er seemed to be divided into ten in a flash! The jade arm was raised slowly, and no powerful tricks were used.


The goal of the two-week help was gently hit back.

It was a little weird that the opposite Fusuke helped quickly catch up with Kaoru's goal and hit back!

"too slow."

Xun'er smiled faintly.

Reappearing the body of Thousand Shadows again, catching up quickly.


[15: 0! 】

Xun'er successfully scored a goal.

However, the expression of Fu Zhouzhu was somewhat serious. Holding the tennis ball in her hand, she said to herself: "Her strength is indeed very strong, but the ball just now seems to have been deliberately drained? Xun'er's game, from A Gan's statistics, has been very fierce Yes. Do this time ... "

"She's waiting for my three kinds of hits!"

It did n’t take a moment for Zhousuke to understand!

Waiting for his three hits and then knocking him down is the idea of ​​Xun'er! It took two weeks to help breathe, and my heart ignited an unprecedented war intention!

"Since that is the case, then, as you wish."

In two weeks, he helped hold the tennis ball and tossed it gently. However, Fuji's move of throwing tennis this time is completely different from that of ordinary people!

When he tossed the ball, he added the power of rotation to it!

Feiyan returns to the nest!

Use the opponent's high-speed spin ball to change to the outer spin ball, so that the ball no longer bounces after landing, but moves along the path of parallel ground, like a swallow flying!

This is a stunt issued by the opponent's ball! Therefore, there are only three kinds of "back hits"! In the serve phase, it is impossible to make it out!

But now, the two weeks help added the rotation to the tennis ball at the beginning, which means that even the serving game can use the move of flying the swallow and returning the nest!

"Boom !!!"

Although it didn't take two swings, the tennis ball flew quickly and landed! Then the little tennis ball moved forward at a very low height along the ground!

Everyone in Qingxue stood up one after another! The best Feiyan returned to the nest and was actually used in the serve! No, really serious!

Xun'er looked at this strange ball and smiled. It doesn't seem to be anxious at all. Lian Bu moved slightly, and fluttered to meet him in an instant.

A faint, lost voice came from Xun'er's mouth ...

"Very average ball, but the position is lower ..."

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