Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 55: The game is coming, the new weather of the Tennis Department (Supplement 2)

In mid-May, the weather gradually became warmer.

The horn of the Kanto contest finally finally approached in the expectation of everyone.

All the academies have stopped high-intensity intense training and entered the pre-match relaxation phase, preparing to obtain the national competition tickets in the most perfect state. Youth Academy, Bingdi Academy, Fudofeng Middle School, Shanbui Middle School, the gathering of the strong, compared to the General Assembly, this time, it is the fire that tests the true gold ...

Youth Academy.

Chu Tian's Beauty Tennis Department.

The indoor tennis court is clean and free of dust. Chu Tian, ​​the base camp of the Beauty Tennis Club, reinvented her power, which is simply a fairyland on earth.

A piece of Yingyingyanyan, laughter and laughter, the members of the tennis club run and chase here, playing various games.

Although it is a tennis court, volleyball, badminton and even a mahjong room are available. All the girls laughed freely and relaxedly here ...




A sound of tennis came from the court.

A super beauty, playing tennis on the tennis court. The technology is superb and dazzling.

On the court closest to Chu Tian, ​​Tang Xing was wearing a school uniform for youth, sweating heavily and playing a tennis singles.

Ju Xing was already a little bit of a tennis player, and with the help of Chu Tian, ​​a super-god figure, tennis technology is advancing by leaps and bounds. Now, there is already a national competition level.

At least, like Sakura, there is no realm, it can be used flexibly ...


Tang Xing waved again.

A ray of light is blooming in the hand, and all the power is concentrated in the right hand of orange, the opponent's ball is doubled with double strength, double rotation, double speed, and so on, counterattack back!

This is the second door in the realm of selflessness, [the ultimate of a thousand hammers]!

The ball is extremely fast and extremely fierce, like a wild horse running away towards the opposite side. Regardless of strength, angle, this ball is great! Compared to the orange apricots a few days ago, it's so different.

What Chu Tian appreciates more is that the beauty is full of youthful movements when swinging. Xiang Khan's dripping expression made Chu Tianse's heart move. Tang Xing's pair of beautiful jade legs run rhythmically in the square. This is not a competition, this is dance!

A pile of snow rabbits rose and fell with violent movements. Chu Tian is considering when to help the orange apricot development. The relationship between the two is almost the same, something strong should be possible ... Chu Tian is again dirty.

Oh, I forgot to say. Ju Xing is no longer a student of Mount Fong. Not long ago, because of Ju Jiping's consent, Chu Tian went through the transfer procedure for Ju Xing. Ju Xing never moved to the peak and moved to Qing Xue. Now, Tang Xing is the alternate candidate for Chu Tian's beauty team and a cheerleader ...

Boom! !

After a fierce slam, Orange's opponent, Asuna, jumped high and quickly scored with a quick return. Orange Xing's tremendous refinement was severely suppressed!

"Xing, this ball is really good, but it would be better if the angle is lower!" Asuna long hair fluttered, pointing with a smile.

The two women practiced and taught while talking and laughing, the atmosphere was very harmonious ...

Chu Tian's eyes glanced east and west, looking pleased.

"Senior Chu Tian, ​​how is my trick like this?"

In the distance was another cheerful voice.

A cheerful young girl also wearing a youth school uniform, with a delicate figure and a small exquisite figure, although a little carefree, could not conceal her youthful beauty. This is a good friend of Ryugasaki Sakuno, Tomoka.

Because of Sakura, I just joined the tennis club. After seeing Chu Tian's handsomeness and extraordinary conversation, he immediately became a **** fan of Chu Tian. Cheerleaders, once again add an active member.

Don't look at other tennis teams training hard, Chu Tian is constantly recruiting new ones!

Chu Tian waved his hand, revealing a handsome smile: "Well, very good, very good. Tomoka, continue to work hard! Sakura's ball skills are much better than yours, so ask for more."

"Yes! Seniors-ah! Another goal was dropped!"

The distracted Pengxiang lost another point from Ryugasaki's hands.

After pouting, Xiaopeng blinked at Chu Tian with embarrassment. I was ugly just after being praised by the seniors.

Straightening the racket, Peng Xiang said seriously: "Sakura no, come again. I will work hard for the seniors!"

It was her friend, Ryugasaki Sakuno, who was fighting Pengxiang. Long Qiying was wearing a pink dress, which Chu Tian had just bought for her. Although the clothing is a bit unsuitable for playing tennis, the skills still crush Pengxiang.

Since Chu Tian has been instructed several times alone, Ryuzaki's tennis skills can already be said to be against the sky. All three doors of the Selfless Realm can be opened. It's just that it's not very familiar.

"Well, Pengxiang, let's work together!"

Ying Nai smiled.

I looked at Chu Tian in the distance and saw Chu Tian's eyes. Ryuki Sakura looked red again ...

Ryuzaki Sakura is still shy as always ...

"Chu Tian, ​​have you decided? The list of matches."

Another big beauty came over.

Orange hair, tall and tall, with a sense of spiciness. Red Yanyan's lips made people unable to take a sip.

Zhi Shazhi, the beautiful female reporter in the "Professional Tennis Monthly", was greeted by Chu Tian and the upper class, and was finally dug by Chu Tian. Today, Zhi Shazhi serves as an exclusive reporter for the Beauty Tennis Department, publishes some articles related to it, and guest cheerleaders ...

Orange apricot, Pengxiang, Zhishazhi. These are just a few representative people. During this period, Chu Tian has recruited many new members. The total number of the second tennis department of the Youth Academy has reached more than 4,000. Chu Tian has always been conscientious and dedicated, and strives to do his duty as a minister ...

"It's almost decided. I said hello to the National Sports Department. This game, regardless of winning or losing, will have to finish five games, how?"

Chu Tian smiled and hugged Zhisha Zhi into his arms, taking a sip on Xiang Yan's lips.

There is nothing obstructing Zhisha weaving. It was n’t originally a small girl like Orange Apricot or Sakura. Since she likes Chutian, she does n’t need to be too hypocritical. Take out a piece of paper from the bag, which says the battle quota of this Kanto contest ...

"This is up to you." Zhisha Zhi said with a smile, the form in the hands of the viewer, "Our tennis team, the goal of the first game is ... Ice Emperor Academy. It will start tomorrow. Chutian, ready ?"

"One hundred percent victory."

Just now I'm going to come to another KISS. Yuki, Ryoko Takeuchi, Xuejian, Baguio in the distance rushed over, and Yingyingyanyan, Chutian was buried in the beautiful ocean ...

①: Ju Jiping was controlled by Chu Tian, ​​as mentioned before.



Yesterday ’s update was only 1 and it was my fault. Forgive yesterday ’s scum update. For the author ’s fungus overnight, it started to break out today! ! Make up, at least 7 more ~

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