Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 60: Huadi's learning ability, Asuna's analytical ability (3/5)

【Asuna Picture】

Asuna stood on the court with her arms long, chestnut long hair fluttering in the wind.

A cool red and white sportswear was worn on the body to set off Asuna's youthful and energetic body. Narrow and long jade legs, tall body.

And her eyes, Ling Ran, were radiant, heroic and cool.

Asuna held the racket, her eyes shining, and she looked at the opposite Birchfield with full of spirit. Thinking back then, she was also a hero in the female middle school, and she fought on the brink of life and death. It has been a long time since this **** struggle. Asuna is also looking forward to this tennis match.

"Be careful."

Asuna bent her knees slightly, reminding.

After spending so many years with Chu Tian, ​​Asuna naturally learned all kinds of Taoism, abilities, and so on, and the messy things in various worlds. Or, even with experience alone, it is very powerful.

Remind Huadi, because if you are not careful, you will hurt him.

Tennis was thrown high by Asuna.

Asuna flicked the racket with lightning!

Boom! !

Tennis flies swiftly, very fast and even, even with all the energy to observe, you can only feel a faint yellow light. The speed of the ball is too fast, too fast, the opposite Huadi is too late to react, and the tennis ball has already passed by the Huadi!


[0:15! 】

"Why! Huadi didn't respond!"

"Impossible, who is this girl! What speed is this!"

"Although Huadi looks silly, in fact, he is extremely talented in tennis. He has simple thinking, but he is easier to master many complicated stunts than normal people. Physical strength, endurance, speed, are first-class It ’s impossible to lose so easily. "


"Look, Huadi, will fight back." Jibu finally said.

However, despite this, Jibu felt a little worried.

Because the girl named Asuna, compared with other members of the Chutian team, has a more serious and serious temperament. That kind of momentum even made Jibu feel almost dizzy.

This girl ... killed someone?

Do not! How could it be a joke! It's just that the momentum is stronger, and the personality is stronger, how is it possible? Jibu watched the changes on the field and waited.

The birch is so powerful that the traces are clear. Sometimes the trace department is envious of Huadi's talent. It's just that Huadi's brain is too bad, lacking strategic vision. This is fatal in a tennis match ...


Another rushing light flashed through, and Asuna's serve was very fast, so fast that she couldn't catch it! In the former SAO, Asuna has the title of "Flash Asuna", swordsmanship is extremely fast, and it is also famous among players. The amazing speed is a great advantage of Asuna.

The tennis ball landed quickly after rushing, and Asuna scored again!

[30: 0! 】


[40: 0! 】


[In this scene, Miss Asuna wins, the score is 1: 0! 】


with no doubt!

However, Huadi did not receive the ball. But from the first ball's motionless motion, to the last ball, Huadi has been able to determine the ball's point of fall and gradually moved towards the tennis ball's point of fall.

The last ball was only a little short and Huadi received it.

This time, it was Huachi's turn to serve.

The dull eyes looked at the front indifferently, as if thinking about something.

Hua Di froze for a moment, and slowly moved. Throw the tennis ball high and the racket slowly moves to the back of the head. Swing quickly at the moment the tennis ball is about to fall!

Quick action!

Even, exactly the same as Asuna on the opposite side!

Tennis also flew towards Asuna's court as quickly as Asuna's first serve! The speed is very fast, even fierce, and even, because Huadi is a boy, he has a lot of energy, and this ball's trick is even more powerful!

No matter how complicated the moves are, you can learn them by looking at them. In the original book, even the ultimate, tetsuka field, which had been thoroughly refined, was learned by Huadi. Huadi's congenital defects in some aspects, in exchange for his powerful learning ability!


Tennis landing!

The people of the Ice Emperor Academy shouted out. As long as Huadi plays in a step-by-step manner, few people can beat him! Huadi's will not be flexible, but the pure strength is very strong!

"Um? Actually learned?"

Asuna's eyes flicked.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Asuna ran quickly to the place where the tennis ball landed, and gently raised the racket. For Hua Di's attack, it seems that he did not care at all.

After all, it's my own trick, knowing everything, just serving, nothing. Asuna raised her racket disdainfully and hit the ball quickly!


Tennis flying fast, with a violent shock, galloping across the opposite side!

When passing the middle block, the tennis ball collided again, and the frequency of vibration was even greater! Shake left and right, chasing up and down! A small tennis ball changes multiple directions in a flash, forming many phantoms. And the amplitude is so large that the tennis racket cannot hold all the phantoms!

With a hula, a quick ball passed past Birch's racket.

[15: 0! 】

The referee's voice rang again.

With a hint of smile and coolness, Asuna put her racket on her shoulders, her eyes gleaming with wisdom.

Asuna was in the Raiders group, but the commander! Asa ’s weaknesses, Asuna bit by bit, all analyzed: “First, your learning ability is very strong. You can learn it by simple moves, and by looking at it more complex times, but you can also learn. Fatal weakness, poor strategic ability. A small amount of subtlety can make you lose the game. However, I still disdain to do such a thing. "

"Second, although I can learn quickly, there are only a few back and forth in a game. After 24 new skills, the game is over. Or, with a few complicated skills, two or three are enough. That ’s it. My skills are many. "

Asuna smiled lightly and continued:

"Also, thirdly, the harder the skill, the longer you need to learn. Your learning ability is limited and there can be no end. Not all skills can make you imitate the past, if it is complicated enough Degree, even if you take another 10,000 times, you will never learn. For example-"

Asuna gently raised the racket.

Elegant manners, with an awe-inspiring fighting spirit!

Everyone on the court looked at Asuna in shock. You can see so much in just a moment! What a meticulous mind and brain!

Even the self-proclaimed traces that see through all the weak points are horrified at this time! I have to admit that this girl's analytical skills are too strong! Above him! Huadi, I'm afraid I lost!

Asuna lifted her tennis ball and greeted Birch's serve with a calm look.

The tennis racket vibrated slightly, two words that shocked and familiar everyone, slowly spit out from Asuna's mouth ...

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