Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 67: No undefeated moves, only undefeated people (5/5)

"Boom !!!"

The sound of the explosion appeared behind the trace.

There are no traces in the air, because Chu Tian used "vacancy", so no one can observe this ball.

After the tennis ball landed, the track did not respond. Too fast, too fast for him to react, and no time to observe Chu Tian's movements, and then predict the ball's falling point-no! Even if the landing point is predicted, it is difficult to receive such a fast ball at the speed of the track!

The referee was stunned for a long time. It seemed that he didn't know what happened on the court. The yellow tennis ball suddenly appeared on the track of the track department, and did not know whether it was out of bounds, let alone how it passed ...

"——The referee, 30: 0, don't forget to score," Chu Tian turned his head and said to the referee. "If you have any questions, just watch the video."

The referee looked pale for a moment, and dare to question where he was, quickly hurriedly waved: "No, no! Mr. Chu Tian laughed, how could Mr. Chu Tian lie, this, this ball, Chu Tian scores! Score, 30: 0! "



After a few shots, Chu Tian swung again!

Boom! ! !

The space squeezes instantly, the tennis ball is completely invisible, empty!

The tennis ball rushed at a rapid speed, suddenly exploded at the left corner of the track, and the tennis ball jumped out. The track still stood stunned, too late to react.

too fast.

Chu Tian's goal was too fast too fast.

[Chu Tian score, 40: 0! 】

"How, why? The ball is too fast to keep up. No, not only that, this ball is already very strong, even if there is no concealment, it is difficult for me to receive ..."

"... Void, Vague, I get it, I get it, that's what it is, so it is!"

Suji suddenly raised his head tremblingly.

Staring at Chu Tian for a long time, the insight of the trace department once again exerted a powerful effect. But this time, after seeing through the facts, Kibu felt an unprecedented powerlessness ...

The vacant trajectory can be predicted.

However, if you increase the speed of Void again, or join other stunts, the power will be doubled, and the track will not be connected! It's not that you can't crack the void, but that you can't crack the superimposed ball skills!

If any kind of powerful ball skills hides its trajectory and becomes undetectable, the difficulty will increase several times! Even, COOL-DRIVE, zero short ball, etc., all the ball skills can be superimposed with the air and hidden!

[Empty] is not a simple game, but a way to hit the ball!

Any moves can be combined with it!

He took a deep breath and said: "Is ... is that right? [Void], including your [Don't Jump], can be superimposed with any ball skills, thereby ... increasing power.

In the tone of the trace department, with a little doubt, it seemed to wait for Chu Tian's affirmative answer.

In fact, the track department has already confirmed it, but this result is undoubtedly too scary. Such a ball skill is simply difficult to deal with ...

"Huh? Did you guess?"

Chu Tian paused, looking at the trace department quite unexpectedly.

The strength of the three-way pitball is not just the skill itself.

Rather, the huge universality that can be used almost any time! Serving, high hanging ball, volley ball, hanging short ball, etc., all types, all stunts, can add three types.

Balls that can't be received by A +.

Skill B + ball that can't be returned.

Either way, it will become incredibly difficult. From the beginning, Chu Tian created these three skills to prepare for the national competition.

Three strokes, enough!

Chu Tian shook his racket and said with appreciation: "You are right, the three styles can indeed be superimposed with most of the moves. The three styles, to be precise, are an extremely exquisite hitting method, as long as the skill reaches this level. Any move can be integrated into these three changes. You ca n’t fight back, you ca n’t take it, hey, if you think that the pit I think is only such a pit, then you ’re wrong. "

"Look through the void? No, I expected it from the beginning. The void was cracked? I have never worried about it. It is not necessary. There is no skill that cannot be cracked in this world. The key lies in the person who uses the skill. "

"Flexible use, the most superficial moves, can also be invincible."

A gust of wind rose.

Chu Tian threw up the tennis ball.

The tennis ball was spinning in the air. After Chu Tian's bang, he quickly passed towards the opposite track, the space was compressed and twisted, and the tennis ball gradually changed-

The ball disappeared.


The trace department on the opposite side still did not give up. Based on his super insight, he hurried to the empty place. In this competition, the track department has improved a lot, he has never given up--


Kojibu swings violently!

Hit it!

Hit the ball!

Tennis flew forward, one meter, two meters, three meters.

Then, a more terrifying scene happened.

After halfway through the ball, the ball suddenly stood still in the air and then dropped vertically.

This is the ball that cannot be played back, [Do not jump].

Void and non-jumping, two almost anti-sky skills, actually merged into a ball ...

【competition is over! The score, 6: 0, Chu Tian won! 】

"Long live His Highness Chu Tian! Long live His Highness Chu Tian! ..."

"Senior, mighty! Senior, mighty! Senior, mighty! ..."

"Ah, senior, you are so handsome! Our three cheerleaders will always support you ..."


The cheers of Square North were overwhelmed, and Chu Tian raised his hands to greet the cheerleaders in the auditorium with a smile on his face. In the distance, Ryugasaki Sakuno trot forward, blushing, and handed towels to Chu Tian.

Longkui, Xuejian, Asuna, and Baguio also all gave thumbs up to Chu Tian ...

Five games 6: 0, Chu Tian's beauty team, victory!


A lot later than expected, sleepy, code word turtle speed ,,

Sleeping bird, next update, around 3pm tomorrow.

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