Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 73: Tezuka's breakthrough, Chu Tian's explanation (1/4)


A quick ball ran towards the surviving opposite quickly!

The Tezuka field unfolds in an instant. The surrounding areas have become the territory of Tezuka. At the beginning, Tezuka went all out to face off with Xingcun.

Concentrated, looking at the opposite Xingcun.

"Tezuka, your strength is still so strong, I really look forward to it. However, the one who won this time must be me."

In Xingcun's eyes, in addition to self-confidence, he is still confident.

Quickly catch up with Tezuka's serve, Xingcun raised the racket and waved!


Corner interception!

Komura's counterattack is perfect! Every movement, every opportunity, is properly grasped, and no flaws can be picked out!

Xingcun does not have any fancy tricks, and never uses those tricky ball skills such as B-word drawing and flying swallows to return to the nest. Because of any ball skills, Xingcun can perfectly crack. No matter from which angle, no matter what kind of strength and speed, Xingcun can take it perfectly.

All the tricks are ineffective in front of Komura's fine city.

Fortunately, the powerful strength of Xingcun gave him a horrible nickname-"Son of God".


The opposite Tezuka also made a counterattack in a flash.

A ray of light rose in the body of the hand, and the state of the hand entered the strongest mode in an instant. [The ultimate of a thousand hammers and hardships], the second door of the selfless realm, open!

[Tezuka area], also opened at the same time. Komura's tennis ball came along quickly along an arc toward Tezuka, but couldn't escape Tezuka's capture. The whole body of strength in Tezuka was all concentrated in the right hand. Target Xingcun ’s tennis and fight back!

"Boom !!"

Tennis rushed out quickly!

Double the power!

Spin back twice!

Tezuka's tremendous virtuosity is the ultimate. If there is a frontal battle, almost no one in junior high school can understand it. This is the level of selflessness that can only be achieved by having huge experience, so it is called the ultimate of hard work! Return all your skills twice!

The ball is extremely fast, extremely fierce, and rushes towards Komura City!


Komura also caught up with Tezuka's counterattack.

The field of Tezuka, coupled with the ultimate in perfection, is almost a perfect match. As long as any ball is hit back, it will become double power, even Xingcun has to be afraid.

"Although I really want to say that it is enough not to let you fight back, but this kind of thing is not so simple. Tezuka, it really is a powerful man. But—"

Komura's fine-tuned tone changes, swings, and hits back!

Boom! !

Tennis landing!

Komura scores!

Tezuka stood stunned on the field, unresponsive.

Xingcun turned around confidently, and the audience all shouted the name of Lihai Da fiercely. What Xingcun Jingshi had to do was to defeat Tezuka in the strongest state!

Chu Tian defeated Tezuka with a score of 6: 0.

For Kosumi Seiki, all you have to do is show the strength of Chu Tian before the final, and defeat Tezuka with crushing power! To mobilize the confidence of the people in Lihai and to do everything for the three consecutive hegemons of Lihai, this is what he should do as a minister!

I really want to fight with Tezuka for a while, but for the sake of Lihai ’s three-match company, Xingcun used his stunt from the beginning-

Five senses deprived!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Xingcun scored!"

"Out of bounds! Komura City scores!"

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

[Xingcun score, score, 4: 0! 】

The competition was fiercely one-sided.

Even if it is stronger than Tezuka, it is impossible to catch these **** when all five senses disappear. This is the second time Tezuka has fallen into this dilemma since losing to Chu Tian.

However, Tezuka was not afraid. There is no fear of failure.

The battle with Chu Tian made Tezuka move to a higher peak. Tezuka's pursuit of tennis has gradually shifted from "playing for the victory of youth", and slowly turning to "playing to defeat strong enemies and experience fun."

The tennis of Tezuka has undergone a powerful transformation. The thick and thin Tezuka needs only one opportunity to explode completely ...

And now, this is the time ...


[Tezuka score, 40:15! 】

At the crucial moment of the game entering 5: 0, when Komura was only one point away to win, Tezuka suddenly scored! No one expected it, and even Xingcun was surprised!

The ball was fast, and fortunately the village was unable to respond.

On Tezuka's body, a powerful momentum erupted, the light unceasingly blooming, full of strange charm, both the sense of strength of "the ultimate of a thousand hammers and refinements", and the sense of precision of "the ultimate of radiance" Tezuka broke away from the state of deprivation of the five senses and entered a higher level ...

"Xingcun, go on."

Tezuka slowly turned around and walked towards the back of the court.

The sudden change of Tezuka made the entire venue of the game overwhelmed by pressure. The invincible Son of God seems to be ushering in defeat ...


"How is it possible! Minister Xingcun, Minister Xingcun was suppressed!"

"The score is already 5: 3, the minister is not Tezuka's opponent at all!"

"Tezuka is really a terrible man. It broke through at the last minute. It's unbelievable. Minister ... Can the minister lose?"

"Our Minister of Youth Studies is very strong."


The people of Lihai University were shocked, and the people of Qingxue were proud of their ministers. No one could imagine that the game actually reversed. Although Qingxue lost to Lihai University, if Tezuka won the minister of Lihai University, this is enough to prove the strength of Qingxue!

However, everyone is more interested in what is Tezuka's trick.

It seems to be a selfless state, but no one has ever seen ...

"Chu Tian? You are here too! It seems that your game is over. By the way, Chu Tian, ​​do you know what Tezuka's trick is? It looks so powerful!" Hemura said excitedly, for Tezuka's move , Very curious. As soon as Chu Tian was discovered, he could not wait to ask.

In the eyes of everyone, Chu Tian is a person who knows almost everything. If there are any problems, of course everyone asks him. At the same time, everyone at Lihai Da turned around and looked at Chu Tian.

Chu Tian nodded and explained with a smile: "This is also a kind of egoless state. It is just a deeper state in egoless state. The egoless state is actually a subconscious reaction, a physical reaction. . This, Echizen should know it. Well, after going deep into the realm of selflessness, there are three doors. "

"Three fans?"

Fu Zhou asked with great interest.

Echizen Ryoma also listened with great interest. He remembered that the current state of Tezuka was used by Chu Tian when he confronted him ...

Chu Tian is absolutely very familiar with this state!

Chu Tian explained: "Yes, three fans. Tezuka's [the ultimate of a thousand hammers], through countless training, a huge accumulation of experience can only reach the point. Concentrate the power of selflessness in the left hand, all the stunts double back. use."

"And in contrast to [the ultimate in perfection], another door is called [the extreme in talent]. This is the effect of the brain running to the extreme. When there is no fighting, the result of the game can be simulated, thus Be the realm of 'prediction competition.' "

"As for the last one—"

Chu Tian looked at Echizen Ryoma, smiled, and said:

"The highest level of the egoless realm, [the ultimate in seamless clothing]. The first person to reach this realm at that time was Echizen Minajiro, known as the samurai. That is, the father of Ryoma. This realm would be egoless. Power erupts in the most scientific, effective, and wasteless way, reaching a level that ordinary people cannot understand. To a certain extent, it can be seen as a combination of painstaking effort and brilliance. If you want to explain the principle, um, I will start with biology Let me talk to you from the perspective of physics. If you do n’t understand it, forget it ... "

After a long talk, everyone was stunned by Chu Tian.

The ultimate seamlessness is already in the category of non-human, and this game of Xingcun has lost!

Of course, even more terrifying is that this kind of mysterious and mysterious thing, Chu Tian actually explained it with knowledge in many fields such as physics, psychology, biology and so on! ? It should be said that it is a winner of the Nobel Prize? The whole school of humanity without humanity ...

[End of the game, 7: 5, Tezuka wins! 】

Just after Chu Tian explained, the outcome of this game has come out. After the breakthrough, Tezuka defeated Komura, almost a crushing strength ...

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